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Everything posted by twodoggies2001

  1. Personally, I can't see any reason why a prospective puppy buyer should feel awkward in asking the price of a puppy he/she is interested in buying. I realise there is an 'average' price for certain breeds, but in my own case, I paid twice the going price for a puppy, (and I'm not complaining,) but I wanted that breeding, and it was my choice to either pay, or look elsewhere. As was mentioned in an earlier thread, you wouldn't walk into a showroom and not ask the buying price, so really, why should it be any different with buying a puppy.
  2. Agreed, but I'm afraid that not all owners are responsible. We've come across bitches in season at the park, and that's not fair on the bitch or any of the dogs. People either just don't think or care. A lot of people don't even use dog parks, me included, due to attacks, so what's your point? My dogs can't be happy because they don't go to the dog park? Well I use dog parks all the time and it looks from where I stand, so do a lot of people in my area. We have never been in a situation where there has been an attack. My point is yes, my dogs would not be happy if they don't go. You do what suits you, and I'll do what suits me and my dogs. It's just the way they are brought up. It's our quality time together. Maybe you live on the wrong side of town?
  3. Several years ago, when I had a standard schnauzer, his best friend at the park was a boxer. The way they greeted each other was very loud aggressive sounding growling and other park users thought there was an almighty fight going on, but in fact they really loved each other. I also don't know if this is a boxer trait, but they never hurt each other. It was all a lot of noise. The boxer would also 'stalk' my boy which was quite amusing, because if they saw each other across the park, this would go on until they finally came together.
  4. Agreed, but I'm afraid that not all owners are responsible. We've come across bitches in season at the park, and that's not fair on the bitch or any of the dogs. People either just don't think or care.
  5. Read what was written! It was stated that about keeping entire dogs secure so they couldn't get to entire bitches. If we all chose not to desex then nobody could let their animals romp in the park. It's not getting more ridiculous by the minute
  6. Are your dogs desexed? That's quite a big operation to put our dogs through for our own convenience. Not trying to be controversial, just putting forward some alternate thoughts :) Lol yes my dogs are desexed. Not so much for my own convenience (apart from the mess with the little miss) more so for their safety and to make sure less puppies are in this world that don't need to be. Not trying to be controversial and all... but the way I see it most of the time a barking dog is the result of inaction by an owner. I understand the OP is elderly etc but I've recently seen a similar issue with a youngish girl who had a kelpie in suburbia and was not willing to work the dog like it needed to be and ended up re-homing her to a farm where she is doing much better. It was the best thing for the dog. At the end of the day the dogs needs have to be taken into consideration before what we want. Note : I'm Not against desexing and i know there is more then just health risks and unwanted puppies as reasons to desex such as behavioral and so on. And not a personal attack. but your statement is a little contradicting. You state that your dogs a desexed because 1 safety i assume you mean health wise. Its a preventative measure only that your dog may have health problems if it isn't desexed. Many dogs have lived healthy lives without desexing probably as many who got ill from not being desexed. I personally find the health argument in desexing invalid. You never know if you have helped the dog avoid health problems or just put it through an unnecessary operation (regarding only health). 2ndly which is the part I find contradicting you desexed your dogs to prevent unwanted litters. Couldn't you just do everything to make sure your dogs (male) are secure and can't get to someone else's female on heat or in the case of your female secure her to prevent unwanted males including your own from getting to her instead of putting your dogs through the procedure. I own both sexes undesexed and I managed to not have unwanted litters as I know many others do. Yes desexing is responsible not contesting that but it is just a easier way of controlling your own dogs as you put debarking is. Personally I find both desexing and de-barking can be put in both categories elective and Necessary pending on individual circumstance and reason. If as you say 2ndly, owners didn't desex their dogs, either bitch or dog, that means the owner would always have to keep their dogs secure at all times and never allowed thew pleasure of romping at the park for fear of unwanted litters. In my case, and it's my right to do so, is to have my dogs desexed as I have always done in the past and will continue to do so with future charges.
  7. All depends on the quality and integrity of your tenants. Let's face it, when the agent asks for references given most likely by friends and associates of the prospective, you can bet your bottom dollar there won't be a bad one amongst them. It's a risk that the landlord takes and saying that, most tenants are fair and decent, but all it takes is a bad one and that puts a spanner in the works and I'm not talking about fair wear and tear either. I always got a reference from my previous landlord. Yes, obviously you were a good tenant but if this is not the case, then it is the agent's duty to disclose the real picture to the prospective landlord.
  8. All depends on the quality and integrity of your tenants. Let's face it, when the agent asks for references given most likely by friends and associates of the prospective, you can bet your bottom dollar there won't be a bad one amongst them. It's a risk that the landlord takes and saying that, most tenants are fair and decent, but all it takes is a bad one and that puts a spanner in the works and I'm not talking about fair wear and tear either.
  9. But when you move into a premises you pay a bond to cover any damages. It doesn't matter if the damages are caused by a person, a pet, a kid, a ghost, or whatever, the bond is paid for that reason. A pet bond is just double dipping on the money they can take from you, in my opinion. If they want to charge a pet bond, they should be decreasing the "real" bond and calling a part of that the pet bond, not adding another fee on top. The bond is not just to cover damage to the property. What about unpaid rent? One month's rent doesn't go too far if the property is indeed damaged and today's tradies rates means the owner will most likely be out of pocket big time. These days, the letting agents are asking 6 weeks bond for any prospective renters. I have no objection to renting to pet owners (albeit our properties are townhouses, with a minimum of open space,) as long as the property is returned to me on vacating as it was presented on their arrival. It's only fair. I have no objection to charging an extra pet bond. The landlord doesn't get to keep it, is there for very good reason, and if the everything is as it was at the beginning of the tenancy, then the tenant gets it all back.
  10. Not long back from the vet after a check over. He sailed through with flying colours and she is quite happy to have him on 3 meals a day. Told me that his ribs feel OK to her and not to worry. She also mentioned that I could try him with not soaking his puppy dry food for the good of his teeth which I did and he chowed that down together with raw mince, cooked chicken and some rice. I want to get him across to fully raw but will do that in steps. I will also try him on a chicken neck in the next few days.
  11. My little one is a mini schnauzer and he is really getting into his food. He is happy and that's the main thing. He was bred by one of the well known breeders, and the reason I asked about how many meals is because I fed my older boy 4 times a day when I got him. I just wanted to make sure. It's been awhile since I had a baby in the house lol.
  12. I have added a new member to our family at 8 weeks old and the breeder was feeding 3 feeds a day. I thought at this age 4 were needed. I can feel his ribs and when I fed him he scoffed down his meal in no time. It's been a while since I've had a baby in the house. Should I increase to 4?
  13. It is very sad. I do business with the wholesale side and I had cause to call the owner, not knowing about the fire. He is absolutely gutted about his parrot that perished in the fire, as he told me he hand raised the bird which had free run of the shop. He is also very concerned about his employees not having work. Now that's a beautiful character, don't you think?
  14. Therein lies the core of the problem. Control your dog so it doesn't bother others and everyone should be happy!! I wouldn't feed others to feed my boy treats as I wouldn't feed others treats, pure and simple.
  15. Thanks for all your replies. It's heartening to know that vaccination protocols are changing, and I don't like over vaccinating, so I will certainly ask my vet regarding titre testing for the 15 month shot. I have my 3 year old boy titre tested and he has not been done beyond the 15 month shot. My old boy, who is no longer with us had a very very bad reaction to his 16 week shot and we almost lost him. I know that it is an individual thing from dog to dog, but I am trying to be cautious and not have my dogs go through something like that again.
  16. Goosebump type of stuff. What a gorgeous beautiful story.
  17. I will be getting a baby puppy at 8 weeks next month and thought I would call my vet regarding her vaccination regime. I was advised that as long as the pup has been vaccinated by 6 to 8 weeks old, then at 10 weeks he can be given a vaccination which covers both the 10 week and the 16 week vaccination. She claims the surgery has been using this protocol for 2 years with no ill effects. Anyone heard of this?
  18. I'm not an expert in this field by any means, but the response from tdierikx got me thinking. Years ago we had a standard schnauzer and until we were 100% sure of his recall at the park, he was walked on a leash. There are always joggers going around the paths and whilst on leash he would, without fail attempt to lunge. Once he was allowed off leash, (in a off leash area) he would ignore any jogger that went by. I am just wondering if Sage reacted like she did because of the restriction of the leash.
  19. granted, but heart, is classed as offal, but I too feed it as a muscle meat.
  20. If you mean liver, heart, tongue and kidneys etc. yes. I use dried liver as a treat only.
  21. thanks, I actually found it from the US in a larger size and much more competitively priced.
  22. Anyone out there used this product and know where it can be bought in Australia?
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