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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. Thankfully I haven't had to treat a dog with seizures but if my girl started to have them I would look at how she was on medication and the frequency of the seizures and whether she has what I believe to be quality of life. Quality of life is a decision that can only be made by the carer of the dog the person who knows them best.
  2. Thanks SilverHaze it makes sense if you don't have all your dogs restrained when you opent the door a side opening door would be much easier to close and keep the dogs safe than a lift up door. I guess I have been rather strict with cars and getting my dogs out in the past and have always made my dog wait until I am ready for them to get out of the car.
  3. I got a hyundai Tucson last year and I am very happy with it, my Dane fits in very well too. I am not the best for giving advice on cars as it really is just a Danemobile that has come with a chauffeur. I put one back seat down and leave one up and there is plenty of room for my dog, if necessary I am sure she could fit in the back with no seats down but I don't need to do that so I don't. SilverHaze why do you think a side opening door is safer for getting dogs out? Mine lifts up I have no problems getting my girl in or out, she is harnessed in the car so is not able to jump out before I am ready to release her from the harness. The other advantage of my door is the window can be lifted up without opening the door.
  4. Good Girl Mya now just keep the five year old out of Mums room so she can sleep tonight. Still waiting for piccies of cartwheels
  5. Sleep well? Mya will probably poo today if she is drinking and not dehydrated thats good and you said she had started eating again you have probably worried mor then you need to. If you are still concerned this afternoon give your vet nurse a call for some reassurance. I am sure we will hear you have been doing cartwheels today would like some piccies too please
  6. Glad to hear she is home again and has a waist too! Thanks for letting us know.
  7. Get to the vet now, if she is bloating she probably won't survive the night without treatment. Good Luck, let us know how she goes. Rotties are known to bloat.
  8. My girl has free access to the backyard and inside, I have never left a dog outside while I am away. Becasue I work long shifts day and night I let her have the run of the backyard while I am at work. It helps that my neighbours are all very good and they never hear my dog bark unless there is a reason and keep an eye on my house when I am at work. One neighbour who is a very light sleeper has told me she never hears or sees my dog or cat for that matter when I am at work I think they both sleep all day. My side gate is locked, and I have a front fence so if my dog got out to the front while I am at work she shouldn't be able to get any further than the front yard. As a puppy there were a few chewing problems while I was at work but she soon grew out of damaging the house when left alone. Another dog I had as a kid was left inside while Mum & Dad were at work, he slept until they came home and then he was naughty. Each puppy will be different, good luck with your decision.
  9. Well done reporting them, I hope the RSPCA get there before the kittens suffer much more. As sad as that is if the RSPCA are too late for the kittens the pet shop is now known to them and hopefully they will be keeping a very close watch on the animals in the shop, with any luck closing it down.
  10. I'd like 15 tickets, have emailed you for payment details.
  11. Unfortunately a decent percentage of the population do shop around. Many treat the Vet like their bulk bill doctor and price and least distance from home plays a large part in their decision making. Lots of people don't think the same way you do & don't feel that they need to advise that they have no money to pay the bill. You only need to do a thread search here to see how many people think that Vet Clinics are a total rip. It comes down to the relationship people have with their dogs, whether the dog even comes inside the house at all and how much they paid for the dog in the first place. I.e. we have lots of trouble getting a consult fee out of someone with a sick rabbit that cost a fifth of the price to buy. They just don't see the point. You have to remember too, that for some generations here (in Oz I mean) their animals were desexed on the needle (no gas anaesthetic) no pain relief and were for the most part, fine afterwards. Not trying to be totally negative, many retired people have their pets as child substitutes and would spend any amount on them which is lovely. Just trying to put across another POV. Staff'n'Toller I don't see you as being negative rather realistic though and yes I do see the other POV. The discussion might make some people think more about why they use a certain clinic or produce supplier rather than just accepting the closest or cheapest.
  12. Hadn't read about Tango before, sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with a lovely Dalmation.
  13. Give the distributors a call they can tell you who stocks it near you, have rung them before and always find them helpful.
  14. My first Dane was a retired breeder from Hildydane and lived to 11years 9 months and I was so proud of her. She succumbed to complications after surgery for the dreaded cancer, a great dog who introduced me to a wonderful breed. Before the cancer she bloated twice the second time she had a gastropexy. I cannot imagine a Dane living to 20 years, that is wonderful if they had quality of life to go with the longevity.
  15. I agree with you, but disagree with my bolded part. It should not be 'offered'. If it's important, it should be done full stop, not because the owner requested it. When humans go in for surgery, we are not offered 'extras' like that - we put our trust in the surgeons that we will receive everything we need. I think it should be exactly the same for animals. Owners shouldn't be made to decide IMO, it's not fair to ask if they want extras and have to pay for it and not fair to tell an owner there were 'complications' because they elected no fluids etc. It's something that will absolutely never happen in our clinic. This topic has become very interesting about what the standard should be etc. IMO you need to trust your vet and should not just select a vet to desex (or any other prcedure) your pet because of price. I have left my dogs and cats at the vet with the knowledge that what is required in my pets best interests will be done and I don't expect to be asked do I want this or that, nor be informed it is going to cost so many $ more if you want this. My vet and his/her nurse are entrusted to do what is the best and I believe a duty of care to provide the best care for the best outcome. Prior to any surgery or treatment I also believe I have a responsibility to inform the clinic if I am unable to afford any more than I am quoted or I need to pay the amount off to avoid embarrasing situations after surgery. I don't believe in Vet shopping and feel if you have a good Vet stick with them, they get to know you and your pet saving a few dollars in the short term is not worth a Vet you don't trust.
  16. I have both dog and cat with PetPlan and have no complaints at all. Recently put a claim in for my Dane and received a letter back explaining they were having some problems with claims and it would be dealt with in order of receipt. About 2 weeks later another letter turned up and I thought I was going to have to ask why my claim was rejected - how wrong was I a cheque was enclosed for a bit more than expected and a letter explaining direcet deposits were not being done at present. When I insured the cat he was only a kitten and was having ear mite treatment at the time, ear mites were excluded on his policy for the first 12 months since then he has been covered. Both my Policies are due this month and I have no hesitation renewing them, Premiums have not gone up since last year which is a positive too although they did go up the year before which I think some people didn't like. Any Any dog or cat I have responsibility for will have some form of insurance from the day they come to live with me, I have been in the position where having the insurance has allowed me to get the best treatment available and concentrate on my pet getting better rather than worrying about how I am going to pay for the treatment.
  17. I like carpet I vacuum twice a week, own a carpet shampooer and shmpooed my lounge room yesterday and the carpet is like new. I have found tiles and lino very slippery when wet and I don't fancy a broken leg on myself, dog or cat. I put new carpet in my house when I bought it 2 and half years ago and would do the same thing again my lounge room carpet looks like new at the moment.
  18. My dog Sparkles has a pet cat! One day I foolshly said to the vet I would try to rehome a hard to home kitten, within 2 weeks cat care rang with a 6 month old Abyssinian cross and we took him for a few days to see if Sparkles would like him. I took Sparkles into the Vets to collect the kitten and drove home with barking from her and crys from this new kitten got home and after about 10 minutes let the kitten out. After a short chase it was evident they were going to be best friends and have been ever since. Sparkles is the big protector who cries and lets me know if anything is wrong with her cat. Cointreau cat (yes my DOL name) often behaves more like a dog than a cat. They both sleep on the bed with me and both like rides in the car I draw the line at taking Cointreau for walks with Sparkles because of the risks of attack by other dogs. Cointreau will be off the the vet tomorrow for his annual check up I will be chauffeaur and Sparkles will come too making sure nothing happens to her cat. A couple of photos of the two together.
  19. How horrible for you to have to go through that with Phoenix. Soome vets just don't seem to understand bloat I know of a Rottie that bloated and was made to wait over30 minutes before seeing the vet that meant approx 1 hour had past before any treatment was considered the vet acted very slowly taking x-rays etc before conceding the dog was bloating the dog was given a gastropexy at some stage, never really making a complete recovery. I often wonder if the outcome would have been happier if the vet and their staff acted quicker. Well done for being so adament about Phoenix's condition and saving her life.
  20. No you shouldn't feel guilty. Get what you want, some people want rescue dogs others don't and there are other ways to help rescue dogs other than adopting one.
  21. Must be half asleep, couldn't work out what a Porty was until I saw the photo then I knew.
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