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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. After this thread I emailed the RTA in NSW to clarify the legality of travelling with unrestrained pets in the car, their reply to me is below and my question to them is under that. It appears to be up to the discretion of the police if you are distracted or not. Thank you for your email. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act Rule 7, states that a person must not carry or convey a dog (other than a dog being used to work livestock), on the open back of a moving vehicle on a public street unless the dog is restrained or enclosed in such a way as to prevent the dog falling from the vehicle. Dogs should not ride unrestrained in either the front or back seats of any vehicle as the police may fine you if they deem that you do not have proper control of the vehicle due to the animal interfering with your control. Specially designed animal boxes and harnesses are available and should be used. A pet harness can be attached to the vehicle's seat belt allowing the dog to sit or lie on the seat. These harness and boxes can be purchased in a variety or sizes from the RSPCA or from pet supply stores. It is stated in legislation that a driver must not drive with a person or animal in the driver's lap. This is Road Rule 297 (1A) Drive motor vehicle with person or animal in lap. Dogs riding on the back of an open vehicle must be restrained or enclosed in such a way that they cannot fall off. If tethered, this should be to a short chain attached by a swivel to a central anchor point on the floor behind the cabin. The other end of the chain should be attached to the dog's collar by another swivel to prevent tangling. A driver must not drive with a person or animal in the driver's lap. The rider of a motorbike must not ride with an animal on the fuel tank. This does not apply to a person who travels less than 500 metres for the purposes of farming. To view the complete road rule please click on the below link to find Road Rule 297 which relates to your enquiry: http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/viewtop/...179+2008+fn+0+N Date: 08/12/2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject Other Message Could you clarify if it is illegal to travel with unrestrained pets in the car, I believe it is but others say it isn't. If it is illegal what are the penalties please? Thanks for your help.
  2. RIP doggie and condolences to the owner. I have always had Sparkles restrained in the car. I do want to find a good restraint that is crash tested to give her more protection should she need it. Too often I have read of dogs being frightned after an accident and getting out of the car and never being found again or hit by a car so a restraint may also protect from that happening too. It is not just dogs who need to be restrained, I belive NSW law now states it is illegal to have an unrestrained animal in the vehicle. My cat wears a harness in the car if he isn't in his carry cage - he likes to look out the window and sit in the back with Sparkles.
  3. I work full time either day or nights 12 hour shifts. On day shifts I get up early so I can take my time and spend a little time with my dog, I don't walk her then and often take her out for a walk at night she is use to being adaptable to my roster and knows when I am off to work because of my uniform. When working nights I don't go to be straight away and will often play with Sparkles after my shower, if I feel awake enough I will take her for a walk which she will often limit to around the block only. I get about 4-5 hours sleep then will spend time with Sparkles playing or again if awake enough walking her depending on the weather. Days off are spent with Sparkles and Ccat in consideration at all times. I do spend lots of quality time with them when not at work, in the garden, walking a few times a day if we want to, often I will sit outside in the front yard with them so we can see who is going past. A drive in the car is always popular with Sparkles too. Sometimes I will drive home pick her up and then backtrack to get petrol just so she can have a drive. A perfect day off for me is with Sparkles and Ccat My neighbours are all aware of my shift work and they never complain about Sparkles barking, in fact I have been told she should bark a bit more sometimes. I have also made my neighbours aware if they have a problem with either of my pets I would like to know so I can address the problem and not upset anyone. I believe I have the best neighbours you could wish for.
  4. No you haven't ruined Max. It is a personal choice if your dog sleeps on your bed, obviously one your breeder doesn't agree with it.
  5. Oh dear another item I need to consider for my girl (I've been trying to stop spending money) - might make me feel happier when she is at home during a storm and I am at work worrying about her. She doesn't like storms very much like lots of dogs.
  6. Pheebs condolences on the loss of your Grandfather. You are not a bad Mum and were doing the responsible thing trying to prevent heartworm. You giving the tablet and Tess becoming unwell were most likely a coincidence so please don't blame yourself. Sending healing vibes for Tess and hugs for you. Hope you get some better news after the blood tests.
  7. Glad he is safe and hope the horror who kicked him and his previous owner get what they deserve.
  8. No OH here but anyone who stays knows my pets live in the house and it they don't like it the visitors can stay somewhere else. I do make a point of having a clean dog/cat free bedroom for my guests when I know they are coming. My car is a Danemobile again if you want to have a lift in the car sorry there is slobber on the windows and some hair in the car. Last Monday my Dane had to share the backseat of the car with a friend whose wife was in the front seat he was very happy with his doggy company. If I shared my house with someone I would make some compromises if necessary but no dog allowed in the house is not an option in my opinion for me.
  9. They're definitely a casualty department's best friend. :D First question I ask people who come in with a minor dog related injury is where is the dog and is it ok? then I think about the patient :D
  10. The odd scar on me from dogs, had a split lip when I was younger and our Airedale jumped up and put my tooth through my lip. Best injury from a dog is nearly loosing the top of my left index finger after being bitten accidently. I tried to get some lamb shank out of my danes mouth and she went crunch I went to hospital and the thought was there was nothing broken - wrong it was broken I all could do was laugh about it. Went to theatre the next day and had it repaired, was told by the surgeon I was very lucky as the tip was only just attached I suspect if I was a male it would have been amputated. Best thing about it was I got Christmas and New Year off that year. My finger works very well and unless it is pointed out no one would know it was injured, does have a different sensation from my other fingers.
  11. I got DAP diffuser when I first got my Dane and will happily use it again when I feel the need. I was using because I had to go to work and on my return she would almost rip me to shreds with relief I was home, I found it very calming for her used with other training methods I was soon able to walk in the door and be greeted gently and calmly.
  12. Like Jed said take your neighbour some flowers and and appologise for the dogs barking, you know because the council got a complaint. Obviously it is unusual for your dogs to bark so much and on a positive note it is good to know your neighbour noticed she may not have known the reason and if unable to contact you did what she thoght was best. My neighbours dog barks at me when she is outside and any time I go out my front door, drives me insane at times and also limits my privacy too. No I won't complain about her because otherwise my neighbours are great and I don't want to loose good neighbours, they do try to stop her barking and will put her inside when they are home.
  13. Chase is looking great hope he continues to improve.
  14. Hope all goes well with Emmys surgery, certainly don't envy you having to keep her quiet and calm afterwards.
  15. nvdane that is heartbreaking as a dane owner myself I fully understand how you must feel at your dane being treated so slowly and then being told of such a high cost for the operation which as you mention was going to be too late to help your boy. As nvdane says sometimes the decision is taken from you by others. I think every situation needs to be looked at individually most importanly quality of life is my dictating factor.
  16. I'm with Petplan and haven't had a problem with them I havnen't made a claim for dental but this is what their policy states for dental treatment 23. The cost of dental Treatment unless Your Pet has had its teeth checked by a Vet no longer than 12 months before the onset date of the event giving rise to the claim. If any Treatment was recommended as a result of the check this must have been carried out. My understanding is that when you have a vet check your dog it's teeth should be checked and any treatment required should be done but anything found after the annual check should be covered.
  17. Guess it depends on what your relationship is like with your neighbours. If it was me I would mention the dogs barking has started since the trampoline was put near the fence and ask if they would be able to move it elsewhere in their yard or if not possible ask that the children ignore your dogs when jumping and see if that helps.
  18. No but that could be because I am half asleep, will have another look tomorrow.
  19. Sounds like the owner of the dog and not your neighbour needs to get a professional trainer in and help sort the Shih Tzu's behaviour out.
  20. Steve I am more than happy to help, bought my house because I couldn't stand the thought of renting again with pets. If you have enough for renting with pets I am happy to help with another issue you have in mind in the future.
  21. I would like 3 as mentioned in another thread, Thanks
  22. Got mine this morning too. Looks like I will be busy cooking for a while, worth the wait too.
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