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Linda K

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Everything posted by Linda K

  1. very dark and moody, but not happy seeing how skinny those horses were, that just made me sad
  2. I can feel for the kids, as I know that until recently, although we are currently dogless, my kids loved dogs, but all of that changed when we were at the park and a dog (GS) came from nowhere (mo owner in sight anywhere, and in fact we thought it might be a stray at first because of this), following the kids around the park (this was an ordinary kids playground, not a leash free park), and then without warning, launched itself onto my son, grabbed onto his legs and started humping very vigorously (not really funny, as my son had no idea what the dog was doing, and so was scared out of his wits, as well as being hurt from the encounter). He grabbed so hard, his claws actually broke the skin and severely bruised him and left him very upset about the whole thing. About 20 min later, found the owner by virtue of the fact this guy walked up to the dog, and proceeded to put him in a car - the guy was a trady, who was working opposite the park, and had left his dog in the car, and had not realised the dog had jumped out the window. He had absolutely no remorse for what the dog had done, and in fact told me to F off. My son is now worried when we see any dogs that look like they might come near him, no matter what size they are although fortunately we were at my OH best mates, and he was able to have some great games of fetch with his Golden Retriever who is a big friendly boofa, so that at least went a little way to restoring his doggy faith. To the OP can understand your point of view too though, and would be a bit annoyed at the death stares
  3. also, unless you are determining the exposure settings yourself and taking control over what you camera is wanting to expose the shots at, you will find that the digital camera is trying to expose everything as 18% grey. That is why the camera will always make a black subject more a dark grey, and whites come out greyish as well - left to its own devices, a camera will try to overexpose the black and underexpose the white. So how do we avoid that. Have the camera on manual, and if shooting a black subject, if the camera is say trying to tell you to us a setting of 1/125 sec, then try 1/250 or 1/500 (ie underexpose what the camera is telling you to use, and then check the histogram afterwards to make sure that there are no areas of data loss.) For whites, you obviously go over what the camera is telling you to expose it as Indoors shooting at night with no flash can be done, but you do need a camera really that can handle low light well - with my D700 or 5DII, I don't hesitate at going to ISO 6400, but with my old canon 10D, if I went above ISO 400 the noise was very evident. Rootnbullies - how wide are you trying to shoot - it takes a lot of practice to get the handle of using the 1.8 wide open, try at F4 and work backwards from there - just because something can go wide open does not man you always need to shoot it like that. A depth of field calculator can be found here click that can help you work out how close you need to be and what aperture you can use, and still have what you want in focus - hope it is useful
  4. you can get some stuff to put along the fences, so that the cats are unable to jump them, thus cat-proofing the fences check out places like catnets.com.au or thecatshack.com.au
  5. awesome job, thanks for sharing the link
  6. actually I believe you not only need the permits for National Parks, but also prove you have public liability insurance (in case someone trips over your tripod I guess), and for Ayers Rock, heaven forbid you want to publish a shot there - you need to submit the photos t the elders first, who will examine them, and may or may not give permission based on a range of criteria, such as whether it is a shot that has been done to death or something unique - if they do not give permission, tough luck. Would have no issue paying for a permit as long as the money was actually being used to help at the National Park, and not just lining someones pocket, but given the lack of improvements, doubt that is occuring.
  7. do they get vetted in at all before you are allowed in - at cat shows they have a vetslip they match to all cats prior to them going into the hall, and even those there just for exhibition have to be vetted in - if they also do this for dogs, how will you get her in
  8. many cats are aloof too - does that mean you want them changed too as otherwise they could become killers any minute. Aloof does not equal killer, and whilst I am not a breeder by any means, I would never interpret aloof to mean that, nor that it is likely to be aggressive at any minute - we had a lab that was the friendliest thing out, but touch my MIL car whilst she was inside it and my MIL was out of it (as would often be the case when you went to the servos where they used to come and fill up for you in the good old days) and she would certainly be all teeth and bark and snarl at the attendant from inside the car - does that mean we should also ban labradors?
  9. RIP little Vader, too tragically short a time. Hugs to Julie and her family, and Vader mum and family, not a nice thing for anyone involved, and can only imagine how bad everyone is feeling.
  10. what an exciting time, congratulations on the new arrival
  11. thanks for the link, but wow, $600000!!! Some other great links on that page too worth looking at
  12. have received using Dogtainers, and they were awesome
  13. yes I do buy their drawings off them, but only $0.50 or $1 - they have tried to fleece me for $20 though - nothing doing!!!
  14. off to check Amazon, thanks for these
  15. brings back so many memories of my OH lab, who used to go swimming in the dams, and come back muddy and stinky!!!
  16. just googled them, they are beautiful
  17. yep, nearly every PP near us has signs up advertising for babies, makes me so mad. At least Pet Barn has animals from Lort Smith, and when I was there I saw a lady go to the counter asking t buy a kitten - they then pulled out this big adoption form that she had to complete to be assessed before anything further went - made me happy at least they did not just take the money but were making sure it was not an impulse buy
  18. no advice but I feel your pain, I thought training my kids was hard enough to sleep through the night, Good luck, and hopefully it won't be too long, and the neighbours understand
  19. such a sweet face - how could you be mad at her for long
  20. they really look like they are enjoying those bubbles, great job
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