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Everything posted by twodoggies2001

  1. Original article here Some questionable reactions ("screaming") and comments ("it could be a child next time") but very sad nonetheless. Seriously, what would you do if two dogs, out of the blue attacked you dog without any provocation? I don't find the description of 'screaming' questionable. Admittedly, it's up to the owner to make sure the dogs are in their own backyard not roaming, and it's the dogs that will have to bear the consequences, probably euthanasia but people, including children should be able to enjoy the great outdoors without being attacked. I am hoping that you are not sympathizing with these two huskies. The problem is that people get certain breeds as a status symbol and don't know how to handle them or understand their needs. Owners should be licenced, not the dogs.
  2. When we had our standard schnauzer, Peppi and I were out walking when a fellow, who obviously didn't like dogs threatened to hit me if I didn't call my dog away. Mind you, Peppi was oblivious of his presence until he started yelling at me. Somehow Peppi understood his body language and just stood next to him baring his teeth to warn him off. He made no attempt to attack or lunge, but I have no doubt if given the command he would have. Never had any trouble from that fellow again.
  3. Correct. Which is why the people around them who can see the problem must seek help. the problem is that a lot of people don't want to 'interfere' and then there are the times that the authorities don't want to know or listen. I still maintain that when a 'hoarder' is finally caught out, instead of punishing this person or people they should be given medical treatment. I watched a show on TV last night about some people in the UK who were renting a renovated pub. He was being evicted that morning and left before the authorities arrived. He had horses and goats in the basement where there was no daylight whatsoever, several dogs, greyhounds I believe, cats, ducks, geese, and who knows whatever. The place was disgusting, covered in animal faeces and it was not just animals that lived in this house of horrors, both husband and wife together with children lived there. He got the animals out before moving himself. The RSPCA was trying to track them down. The dogs were found and naturally were in a very poor condition. Tell me he doesn't need help. The place looked like a rubbish tip but he called it home for his wife and kids too.
  4. Isn't it a great feeling? When we had a standard schnauzer he had never had any interaction with babies. When our first granddaughter was born he just took over parental duties lol. He absolutely adored her BUT we made sure that that our grandchild treated him with love and respect too. She was taught early on to be gentle etc.etc. When he left this earth, she cried and to this day, 5 years on and she's 6.5 years old, she still talks about him and how much she misses him. Obviously you have done a great job with your boy, and yes, you should be proud.
  5. Sorry, but I'll save my sympathy for the cats. My guess is most of them won't see Christmas. Me too, but people like this hoarder have some sort of a mental illness and need help as much as the poor unfortunate animals they are trying to 'save'. If they don't get this help, they'll just keep on doing it all over again. Mental illness may explain the behaviour but it doesn't excuse it. She knew the conditions those cats were in. Mental illness isn't a "get out of jail free" card as far as I'm concerned. She's not insane. She failed to provide decent living conditions for the cats in her care. If she'd thought all was fine and dandy, she'd not be sneaking around in the middle of the night or keeping them in a storage unit. : It's damn difficult to hoard cats again if you're in prison or a secure mental facility. No it's no excuse just because it's a mental illness, but she obviously doesn't realise the cats were in a bad condition, and that's just in her mind. She doesn't think straight like you and me and that's not here fault. By putting her in prison is not going to alter her mental state, and what's to stop her doing it all over again when she's out again? That's why I said she needs help.
  6. Sorry, but I'll save my sympathy for the cats. My guess is most of them won't see Christmas. Me too, but people like this hoarder have some sort of a mental illness and need help as much as the poor unfortunate animals they are trying to 'save'. If they don't get this help, they'll just keep on doing it all over again.
  7. The woman and in fact most hoarders need to be pitied because they have a 'sickness' and can't help themselves. They truely believe they are doing the right thing by the animals.
  8. I'm confused. He chewed things outside so he can't come inside?? Why not sleep him inside in a crate? I think what the poster is trying to say is that he will have to sleep inside from now on.
  9. When my boy Benson had an attack of pancreatitus it was not food induced, it was drug induced. He also was on pred because of schnauzer bumps. Got rid of them but it cost him dearly. I will never again allow either of my minis to have cortizone based drugs if I can help it.
  10. I have not used them myself, but some people I have met have taken their dogs to the Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Might be worthwhile 'phoning them and asking them their fees. Also, I wouldn't be in favour of using the 12 monthly heart worm injection either. I wouldn't feel comfortable dosing my boys with 12 months worth of chemicals when I can do it 4-6 weekly.
  11. By rights, the poos shouldn't be soft and smelly. Are you giving them bones such as chicken back, necks and wings that they can actually eat. This firms up the poos. I feed my two home prepared raw diet and I am pleased to say that their 'offerings' have no smell and they are so easily picked up.
  12. What's all over and who is Rover? It's not all over because everytime Dolers watch the show and disagree with how something is portrayed on it, they'll express it on this forum, and the Chris Wives will jump up and down just as easily as the Twiwives do when someone says they cant stand the books or the movies. This discussion banter with you is all over Rover
  13. Well it's good you can banter about it without getting upset then. Good for you. It's interesting to discuss likes and dislikes without getting grumpy, isnt it. A few people did say, however, if you dont like the show, dont watch it. Well I could say, everytime there is a thread about Bondi Vet people discuss what they dont like about it on this forum, so if you dont want to see negative comments, dont read the thread. That would be pretty unfair of me, dont you think? It's all over Rover
  14. It's not important enough for me to stick it on my calendar. And I know there are others who dont agree with me and think the shows is great. Good on them . I watched a new Australian film the other night and thought it was absolutely brilliant. There are more people on the internet movie data base forums who think it's garbage. No big deal to me. I dont take it personally - not sure why people who like the show and love Dr Chris are getting their knickers in a twist that a lot of people here are saying the show is unrealistic. If you watch the film critics on The Movie Shw say your fave film is garbage, is that going to upset you? No it's not going to upset me at all and that's why I love the freedom of speech. I don't take this personally and I haven't noticed my knickers in a knot
  15. Infact I think I will watch it again next week if I remember. 2 reasons 1. I like to perve at him with his shirt off 2. It's great to be in a thread with so many like minded people who can shoot holes right through the show why don't you enter it in you diary so you will remember and also, there are some others that don't agree with you and other like minded people, And that's what democracy is all about
  16. Why? People say - gee I hated such and such a movie or an ad for the following reasons. Why on earth cant they say they cant stand a tv show? Sure, I agree,but there is a lot of criticism of this show from a lot of Dolers out there and I repeat, if you don't like the show, then don't watch it. It's out there for entertainment for the people who don't have the knowledge that most of the members here have. It's out there to make money from advertisers for the TV station and that's called running a business. Obviously this show is a hit with a large majority of viewers otherwise it would have been scrapped a long time ago. I watch it purely because I love animal shows. I don't always agree with what is being shown but I don't bitch about it. I take it as another show I watched while having a relaxing evening. If it 'offends' then use the remote and change the channel or just get up and leave the room. There is always an answer.
  17. Siks3, I'm sorry about your fathers little Foxie and you are right about two male dogs..especially if they have not grown together...........but as soon as I saw Akita.....it didn't surprize me. Now before everyone pounces on me.......I have known dozens of Akita's in the past through friends having them as well as being at Akita shows when the breed was very popular.......and I have not met ONE I would trust. They are a big powerful breed with very few having good temperament with other dogs and sometimes with people. I think it is very sad you have to give the Foxie away....especially as he is an old dog and has had the trauma of loosing his owner (your father).......and now he is about to lose you too in being re housed with someone else. Sad situation all round. I disagree with your male dog perspective Tapferhund, the males growing up together from pups are more likely to fight in my experience than an older/younger combination. Akitas are not a whole lot different to working line GSD's, Rottys, Malinois, Dutch Shepherds and some Bull breeds that have genetic fighting drive, more than likely you are comparing more classical Akita's with watered down pet versions of the breeds I mentioned. Any breed with genetic fighting drive if pushed too hard with bullying or being shoved around unfairly will defend themselves and make a good job of it, lets not put Akita's in the traditional Pit Bull charade with more unsubstantiated comments of negativity based on breed. Well I disagree with your perspective 55C ! In my experience same litter males growing up together , same litter females growing up together are less likely to fight than bringing two older male or female dogs together and expect them to live happily together.......although I have this situation too.....with no problem. I have had up to five entire males run together...even when I have had bitches in season ...and all with no problem. It comes down to leadership by the owner imo. The only time I would separate was when no one was at home. Other than that they all lived happily together. The OP had an old small dog and a younger (I'm assuming) larger dog. So do you honestly believe an old dog would be annoying (bullying) the younger dog? Truth be known the poor old foxie didn't want to be bothered with the Akita continually annoying it . As for your comments that Akitas are not a whole lot different to the working breeds you have mentioned......along with these breeds having genetic 'fighting drive'....... .........what a load of codswallop !!!!!!!!!!! Akita's were bred to hunt bear as well as other large wild animals....whereas each and everyone of those working breeds were bred to herd! Quote from an Akita website. Perhaps if the OP had done some research on his chosen breed the poor foxie might have been spared from being mauled. The Akita Inu have a reputation for sometimes being aggressive towards smaller animals or other dogs, particularly those of the same sex. Read post No. 9 The OP states that the foxie started it.
  18. An attack of pancreatitis, the dog is crook and droopy and in a lot of pain, dry heaving diarreha, won't eat really sick, not a simple bile perk and then gets on with it's day as normal. We had a Labrador years ago that would get an attack from the fat in bone marrow, ended up on a morphine shot and a drip for two days. Pancreatitis attacks are severe illness from my experience, you will know the dog needs vet attention. Sorry to disagree 55 chevy. My GSD had one episode of vomitting bile, I took him to the vet immediately as it had never happened before, and he had pancreatitis - he died in the vets the next day, even though every effort was made to save him. But the difference here is that the dog is eating and other than the vomiting, according to Giraffez he is not showing any other signs of illness. If he does show other than his normal behaviour, he should be taken to the vet immediately.
  19. He has no problem eating. His appetite is as big as an elephant! I gave him 1/4 handful more of kibbles today soaked in water on top of what he usually gets and he gobbled it up. His energy level is high also, he has been wrestling with his little brother all morning. is lack of interest in food a symptom of pancreatitis? Well, thankfully it seems it is NOT pancreatitis. There is a lack of appetite and the dog feels very unwell and you just know your pet is sick. Even so, with both your boys, keep the fat levels down in what you feed.
  20. That's exactly what I wanted to say. Does your older dog seem interested in eating or does he look ill, If he doesn't want to eat then I would go to the vet ASAP because pancreatitis could be very serious, very painful not to mention fatal. Benson my older boy stayed at the vets for 4 days on a drip. He is on very limited fat now and doing well. There is another thread on 'health and nutrition' with the dog in question possibly having pancreatitis. He has been hospitalized on a drip and the owner is awaiting the the final diagnosis at the moment.
  21. The vet who is supposed to be a a nice guy by trying to save you money, actually did your little dog and yourselves a disservice not to mention the pain and deterioration in your little fellow. Call me cynical but I think he had absolutely no idea what he was dealing with. I actually left a vet who I had been going to for may years, with past and present dogs. My mini schnauzer had a severe attack of pancreatitus and admittedly she pulled him through, but she insisted that he be put on a commercial diet instead of his raw that I had been feeding since he came to us as a puppy. I ended up going to a homeopathic vet and two years later, he is still on his albeit modified raw diet. I took my younger dog, Jasper back to the original vet for his vaccination and she asked me how Benson's commercial feeding was going. I told her he was on his original raw, slightly modified and her reaction was 'most people don't want to go to the trouble" . Well, I have been bothered for many years, so why would I change now? Just goes to show, a second, and if necessary, a third opinion is sometimes needed. Good luck with your little man.
  22. I'm so glad you took him to see the second vet. Obviously they are more switched on and if I were you, I wouldn't go back to the original vet, no way. Pancreatitus is a very painful and debilitating disease and can be fatal. Believe me, I know.
  23. that's exactly what happened to my younger mini schnauzer Jasper and I had them removed when he was desexed. Years ago, we had a Great Dane and they caused him no end of trouble, always getting caught so we also had them removed when he was about 2. It becomes a major operation at that stage, and honestly, I can't understand why they aren't removed at a very young age by the breeder, because from what I can gather, they don't serve any purpose.
  24. I would definately go and see another vet, and I would ask him the possibility of it being pancreatitus and if so, run tests for that as well. It it does turn out to be pancreatitus, then you boy must be fasted for several days. Frankly, I'm surprised that the original vet sends him home each time when he is doing so poorly.
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