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Everything posted by Elsha_UK_AU

  1. If I could have a 3rd, then yes....there would be an Aramis Susan
  2. Sorry to hijack, but just wondered where you'd begin looking for a behaviouralist? My CKCS is 14 months (we got him 6 weeks ago) and there some issues which I think we'd benefit from seeing someone specialised in dog behaviour.... Just wondered if it was something you asked the vet about or whether to start googling? Thanks Susan
  3. Hi Meet Porthos....we picked him up from the Breeders yesterday. He is 10 weeks old and with his "non biological" Big Brother - D'Artagnan 14 months. Thanks for letting me share Susan
  4. I had to give mine one for the first time (got him as a 13 month old). Anyway, the first one was ruined as it was gross and he would not have a bar of it, so before we resorted to a topical worm/heart worm treatment, I tried again the next night. I sliced it into 4 pieces and popped it inside a piece of "chicken roll" and he ate it. I know what to do for next time now.... I don't know whether he chewed it or swallowed it, but he seemed to be chewing for awhile so I gather he did Good Luck
  5. I am trying to introduce new things into my 14 month old CKCS. (owned him 5 weeks). He was fed on a raw diet at the breeders, He was on Advance dry, raw beef mince (premium, or 3-4 star, not "pet mince") and loved chicken necks. We had him on raw mince originally but she warned us that he was the most fussy of eaters and would go for a few days sometimes without eating. He had a tummy upset after a few weeks with us and so had to have meds from the vets as he was bleeding a little in his diarhea. Now we have him on paws fresh meat (raw beef with veggies) - it is cubed meat and smells a whole lot better than mince He also eats every day now, with the occasional day where he's just not fussed. (usually hot days). We give him chicken necks and he loves smacko's sticks as a treat He is on Optimum dry as well. We get our pup in 2 weeks (CKCS) and I want to start this one off with other things, so fish once a week etc etc. Hopefully D'Artagnan (our 14 mth old) will start experimenting more. He even turned his nose up to dog choc....(mind you, he now loves them as a treat). Susan
  6. Awww they are lovely! Does your Mother In Law know you are putting them on a diet? Will she continue it when she comes home? I am just thinking that if you are changing their diet and going to this trouble, it would not be good if she puts them back onto the previous diet the minute she gets home. Good Luck Susan
  7. D'Artagnan came with his name at 13 months old and knew it well, so we kept it. We are getting a CKCS puppy in 2 weeks (10 weeks old) and originally when we knew we were having 2, we thought we'd go for a Lord of the Rings theme and call them "Merry" and "Pippin" (2 cute little hobbits) but cos of D'Artagnan, we thought we'd go 3 Musketeers and so the new pup is going to be Porthos. D'Artagnan (Tagnan - pronounced Tan-Yun for short) suits his name totally. You can almost see him in little leather boots, floppy hat with feather and sword at the ready. He minces around like royalty....and as they described the Musketeers as very "Cavalier" then, it is totally suitable for our little Cavalier! We chose Porthos as the other 2 Musketeers names were not great (Aramis - makes me think Mens cologne) and Athos sounds like a Butt Hole Of course, Porthos sounds like the Beagle from Star Trek - Enterprise....but oh well Susan
  8. I saw this too, but not tins, it was in 1 meal pouches. It looked pretty good actually. It was called "Just fish" or "Fish 4 dogs" something like that. Susan
  9. Yes, we do have an area set up where he can go although he has on accasion chewed the pads, rather than use them to pee. I know that toileting in their bed is not normal, however when I discussed it with a few other friends/online aquaintances who had CKCS, they said they had on occasion had the same issue. He never does it when we are home, does not do it on our bed, couch or anywhere else he sleeps. I think it may not have been because he needed to go, I think he may have been frightened.... our neighbours have a little kid who when she is outside can cause an almighty ruckus. If he is outside, he barks and whines and runs back and forth along the fenceline getting very agitated at the noise. I am wondering whether he is hearing the noise and it frightens him? As I said, we are not concerned, do not reprimand him for it, he's been vet checked and is happy, content and really making himself at home I am getting a dog door installed soon and once the new pup (picking up 10 week old CKCS in 2 weeks time) is old enough to go out and in, will let them come in and go out on their own schedule. Susan
  10. Maybe get the dog door installed then and ask your neighbours to report if there is extended barking. If they are used to being inside, even with the door door, they may still spend most of their day inside and only go outside to toilet or have a sniff around.
  11. My 14 month old CKCS is inside all day with no access to outside. We bought him 5 weeks ago from a breeder and he had outside access there. He is fine most of the time but occassionally will toilet on his own bed whilst we're at work. We don't make a fuss of it, just wash his bedding and move on. If we haven't given him access to a place where he can toilet, we can hardly be reprimanding him on it. In the 5 weeks we've had him, he's done it about 5 times. He loves being outside, but is a rather "cloth headed" dog :D He will eat bugs, try and chew stones, bark at the neighbours (only on 1 side) and whine at them cos he wants to be with them. I originally wanted to lock him outside all day whilst we were at work but now have thought better of it. I am going to get a dog door installed and we shall see how that goes. He sleeps 95% of the day anyway.....even when he's outside, he runs around and then flops down somewhere to sleep. I think you would feel better leaving your two inside, if that is what they have been used to. Just remember, that if they do "toilet" in the house, that you cannot really reprimand them as you haven't given them access to outside. I do feel your pain, we bring home a puppy in 2 weeks and when we go back to work, there will be 2 of them in the house. Good Luck in your decision. Susan
  12. Down at my feet on one of his beds. (in the bottem right hand corner, you can see my computers base unit) ;) Susan
  13. I need to get Tagnan (14 month old CKCS) chipped, I don't believe he's chipped already - at least the breeder didn't state that he was and I didn't ask at the time. Can the vet check to see if he's chipped already when we take him in for chipping? That way if he is, we can get the details changed over. We have our receipt of purchase for him from the Breeder. When we get our puppy in 3 weeks time, we shall be getting him chipped ASAP. Least it means that as well as the shire tags, that they have a means of identification, should their collars be removed. Susan
  14. My Cavalier is 13 months old and sleeps 90% of the day....he can have 8-9 hours at night, be awake less than an hour and then be napping again. Normally 1 eye opens and follows me out the room and then he either decides to follow or snoozes again. I just finished watching tv and he was between my and my husband with a blanket over us and he decided he'd rather stay on the couch than follow us!
  15. We just bought a 1 year old CKCS this morning & get a puppy (same breed) in March. I am keen to take out Pet insurance on both. I quite like the look of Medibank Private....I am with them for my health insurance so would get a 10% discount. Anyone got insurance for their pets through them?
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