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Tealc's hooman

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Everything posted by Tealc's hooman

  1. Again - thanks a lot! I'll contact Jet Pets to see what they recommend. I'm not desperate yet as we have no actual plans to go back. But If it happens it will happen fast and I thought I would better get it out of the way esp if you have to wait for 6 Month after the injection... I admit I'm just starting looking into the whole thing and it is rather confusing as it sounds now like I don't have to wait for 6 month going into the EU?
  2. Thanks to all of you for your help! I have called a few vets and they all can now get hold of the "human vaccine" which contains 10 doses. But only one agreed to get a few people together instead of charging more money... SO IF THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE IN THE SYDNEY AREA WHO IS IN THE SAME SITUATION - MAYBE WE CAN GET TOGETHER? @Tim's Mum: I have the same issue - the reason we need the needle is that we MAYBE are going back to Germany. Now - there is rabies in Germany but not in Australia. I don't understand why we need the injection coming from a rabies free country. It would be more then enough to do it once we are in Germany for maybe 30 Euro instead of $650. But I guess there is nothing you can do...
  3. Hi everyone! Maybe it has been discussed before but there is a rabies vaccine shortage in Australia Apparently the manufacturer is to blame. But blaming doesn't really help as it wont get my dog vaccinated. Now I have been told by my vet that she can get the vaccine they produce for humans but at a cost of $340 plus $307 for the blood check. Usually it would cost $100!!!! Has anyone any ideas about this "shortage"? Will it be over soon?! Thanks heaps!
  4. I'm with Pawprints on this one!!! I would have probably picked up a stick myself and gotten into trouble for attacking an old, helpless woman... The law goes sometimes strange ways in situations like that The worst thing - that's how cool dogs can change into scared dogs I hope the both of you are better now!!!!
  5. I have never seen hot spots caused by meet in my dog. I just know that some dogs are allergic to chicken skin (runny poo) because it has too much fat. So you are supposed to introduce it slowly into the diet... But Tealc's skin looks awful at this time of the year as soon as he has some fun in the grass... His grass allergy gets better when I take him to the beach afterwards. So for him the saltwater seems to make things better. @loulouB: Does it cause your dogs discomfort? Because if not I wouldn't take them to the vet to get medication either...
  6. That is in my opinion the right attitude. And I'm not one of those dog owners that have never had a difficult dog and complain about everyone. I actually had a grumpy one for 8 years and it all started when he got attacked. So for 8 years I left the park when the "happy" dogs came. I never expected anyone to get out of their way because of us. Now, back home, it was a lot easier as we have huge forests where you can walk your dog as well and not just parks. But still - the owner with the issue should say something and react appropriately.
  7. I don't think you should ever allow your dog to approach another dog without the permission of that dog's owner. But that's just me. They don't know if your dog is friendly or not. Their dog may have issues and not like being rushed - previous aggression by other dogs, and injury that can cause pain if the dog is knocked over, or may have behavioural issues that are controlled as long as the dog is not crowded. Well - I agree if the other dog is on the leash I would never let my dog approach or if the other owner says something. But in my opinion the dog owner with the issue should react... That would make things so much easier! I mean she saw me and walked past us it was not like that Teal'c came out of nowhere... The dog in this case may not have an issue, but in my opinion you should not let your dog approach someone elses dog without their explicit permission. You don't get my point ... It's about how people, not dogs behave in a public space. And to be honest: "explicit permission" kind of takes the fun away. If your dog needs "explicit permission" to be approached then don't walk it in a park with 200 other happy off leash dogs. Because if it all was about asking for "explicit permission" it would get very noisy... But hey - my first day in the forum... I better shut up. I agree with Teal'c on this one, if you don't want your dog to be approached by other in the park don't take it to an offlead park. It's kind of silly to go to a public area where you know dogs are going to be allowed offlead and expect everyone (and every dog) to keep their distance from you and your dog. I respect your opinion, but your dog is meant to be under effective control at all times, and that means you can control dog introductions. If my dog is in an on lead dog park, I don't expect evevyone to "keep their distance from me and my dog", but I do expect their dogs to be under control. I no longer take my dogs to dog parks when other dogs are using them, because too many cowboys with their untrained dogs (of all breeds) were there, and I saw too many nasty situations, including one where one of my dogs was very lucky to escape serious injury. In the latter case, my very dog friendly 6kg dog was bowled over by a completely out of control, friendly large breed dog (I won't name the breed as it is irrellevant) approaching him. His back was injured, and it took many months, a lot of money and considerable discomfort on his part to heal. The larger dog was simply brought from the car and released into the park. My dog was within 1m of me and was still injured. I still do take my dogs to dog parks, because they are the only local areas I can let my dogs run free in a large area, and I think that free exercise is important to them. However most of their exercise is on lead. I would be more than happy to have my dogs play with other dogs at such parks, if the introductions were controlled and the other owners could call their dogs out of the play at any time that things became too rough. I do let my dogs play with friend's dogs, but we can all call our dogs back when we need to. Please don't see this as a little dog / big dog bashing. I also have a large dog. I just gave an example of why uncontrolled dog greetings can be a problem, even without any agression on either side. Ok, I'm back! Sorry ... I really get your point now if you explain it this way... I would NEVER! let my dog run, let's call it "full speed", towards a little dog exactly because of what you just wrote. But that is another story... My first post about the topic was about 2 dogs the same size and 2 owners in talking distance from each other and both dogs off leash AND both dogs happily playing until the owner of the other dog started to have a go at my dog. Of course I can call my dog back if needed... Hi StaceyB - thanks for your support!
  8. I don't think you should ever allow your dog to approach another dog without the permission of that dog's owner. But that's just me. They don't know if your dog is friendly or not. Their dog may have issues and not like being rushed - previous aggression by other dogs, and injury that can cause pain if the dog is knocked over, or may have behavioural issues that are controlled as long as the dog is not crowded. Well - I agree if the other dog is on the leash I would never let my dog approach or if the other owner says something. But in my opinion the dog owner with the issue should react... That would make things so much easier! I mean she saw me and walked past us it was not like that Teal'c came out of nowhere... The dog in this case may not have an issue, but in my opinion you should not let your dog approach someone elses dog without their explicit permission. You don't get my point ... It's about how people, not dogs behave in a public space. And to be honest: "explicit permission" kind of takes the fun away. If your dog needs "explicit permission" to be approached then don't walk it in a park with 200 other happy off leash dogs. Because if it all was about asking for "explicit permission" it would get very noisy... But hey - my first day in the forum... I better shut up.
  9. I don't think you should ever allow your dog to approach another dog without the permission of that dog's owner. But that's just me. They don't know if your dog is friendly or not. Their dog may have issues and not like being rushed - previous aggression by other dogs, and injury that can cause pain if the dog is knocked over, or may have behavioural issues that are controlled as long as the dog is not crowded. Well - I agree if the other dog is on the leash I would never let my dog approach or if the other owner says something. But in my opinion the dog owner with the issue should react... That would make things so much easier! I mean she saw me and walked past us it was not like that Teal'c came out of nowhere...
  10. Thanks for the welcome! @lilli - you got a point! I guess it is not as is was "when I was young"... It can probably cause you more grief then the clean garden is worth and the kids don't learn to work for their lollies anymore. SIGH! Is it true that, in Australia, you are responsible if a burglar drowns in your pool if you haven't had a proper fence? Same kind of thing I would say...
  11. Oh - exactly the topic I was looking for! I went to my local dog park this morning and ended up in a very bad mood... There was this lady walking her dog off leash and if the dog is off leash I don't see a reason to call my friendly dog back?! So my dog went there and I said "good morning" and got no answer - that should have told me something! So Teal'c run there and her dog was happy to play but as she ignored us completely I decided to move on. When she got to the water-bowel and started filling it for her dog Teal'c run there again to drink and she shouted "NO" at him?! Waving the stick she had for her dog. So both dogs started getting excited about the stick and she kept shouting at me to call my dog back and that she will take it further in case he keeps attacking her... I lost it ;) Why are people like that? Why couldn't she just have said: Good morning - can you call your dog back my dog is not allowed to play or I'm scared of black dogs!?
  12. Hi there! I can't believe it - but after reading the forum for quite a while my first actual post is about POO! I just had a look at the poo-patrol page and it made my day!!! LOL! Anyway - to get back to the original question: I would ask the kids in the neighborhood as well. Playing with the dogs, help you (good deed) and getting maybe 10 bucks each time?! I would have done that straight away when I was little.
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