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Posts posted by mumsy

  1. just tell him to move off and dont let him lick at all. Some dogs do it as a comfort thing so dont be too upset with him.

    He licks our other dog, who really does quite enjoy it!!

    Should I stop him from doing that or just people? Should we do it as a command and treat him if he does or just tell him off a bit. He has fit in really well with everything else and very relaxed around the house now.

  2. Okay guys, we have adopted a new Golden Retriever who is 1 year old. His current name is Rhys. None of us like the name and we are thinking of changing it. Probably to something that sounds reasonably close!! We aren't getting anywhere so I'm asking for some creative thinking. Come on and give us your best!!!

  3. Hi everyone!

    We have recently adopted a 1 year old Golden Retriever from the Rspca. He is settling in nicely with our boxer. Lots of playing and all good except.......LICKING!

    Hi is a chronic licker. He doesn't care who you are he will just start licking. We are telling him no, getting him to sit and drop etc but I wanted to know if anyone had a good idea. It is really the only irritating thing about him, but it is driving us a little nutty.

  4. A while ago after a few beers my husband said he would consider another dog as long as it was a golden retriever. Well my husband and mate went trekking in Nepal for a month..... unfortunately no phone contact and there just happened to be this golden retriever that needed a home!! I would have phoned and asked if I could but.................... Case closed.

  5. Hi guys

    We just adopted a 1 year old GR from a shelter. We have a 2 year old boxer. Both are male and desexed. We took our dog to the shelter and they spent about an hour together. We had the behaviorist from the shelter watch to see what she thought. She and I both were comfortable with their behavior. The new dog has started humping our dog. In turn our dog has returned the humping. So far it has been quite rough play, but nothing I have worried about. They have been allowed outside together for about 15 minutes at a time and they are playing quite rough. I have then brought them into the house where they have quite easily settled next to each other. Am I best to just reprimand them for the humping? We have a separate crate for each of them which I am feeding them in. The only time I have seen a little agro behavior was over a bone that had been left in the yard. I have now gotten rid of that but I sure there will be a time when they both want the same rope.... etc.

    I suppose my very long winded question is how much is too much. I know it is early days but I would like to do this once and right the first time.


  6. Hi there

    I would like to get some doggie pj's and have found Amstaff makes them. I have pm'd but she doesn't seem to be around. Does anyone else on here make Pj's for dogs? A few cold nights in Melbourne and I already have a large boxer attached to me in bed!! :thumbsup: :D I wouldn't mind just a little personal space!

  7. Thanks for all the advice everyone!! All makes sense so we will think about this some more and talk to the other owners. They are very hesitant about rehoming the Lab but I think if they thought he was going to be better off, then they would do it.

  8. Oh, dear old lab.. :)

    I've had :) 2 older 'outside' dogs who have had no trouble adapting/toilet training for indoors. As long as you make sure they 'go' at bed time, and dont leave water etc around they should be fine. Obviously :) a bit of training is neccessary, but nothing like with a pup.

    Personally (I AM neurotic) I would not leave a very young boxer alone with an old dog. With our oldies, when ever we have got pups, we have had them together when we are there, but kept the oldies either in another room, or with the pup with the pup crated. If the young dog is a very settled and placid young dog, as my spin was, then maybe it can be done.

    Old dogs need quality of life just as much as young dogs and this also means time out from boiterous, over the top dogs.. (like my viz was.. :)) I also teach all my young dogs how to behave around the oldies, ie. calm, settle, no running flat out and bowling the oldie over etc. I love the oldies, :) and at our place age comes before youth. :o

    If you can give the lab a lovely home, and you sound like you can, and are not getting it just as a 'nanny' for your lovely boxer, I'm sure it would be nice for the lab to be indoors and have heaps of attention in its twilight years. :love:

    agree that you need to see if they will get on and if they do, also see if they get on at your place as sometimes this can make a difference, will the boxer mind sharing water bowls, beds, toys, you etc. xxx

    Thanks again

    If we go down the track of a 2 week trial, then that should give us a good indication of how they feel about each other shouldn't it? Although Wilson, our boxer can be a bit mad, he is also very settled and quite a couch potato. It is a big decision and believe me, any animal that lives in this house, doesn't have much to worry about. There could also be some separation time for them without too much trouble.

  9. Yes, the Lab would need to be toilet trained in the same manner as a pup. However he should have better bladder control.

    I'd have bigger questions about how the two dogs get on? Do they? A one year old Boxer might prove too much for the older Lab to handle all the time.

    I'd also want to know about what sort of manners the Lab has - walking on lead etc.


    The dogs haven't met yet but that would certainly happen ( and quite a few times) before anything goes ahead.

    The lab has great manners. The people that had him love dearly, and that is why they think he deserves more attention than he is getting.

    If anything went ahead it would certainly be with a trial period for all! Although the lab is 9 he is very fit, but I do understand the thought that he might find a 1 year old too much. Do you think the company would allow our boxer to settle more without his humans?

  10. Hi again everyone! We have a boxer who is just over a year old. He is quite well behaved but he HATES being left alone. I work from home so he is used to company. We have some friends with a 9 year old Lab. Unfortunately for him, they are expecting their third child and he isn't getting the love he needs. He has always been an outside dog. My question is...do you think our boxer would be more settled with a mate to stay home with him? My second thought is that we don't keep our animals outside. They are very much a part of our every day life. If a dog that has never been in a house comes to live with us, would toilet training be a problem? Any advice would be kindly welcomed!!

  11. Hi guys,

    We have a 10 month old male desexed boxer named Wilson. He has a beautiful nature and has always mixed well with any other dogs. A couple of weeks ago, while being walked on a lead down our street, he was attacked by another dog. The matter has been reported and dealt with.

    My problem is now Wilson is reacting alot to any noises, inside or out. He sits by the window with his hackles up if he thinks something is outside. We have tried to introduce him to two other dogs which are owned by friends. Both times he reacted quite aggressively by growling, lunging and barking. I am worried about taking him to a group lesson, because he is so reactive at the moment. Does anyone know of someone good in the Ferntree Gully area or does anyone have any advice. I want my beautiful friendly boy back! :cry:

  12. I have not had to deal with this before so forgive my ignorance...but what can be done with a dog if the owner refuses to keep it under control. I haven't gotten an update about our incident, but I'm just curious about the laws or what council is likely to do if this dog is left to roam free?

  13. I was looking on here today because our dog was attacked yesterday. My 14 year old daughter was walking him on his lead back down our street. She was only half a dozen houses away when a dog came out from his yard and launched himself straight at Wilson. My daughter kept hold of the lead and started screaming. A couple of neighbours came out and got him off our dog. My daughter started walking again to get home and the other dog got away and chased them both home. They both jumped our front fence to get away.

    I called the council immediately and took photo's of the marks on Wilson. The ranger from council is coming to interview my daughter tomorrow.

    What can be done about a dog like this? Lucky it was my 14 year old and not my 9 year old. She would have freaked!!

    Unfortunately now, no one is willing to walk the dog for fear on a repeat! :laugh:

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