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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. That's a clever way of seeing where you are up to. My dane goes to a groomer for a shampooch and set as I call it and they will put a bow on her collar at times, once they painted her nails but as they know me well I was quite happy with it all, they never do anything that upsets me or my girl, she loves all the pampering she gets. Your boy looks lovely and very happy too.
  2. Go into the local council and speak with the Ranger, tell them what you have done and request that they co-operate with you, so that you and the dog can live peacefully with your neighbours and request that they issue a nuisance order. Most rangers are resonable people and will understand that you have gone to great lenghts to put a stop to the barking. I agree they should be able to help you. Keep a record of who and when you spoke to them too just for added protection if someone complains about your dog barking in the mean time.
  3. Love this movie, an oldie but a goodie and as you say it is sad with a happy ending.
  4. By the time I take into account travel mine is on her own for about 14 hrs a day but that is only 3 days or nights a week unless I do an extra shift. I don't have to leave anything out for her because she tends to sleep most of the time, my neighbours have told me they never hear her barking nor do they see her outside in the backyard very often. I could do shorter more frequent shifts but I find being away less days for longer is much better for me and my dog, who has her cat to snuggle up to if she wants.
  5. That has brought a tear to the eyes, should have that and a few other posters plastered near pet shops and other pet selling places at this time of year so people stop and think before buying on impulse.
  6. That is such a good tribute with a perfect rule too.
  7. Thanks for posting the link it is so good to read a happy ending for a change, the photos of the two of them are lovely.
  8. SwaY is there a database to register missing/stolen dogs microchip numbers so they alert Vets, pounds etc that the dog does not belong to the person who has it?
  9. Wonderful news, now we just need to find Willow and that would make a perfect Sunday.
  10. Hope you find Cindy soon and she is okay. Too far away to come and help look for her, sorry.
  11. Good Luck hope she is home safe and sound tonight.
  12. I have a Bluey living outside my back door he scurries away when I go out, dog and cat don't worry him just look at him and carry on with what they are doing. I also knock on my garden shed before I open the door as I have had blue tongues in there frighten the life out of me when I enter. Last week the unit accross the road had a redbelly black snake in there and I am not too snake friendly so I keep my eye out for them.
  13. I would have details of your vet and AH vet too with directions to each so you are not wasting time looking for them should you need a vet. Like you I wasn't keen on crate training a dog, now having seen how dogs accept it as a safe place and how easy it is to contain your dog when necessary my next dog will be crate trained.
  14. Report him. Someone else may not cope like you did and their dog/puppy or they could end up hurt at least if the council know they can look out for him. A similar thing happened to me when I was walking my dog in the street and I was threatened by the owner of a unleashed uncontrolled dog who ran accross the road to me and my girl. I have a fear of unknown and unleashed dogs from when a previous dog on lead was attacked and nearly killed when I was walking him. This man threatened me and said if I reported him he would come to my house and terrorise my dog and me and added more into it too. I didn't hesitate and rang the council there and then who thanked me for reporting him and said they would send a vehicle to look in that area and if I saw the dog in a yard they wanted me to let them know the address so they could have a chat with the owner. Haven't seen them since thankfully. Glad you and Roscoe are okay.
  15. I'm with Petplan and in my experience they have not been any slower than other companies when they generally send me a letter letting me know they have my claim and last time it was paid very promptly. My only concern now is my girl is a giant breed and over 7 so there has been a bit of a change in the % I can claim back.
  16. Lucky dogs and lucky owners having you stop and pick them up, well done for making sure they were safe.
  17. I didn't want to leave the cat out so I stole his name, I always say I have a drinking problem dog is Sparkles and cat is Cointreau.
  18. A kennel for mine when I go away and she can't come, she always seems very happy there and I always walked away knowing she was being well cared for. New owners took over last year and my girl stayed there then and was happy too this year my cat is staying there and Sparkles is coming on holiday with me . I was happy when I rang to book my cat in because they have 6 Great Danes there at present and that wouldn't be the case if they weren't looking after them properly.
  19. I think there is a dog day in Newtown on the 12th or 13th of November, can't remember the details but I am sure you would be able to look it up.
  20. She's lovely sounds like you were meant to be together.
  21. Welcome, we need photos Like juice has said if Talia isn't on any meds she will probably do well with some, also lovely soft bedding does wonders too. Well done for rescuing her from the pound, how long have you had Talia for?
  22. Haven't read all the posts I'm being slack so pleased Earl is home, enjoy your holiday looks like you need one after what Earl has put you through.
  23. By now you should have your dogs and are on top of the world. Hope you are all having a wonderful reunion.
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