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Everything posted by caninefriend

  1. Thanks Fattima, Merry Christmas to you all as well
  2. Here are the photos of my boy Dexter with Santa - he was such a good boy he got treats afterwards from Santa. Photos courtesy of Furrever Pet Photography.
  3. Yeah he went in twice, with alot of encouragement, i.e., me pushing him in . But once he was in after a small amount of panic he was able to swim. I actually have bought him one of his own, and yesterday at the beach he was happily swimming out quite deep - I think its a security thing for him
  4. :D Great photos guys, I love that last one of Flash with Dexter's ball - even though the ball is almost as big as flash ;)
  5. Thanks for another great day. Dexter and I have both been having a little snooze!!!! Just in case I didn't catch you today, Hope you and your four legged friend/s have a great Christmas. CF.
  6. Yay, have been waiting for this, can't wait. List of dogs pip1981- Dakota and Tika Canine Friend - Dexter List of food pip1981- marinated chicken wings, fresh toss salad Canine Friend - sausages and bread
  7. Dex and I will be a no show at that one - we will be on hols. But enjoy yourselves
  8. Ooh hope it looked good - it's hard to tell from the computer. I only got around to ordering mine Saturday, can't wait to see it in the flesh
  9. I would be fine if we postponed - don't think I really want to go to the beach when it's raining anyway. CF.
  10. Hi Spitzbaby Glad you had a good time at the beach. Are you still planning on going on sunday? The weather isn't looking overly positive. I'm not so sure now it wont be as fun if it's raining. CF.
  11. I tried to set it to 0 mark up but it wouldn't let me. It does create a profit if you make over $100 (I'm not sure if that was total or the "mark up" - I think it was the "mark up"). So anyway I think we need to sell like 20-25 calendars to make $100.00 - if this happens we need to decide what to do with it - but think we should wait and see - that's alot of calendars CF.
  12. Mmmmm maybe dogs weren't meant to be reindeers - none of them look overly happy about it
  13. I think we should be able to make it next Sunday I honestly can't think of any thing else I'm supposed be doing I took Dexter to Altona beach this morning - he had a great time and got me completely soaked in the process We were only there for an hour but he has been exhausted all day and has twice now tried to convince me it is bed time I think maybe now the weather is improving we could organise one a little more in advance, that way a few more people might be able to come CF.
  14. Hi All After much ado the Calendar is completed. For anyone interested you will find twelve fabulous Kepala play day photos from this year in a calendar. The Calendar can be purchased at red bubble. http://www.redbubble.com/. The easiest way to find it is to do a search on red bubble of my name (Kacee Beamish). Then click on my name and you will see it. The cost is $26.40 (this was the cheapest they would allow). I hope you like it and enjoy it. Canine Friend.
  15. Just thought I would share a couple of photos of Dexter as a reindeer. Currently tossing up if I will use one for a Christmas card
  16. I would love to but I will be at work :D So I will just have to wait for a weekend OH! We were going to have them on the 27th but it is state election so I thought it'd be better on the 28th... when is the family coming to see the bunnies? I'm sure we can shift ours around too since it's not really set yet. ETA: CF I do prefer fenced even though Kairu has some reliable recall.. I'm still not 100% on it :D I'm going to go check them out this Wednesday I think with kerropiyo, if she can come would you like to come along?
  17. I have taken Dexter to both Brighton and Altona - Brighton is good because it is fenced (piece of mind) and Dexter likes the huge amount of Dogs and the frantic pace. The Altona beach is good because you can walk a fair way and the doggies can play while you walk, but no fences so dogs need to have reasonable recall (it's a decent way off the road). Also that's where Dexter ate jelly fish and we had 6-8 weeks of stomache recovery They both smell - I think Brighton probably smells worse - lets face it it first they are beaches, then they are dog beaches None the less I will continue to use both of them and will hopfeully make it when we decide on when we are going. CF.
  18. HI All Great photos, it never ceases to amaze me just how many talented photographers there are CF.
  19. These are awesome - I know I said we could chop people out - which we still can but I think it's okay with the people in it
  20. Hi Groupfive I'm sure it was probably Dexter, I know he can get a bit full on. I do try to keep an eye on him for the most part. I would never be offended if you said anything - given there is so much going on it is hard to keep an eye on him all of the time and I'm sure I miss things, so would be fine if you called out to me to let me know. Again apologies if it was Dexter. CF.
  21. Hi All Another great day - had heaps of fun - Dexter has flaked it on the floor So pleased that the weather held off for us Can't wait to see the photos - especially the group shot CF.
  22. Hey Pointees I only just saw the photos - they are great I had been looking for them but must have missed them and then a few people at Kepala today mentioned them so I went looking I stole a few of the Dexter ones, hope you don't mind CF.
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