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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. Poor Puppy and humans, the last thing you would expect to hear about. Great bandgaes even if the puppy doesn't like them humans do. Hope she makes a full recovery and thanks for showing the x-rays.
  2. Hi Sas Can you point me in the direction of the study showing eating off the ground is better than higher up, I have always read and believed bowls should be raised to help prevent bloat and would be interested in studies showing otherwise. Thanks.
  3. How is your boy doing? Bloat is horrible my old dane bloated after the age of 10 resolved well without surgery but exactly one month later bloated again, the only sign was the look on her face and a drop of saliva on her mouth because I new my dog I new something was wrong she had surgery and made a good recovery dying from a different cause. My new dane had a gastropexy done when I had her spayed as a precaution, a recommendation from a breeder in America. It needs to be remembered that just because your dog has had a gastropexy it can still bloat, the gastropexy helps to prevent the torsion of the stomach which causes the death of the dog. As a non breeder but pet owner I would like to know about bloat in my dogs family especially at such a young age, given there is no real cause and lots of theories about bloat I think I would be reluctant to buy a puppy with a family link to bloat. Good luck with your dog and I hope he makes a full recovery.
  4. i don't think it is too small a yard, your dog isn't going to be stuck in the yard all day and night. You said two walks a day would be taken and the dog will be able to go inside when it likes and also have lots of human contact. Provided your dog gets out and about and human contact chances are you will find he won't want to be out in the yard that much except to dig. My dog is left alone when I am at work and has access to inside and out - my neighbour rarely sees or hears her when I am at work. Dogs adjust well make sure his favorite toys are there to play with and I am sure he will settle into his new home very soon.
  5. The breeder where I have got my two Danes from made it clear to me that they wanted the dog back if I was unable to or decided I didn't want my dog anymore. That sounds very blunt but I guess you have to be sometimes I certainly wouldn't want to give up my best friend but a consideration at time of purchase was their welfare should anything happen to me resulting in me not being able to look after my dog anymore. I carry a piece of paper in my purse stating who to contact should I be in an accident so my pets are properly cared, for the breeders details are also on it with instructions of what to do with my dog & other pets if necessary. A copy is also with a close friend hopefully this will prevent my pets from being pts if I can no longer care for them, I NEVER want that document to be used. It is rude to expect the breeder to pay you for your dog if you decide to return it, but polite to let the breeder to have first option to rehome the dog and be aware of what is happening to one of their puppies. I think any breeder who cares about their breed would like to know where the dogs go and the reason if they can no longer be kept by the purchaser.
  6. Still makes me cry too. Should be put up in every petshop so lots of people see it and also given to any person considering taking a dog or other animal into their home. Thanks for sharing it with us and thanks to the man who put the ad in the paper if only one person reconsidered their decission it was worth it.
  7. Sorry to hear your sad news, give Chester a big hug from me
  8. Yes it was at first I thought goody all is well and the moment I let my guard down there was a wet patch. I alway send Sparkles out to "spend a penny" before bed and she usually does but there would still be wet patches in the morning and other mornings nothing. Eventually I decided to go for treatment, although there was no indication of an infection I did use a course of antibiotics just in case but they didn't help. Just visited our vet this morning with a first of the day urine specimen and all is well it was concetrated and our vet was very pleased with it, he also thought the couple of wet patches were just the implant taking effect, there was nothing last night. Watch Shadow and if the incontinece resloves that would be wonderful.
  9. Glad to hear Kenny is okay and good for his age. Give him a big pat from me and hugs to your daughter for careing so much.
  10. Thank-you for your post, how old was your Dane when she started to develop the wetness? With the Implant was this latest one a different brand than your previous ones?, I like the idea that this can be used rather than a daily tablet. Shadow did seem rather embarressed by it, I will look at getting a waterproof matress for her bed, cot would fit perfectly. In the warmer months she has a cooler bed so we will just need to wipe it down through the Day/night for her. Sparkles was about 2 and a half when she started I had just bought a new bed and she had wet patches on it, no infection I tried tablets first but once I stopped them she was incontinent again cost wise and with my work the implant was a better option. The implant is to stop fertility in male dogs but also works for incontinence. As far as I know it is the same implant as previously used. At the moment I have only noticed the two episodes of wet patches since the implant was put in so maybe it just needs a bit more time to stabilise the hormones. Will update you when I can get a urine sample and visit our vet again.
  11. To be fair to my vet incontinence was mentioned as a side effect and also other reasons for desexing were discussed. If you do your own research before this is quite easy to find as a side effect. Maybe some vets are more open to discussion than others.
  12. My dane has this problem too, last week I had a Suprelorin 12 implant inserted this is the third year I have used it, the tablets were going to cost a fortune and the incontinence was due to hormone imbalance after desexing. Unfortunately this implant hasn't worked as well as the other two which were really good and I didn't get any wet patches for a year after insertion. So I am off to the vet as soon as I can get a specimen and see if anything else is going on with her. Don't get upset with Shadow because it isn't her fault and they really do feel bad, my girl just looks miserable when she knows she has left a wet patch. To protect your bed you can get waterproof matress protectors and a cot size may fit shadows bed if it is a big problem. Good Luck with Shadow.
  13. Please don't call her a "lady" she doesn't have any manners so can't be a lady. Did she ask before approacing you and patting Yogi who isn't fussed with the attention? I guess not, you probably would have said best not to and recomend she pat Abbie, her loss is your gain.
  14. Lucky Mya and lucky you I don't know much about the breed but I am sure you will have a great relationship and all the hard work rescuing Mya will have been worth it. Looking forward to seeing some photos and reading about Mya's transition to her new forever home.
  15. that's exactly what I want - and exactly where I ordered from Thanks for mentioning the book and the book depository I just ordered a copy.
  16. When I bought my house I replaced the old carpet with new and the lino with carpet excet in the two kitchen areas. I rented a house with tiles and they were dangerous to both dogs and humans because they were so slippery. My carpet is light biscuit colour with a texture not hard to keep clean I vacuum regularly and also have a shampooer I use when necessary. Floor boards sound great but I don't think I would cope if they were badly scratched and slipping would be an issue for me again. Good Luck finding your perfect flooring.
  17. I had to get a new car in August after driving a Holden Vectra and owning a great dane I decided I needed to look at a bigger car. I settled on a Hyundai Tucson, smaller than the Sante Fe but has enough room for a dane is easy to clean (I went for city ellite model with leather seats) the seats fold down flat, back window opens without opening the door, great price and warranty. Since I have had it I have driven on country dirt roads and not had any problems, slept in the back llike a log it was so comfortable, my only problem and that comes with all cars is where is it safe to attach the car harness? I don't like it being on the floor becasue the strap can get caught in my dogs legs when she moves and also limits where she can lie in the back.
  18. Front fences were the norm years ago and kids and their dogs could play in the front yard safely, now many kids play on the streets and dogs roam (there are exceptions). When I bought my house my first priority was to have a front fence put up so my dog can go outside and see what is going on and help me garden etc the fence waas also for my dogs safety so she couldn't rush out the front door into passing traffic. Yes she has barked at some dogs walking past but generally once she meets the dog they can walk past without any problems, when I am at home two small dogs walk with their owners visit to have a play session through the fence, that socialising wouldn't have happened if I didn't let my dog out in the front yard. For the dogs safety they shouldn't be left out the front all day wehn you are at work, kids teasing the dog, branding it dangerous because they put their hand through the fence after teasing a dog or worse throw unsafe food etc to your dog to eat. When walking I would much rather have dogs rushing to the fence barking etc than meet the same dogs roaming on the street. The council needs to get it's priorities right and concentrate on the important issues rather than try to punish people who give their dogs access to their front yards.
  19. Well done reporting it. if the council don't know they can't do anything about it next timet he dog/s attacked may not be so lucky. When I was about 15 (years ago) my airdale was on a lead being walked home and was attcked, the dog went straight for his neck the only thing that saved Charlie was the wide studded collar he wore, the attacker then grabbed a front leg and wouldn't let go. Luckily for me some people driving past helped get the ataacking dog off adn I got home. Charlie needed stitches to his leg, and minor bites to his neck, I still get worried when a dog approaches my dog and an owner isn't around. If it is an attack it should be reported, especially when owners don't care and won't take any responsibility.
  20. RIP Reg will think of you running and digginghaving fun during the next thunder storm.
  21. I wouldn't go without pet insurance it is peace of mind for the unexpected and unwanted. I'm with Petplan and haven't had any problems but then again I haven't needed to make many claims. Do a web search and compare them and decide which one suits you best there are lots to choose from and different levels of cover too. When you get covered I hope you never need to use it.
  22. If you are renting and have a glass sliding door Pig In Mud make a dog door that you can easily remove and take with you when you leave. I haven't got one but a friend does for her medium sized dog and said it is wonderful. I think they are a bit expensive but it would be better than having your landlord taking part of your bond and giving you a bad name for damaging a door even if it is old.
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