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Susan W

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Everything posted by Susan W

  1. I usually use Drontal liquid for my pups but have recently had a problem with a Toy poodle pup. She was healthy , lively, eating well, good gum colour ( not anaemic). I had wormed the litter only 3 days before sending them to a pet shop up north.They had not passed any worms so I take it they were clean. A few days later I was contacted & told the pup had passed a worm "as long as 2 fingers" . They claimed that she died the next day . As she was healthy & free of worms when she left my place I wonder if she had ingested worms that another pup had passed after leaving my place . Has anyone else had experience with this type of thing ? Or is this a sign that worms are becoming resistant.
  2. I am interested in contacting any dog breeders / owners who have been feeding their dogs Cobber. I am a member of a group of dog breeders who have had serious health issues including - abortions, deformed pups, immune suppression in pups, infertility in bitches & dogs, renal ( kidney) failure in pups, rectal prolapse in pups, puppies dying immediately after vaccination, adult dogs dying from de-hydration despite access to good water, pups suffering excessively from heat stress - sometimes leading to death. We live in 3 different towns up to 250kms apart.The only common factor is cobber. We are wondering if there is anyone else out there who has had a similar experience.Please post a reply if you have
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