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Everything posted by cointreau

  1. Wonderful news, give him a big hug from me and slobber kisses from Sparkles
  2. What a great looking Kennel for Coco - where do humans sleep? Seriously I am really pleased you have found somewhere you can have Coco you must be so relieved and happy.
  3. What a wonderful good news story, he does look very happy & so does your daughter. Hope they can both be happy when he goes to his forever home. Well done Tigerlily73 for seeing this lovely dog can enjoy the rest of his life.
  4. I haven't had much to do with greyhounds but had a rescue come and stay with me and my Dane & cat along with the greyhounds swf friend there were no problems at all, everyone got on very well and I am looking forward to another visit. If size is a concern for OHs grandmother perhaps see if she could meet a greyhound or two and see if she manages and likes them. I found the greyhound to be very gentle and wellbehaved, rescued just recently I think it did very well to be so good in a new environment. Good luck with you search.
  5. They sent an email saying they had a quick response and their testers had alreaday been informed. I missed out too :D
  6. I also agree with what stormie has said but would like to take it further and while the manufacturers of the vaccines need to do testing and relable their product boarding kennels also need to accept that annual vaccination is not necessary as this can be a trigger for people to vaccinate their pets. No vaccination no boarding and you can't blame them just as you can't blame the vet - they are the middle men/women in the chain they have their business to protect.
  7. I already have a similar sticker on my window. No I don't want someone to loose their life saving my pets but should they think I am inside (I'm a shift worker) and try to get me out it would be good for them to be aware they may be confronted by a frightened dog if for no other reason than being aware there is another possible danger.
  8. I made a big mistatke with my girl and walked her in a harness used for the car at the time I beliveved it was suitable to walk her in too (my previous dog was easy to walk n a harness). Never trust the label, so she was a puller and looking back I think the harness made her worse. I eventually walked her with a Blackdog infin8 which I used for about 4 months then went to a martingdale collar. Yes she can still pull but with persistance she is much better to walk and I no longer think my arms are going to be taken off. Now I look forwrd to walking rather than looking at it as a chore.
  9. RIP Maggie, thinking of you Pugmum
  10. Been away and hadn't checked this thread for a while, welcome back Jed. You certainly didn't come across as uncaring on the TV. Hoping you get an improvement each day.
  11. I have what I consider a good sized yard which both my Dane and cat like to run in. They really only spend time outside in the yard when I am out there too. Occasionally they will go out and sunbake for a very short amount of time. I think any dog left alone needs to be able to be occupied by something to reduce bordom. I have rejected rental properties because the windows were to hight and would not allow my dog to see outside and I felt it was cruel to leave her in a house with just the walls to look at. Remeber the bigger the yard the more work for you to do too!
  12. I'm not a breeder but pet owner, last time I was vetted by a breeder my reaction to adults of the breed was looked at. Did I have a problem with a big dog putting its' head on my lap, did I look frightened when approached was the slobber and hair too much for me to handle, was I happy to pat and interact with the dog. The dogs reaction to me was also looked at. Yes lots of questions were asked by the breeder and myself but the best indicator was the adult dogs reactions to me and mine to them the vetting by the dogs took over 2 hours but was well worth it.
  13. Yep, another Chilly Coat fan here and yet another fan, only coat that fits and stays on and isn't off in the morning, what's more my girl loves her Chilly Coat.
  14. Can't take my girl to work, its a human hospital I work 12 hour shifts which gives me more days off to spend with my girl, not a bad compromise really.
  15. Rarely go to off leash areas, haven't found a fenced one here and everyone I have seen I think is too close to cars to be safe and have found many people who visit the beach etc don't really care what their dog is doing and have little respect for other dog owners. I have been abused numerous times just because my dog is big, it isn't worth the risk if anything happens I know my dog will be blammed.
  16. Julie have a lovely day, take some tome out for yourself you deserve it.
  17. Thanks Steve for bumping that, I hadn't read the story before. Obviously a very great bond between Jed and Chi Chi.
  18. Glad to hear she has a donor, hope she doesn't need any more of the red stuff too soon.
  19. stormie is it worth getting your dog blood typed if they are generally healthy and if do you know if it is a costly exercise?
  20. Don't know if this link will help you. http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/fragview...))&tocnav=y If you can't get it to work I did a google search for nsw debarking and came up with a NSW legislation. hope it works for you and helps otherwise I have no idea, sorry.
  21. My dane donates for my vet when he needs blood, my old girl used to also the donations have always been needed urgently and crossmatching hasn't been done. The receiving dogs have never had transfusions before. I am assuming Colliewood your friends dog is going to need more than one transfusion or has had one before. Hope your friends dog will be okay.
  22. Last year I checked my home & contents insurance and have public liability at the time I specifically asked if I was covered if my dog caused an injury, my pet insurance also covers me. I checked it out because I know of someone being sued due to an injury caused by their dog. I don't think you can be too careful.
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