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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. Thinking of you Jed and of course your family and surviving pets. RIP doggies run free I don't know anyone in Qld but I certainly hope it is Magnus. Thinking of you too Julie, you are doing a terrific job organising everything and keeping us informed.
  2. Lovely dog, good to see people happy to have dogs in our hospitals.
  3. Being a registered breeder is different from selling cross bred puppies with silly names for very large sums of money from a vets clinic. I have seen the ads in the local paper numerous times and it looks very much like a front for a backyard breeder to me, use a vet to give credibility to the puppies being purchased for over $700. From memory the kittens are not cheap either so again I think it is just a money making racket. Doesn't sit well with me.
  4. They advertise in the local paper to sell kittens and puppies not cheap either and use silly cross bred names. I have never used them because I refuse to support pet shops selling animals why should I be different with a vet. Yes I did get my cat through my vet but he came from cat care and was an unwanted kitten, not sold to make a profit. to you and your family.
  5. I thought vet clinics had to be owned by vets or has that changed in the last 10 years? Could you imagine if we did that to overseas visitors needing emergency treatment at a hospital and they had no insurance, we would be lynched. I don't care who owns a practice there is no excuse not to get an animal into a vet for urgent assessment at least before discussing money, why not let the owner know the clinic needs $300 deposit but we will get your dog into the vet first while they are assessing we will take you out and swipe your card. At least the animal is being seen and not waiting. Certainly I would agree if someone is a bad debter at the clinic to get prepayment but in an emergency it is the animal suffering. The bigger clinics with their bright lights and slogans like we care etc need to show they care about the animals rather than the hip pocket. Rip doggie, thiniking of you daughter and you.
  6. A few years ago I would walk my dog and pass an older woman walking her dogs one on a lead the other in an old pram she had a sign on the pram that said something like this Please don't laugh at me I like to to for walks but I am very old now and can't walk too far, this way I can still go out with my buddies and enjoy the day. When it was cooler a blanket was put over the dog so it didn't get cold. Don't worry about what others think, you are taking your dog out and not leaving her at home to get misserable and feel she has let you down because she is getting older, or worse feel she is being punished now she is older and can't walk far. Hope you have a lovely walk today and many more to come.
  7. Stormie your idea is a good one, a thought I have is recommending people interested in a certain breed try to visit a breed social day. The atmosphere is more relaxed than at shows and many people looking for a puppy without knowledge IMO feel show dogs are different and more precious from a pet dog. The other thing I feel is really important and I know you would be thinking this too is that a puppy grows up and is a pet for life not just while it is a puppy and the well behaved dog you see didn't come trained a lot of time and effort has been put in to making this dog behave. Had to put my two bobs worth in.
  8. Congratulations Kirsten, Happy Mothers day
  9. I'm with Petplan and didn't have any trouble with my claim from February, they did have a slight delay in payment but sent a letter to explain that to me and sent a cheque soon after for more than I expected.
  10. I would board my dog for that length of time especially if you were considering someone you don't know looking after your dog. A good boarding kennel will look after your dog well, also your dog should be in a safe secure environment with people who are dog minded which should put your mind at ease. I can't comment on the boarding facilities you mentioned as I don't use or know them, in my opinion you should not need to pay more for your dog to get attention and be fussed over or be allowed any extra play time a good facility will provide the attention and exercise your dog needs.
  11. Well done to all involved in the care of this dog and may the dogs owner have a very good recovery especially as he knows his dog is going to be waiting for him.
  12. Thinking of you Horts and know you will make the decision when it needs to be made. One of our old girls was going in the back legs and one morning I woke up and let her outside and she told me then it was time to let her go. I had to let Dad know we needed to go to the vet, Dad had a horrid time as he had picked up Cindy our cross breed from a shelter as a puppy and flown her home she really was in his heart. Somehow our fur kids can let us know it is time to let them go and for us it is the hardest but most honorable thing you can do for them, Kuges will let you know when he needs to go until then take each day as it comes, enjoy your time with him. Give him a hug from me and my 4 paws and yourself. Hope Kuges has more good days than not so good.
  13. I had the design ready but the company wouldn't do it and I really needed to get a good security screen quickly rather than wait. Might just see what else I can organise now.
  14. I used to have a vinyl cover for my back seats in my old car. For the life of me I can't think of what it was called but it was made with holes for the the headreasts and seatbelts and meant to protect your seats from dog hair. I loved it and used it for my Great Dane I had at the time, the company was in Melbourne I'll post the name if I find it. I use to put a sheet or towel on the seat if the car was in the sun so my dog didn't get burnt on hot vinyl. The seat cover did protect my car from the beach, sand, water and hair.
  15. When I got a security door made they wouldn't put a dog door in because it was no loger a security door so they said. A friend has Pig in mud and really likes it, will be getting one in the future for my girl too. They have them at Pet Barn (saw one today) and Bunnings also have them I belive. There are more coming on the market all the time. Pig in Mud don't do any damage to your door and can be fixed to either glass or screen door so is adjustable with the seasons.
  16. Hyundais were throw away car we had a Lantra when they first came out and I was very disapointed and felt it was a very weak unsafe car. Two people at work suggested I try the Tucson as they both had one and were very happy and the quality and handling of the vehicle were terrific, nothing like the Lantra. Check the warranty carefully, I have 5 years unlimited kms my plan is to keep the car for 4 years and then lease a new one.
  17. tlc see if you can find out about the cars service history, some people don't drive very far at all. At one stage when I lived in the country a car would be lucky to get 10,000 ks a year, my old car was lucky to do much over 10,000 ks a year too. I am now pushing to do 20,000 ks a year for my lease agreement with my car. Also check and see if there is any original dealer warranty left, my car has 5 years. Good luck with your search.
  18. PAX I think you are right about the IX35. I thought of the Holden Captiva but it was going to cost more, less warranty and made in the same country as the Hyundai. I also had a foul taste in my mouth from the Holden dealership who had been trying to get me to buy a new car for years and as my old car was a Holden and they had done all the maintenence on it I was annoyed it didn't last 10 years and they really hadn't a clue how to service a car. Their loss has been my gain.
  19. Whoops got distracted again after taking the photos I decided I needed to clean the car and did the lot. As far as I know the back seats don't move, I can call into the dealer tomorrow if you like I drive past them all the time and check if the seats move at all and also ask if they have got the cargo barrier designed yet. When I bought my car in August Head Office said thye were designing one I haven't heard any more since, not that I am really after one. The Tucson is very roomy, I sat in the back a few weeks ago and was surprised at how much room I had, there are only 3 seatbelts in the back, the middle one is unusual to do up because the seats fold down it did look very safe. It is also very comfortable to sleep in too, I was on my own and no doggy companion but have since decided I could go off on a holiday with her and if we need to sleep in the car there would be plenty of room for both of us. Your 4 are lovely, I would imagine they could fit in the back of the Tucson without the seats down if necessary, Sparkles often just lies down at the very back against the door. If you want me to measure the area for you let me know and shall do so tomorrow.
  20. Hi tlc sorry working the weekend so late in replying. I have a Tucson and here are a few photos with Sparkles in it (hope they work) I have had Sparkles in the back and only have one seat folded as I like one up as she was used to a sedan before, she isn't a good girl travelling either and likes to stand up I think you should have room for 4 medium dogs in the back of the car but not room for passengers too if you put both seats down. I will go and check the seating a bit more for you I haven't tried moving the seats and I don't know if they do move. As you can see from the photos it is a dog mobile.
  21. Thank you for posting this. It is the first positive comment I have had regarding amputation which I can relate to my old Dane who had osteosarcoma, unfortunatley she died from other complications post surgery. You have just reassured me I made the right decision to at least try surgery and not opt to PTS first. Kirty as you can tell from the above I went through this with my old girl she was 11 years 9 months. Hildar was a very healthy full of life girl except for her hind leg which I decided to amputate due to osteosarcoma. After watching her continue with her normal behaviour except on the Sunday before surgery when she sat in the front garden and I thought to be kind to her I would drive the car out of the car port. Before I could move the car she was at the drivers side letting me know she wanted to come with me. The leg was amputated and I know it was the right thing to do despite numerous people giving me negative comments, some rather cruel. Would I do it again yes, if I believed it was the right treatment for my dog and they would manage. Dogs adjust well without a leg, if you are concerned about stability on three legs at first you can use a towel under the tummy/hip area or when I researched equipment I found a bottoms up harness to assist dogs with problems with their hind leg/s. I would get a specialist opinion before amputation to see if there is another way to treat the leg, if amputation is the best way to go for the dogs health and pain free happiness then I would do it.
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