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Everything posted by Yesmaam

  1. The WL malinois people are doing something believe me, the ANKC Malinois clubs on the other hand are not fussed.
  2. Yes this is old news. The GSDCA sought their own selfish exemption to parts of the victorian DD act.
  3. from GSDCV and from GSDCA GSDCA affiliate clubs are (apparently) GSDCV GSD League NSW GSD Assoc WA GSDCSA GSDCQ GSDCT GSDCNT ACTGSD Association Newcastle and Hunter Region GSDC Broken Hill GSDC You should write back to them and tell them to stop being so ignorant. We all know that SchH is not teaching a dog to "attack" anything and certainly not a person. Shows you how much they really know about dogs doesn't it...lol................. I guess if the dog is not running around a show ring they are out of their depth......
  4. Interesting. So as far as we know the ANKC "should" abide by FCI regulations regarding IPO/schutzhund titles & not altering pedigrees. So I guess the question is, do the FCI have the balls to stop the ANKC doing this, or will they just turn a blind eye & let the ANKC get away with it? The ANKC should go beyond not altering pedigree's and fully recognise the sport. They do not recognise the sport as they think it is a form of "attack training"......... Apart from this being completely ignorant, they threaten breed clubs with disaffiliation if they try to recognise it or make any attempt to approve FCI working judges to adjudicate working trials in Australia (please read below a letter from the ANKC to the GSDCA). It should be noted that there is no legislation in Australia that specifies that SchH is illegal or makes a dog dangerous; However, SchH is exempt from the dangerous dog laws in South Australia. 21 February 2007 Dear Mrs Moody It has come to the attention of the Member Bodies of the Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) that at the Annual General Meeting of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia Inc. held in Sydney on the 3rd and 4th of February 2007 a motion was passed by your Member Clubs to allow SV judges to adjudicate at Working Dog Trials here in Australia. As these events are not sanctioned by the ANKC we hereby inform you that should you go ahead with this action, it is the intention of this organisation to immediately disaffiliate/suspend the German Shepherd Council of Australia, and it's Member Clubs. It is also our intention to take action through the FCI against any licensed Judge that adjudicates at any event in Australia that is not sanctioned by the Australian National Kennel Control. Yours sincerely Hugh Gent President ANKC
  5. Just to get it back up the top of the list 21.08.10 NEWS FLASH! Owners of dogs receiving ANKC registration transfer papers in yesterday's post have reported ALL the official FCI working titles have been removed from their pedigrees by the Kennel Club! This arbitary action by the ANKC is a blatent misuse of their power and it simply outrageous behaviour on their part. Especially after their receiving protests about their lack of consultation, and where the ANKC President then promised affiliates to table the matter at the Conference next October for discussion! Owners, do not accept this disrespect lying down! Return any doctored pedigrees to the Kennel Club immediately and request all the dog's official titles be included, as received. The ANKC are acting like vandals by deleting internationally recognized working titles. (What are we? Some Third World backwater that we cannot provide our Australian owners with accurate pedigrees.) W And who is going to compensate owner's for the loss of value and income within the national and international working and service dog community, that is just one result of this unjustified relegation? Because as a full and proper record of a dog's working status and heritage, Australian pedigrees stand to become pretty much worthless. Furthermore, do members need to be concerned that the ANKC has already expunged our dog's working titles from the data base? Is the proposed promise from President to address this matter at the next ANKC Conference just a bit of window dressing, paying lip service to what is already a done deal on their part? To pretend the high handed devaluation of other people's assets was some sort of democratically arrived at decision? I.e.: Feeding people a line to keep them quiet while in the meantime getting on with the real business of valadalizing their dog's pedigrees, irreparably and forever. Our dog's internationally recognised FCI working titles and the high standing and status these titles represent at home and abroad are not a political footballs for the likes of the GSDCV and Dogs Victoria, or the ANKC for that matter, to play their petty politics with. Don't be rolled over into giving away our entitlements. Get up and demand complete and accurate pedigrees! Don't wait for others to act for you, be effective and get organized!
  6. Received this today RE ANKC DIRECTIVE REMOVING FCI IPO/SCHH TITLES - AFFILIATE CLUBS PLEASE GET ORGANIZED! ANKC Affiliate clubs be advised that the directive to withdraw IPO / SchH titles from Australian pedigrees has beeen withdrawn. Temporarily. They have only withdrawn it until it is discussed at the ANKC Conference in October. If we are to have our concerns in regards to this matter heard, then clubs need to submit submissions in regard to our point of view to the Conference. It is also possible to request approval for a delegation to be present at this Conference to speak on behalf of our submissions. Member clubs need to approach this with a united front if we are to stop a precedent for obmitting offcial FCI titles taking place. It is also pertinent to get the support of the government agencies that purchase stoc from IPO / SchH backgrounds, as these agencies are the front line of the working dog breeds, and as such their opinions are qualified in stating why IPO / SchH titles are important to identify qualified animals and to the breeding of functional working dogs. ANKC state clubs need to get the supporting documentation organised and themselves co-ordinated .
  7. Received this from a friend today You will be happy to know I have just had rather a heated discussion with the CEO of Dogs NSW. She has advised rather unhappily that the directive to withdraw the titles from these dogs has beeen withdrawn. They have only withdrawn it until it is discussed at the ANKC Conference in October. She has advised that if we have cocerns in regards to this matter the we submit a submission in regards to our point of view on this matter. She further advised that it is possible to request approval for a delegation to be present at this conference to speak on behalf of our submissions. I believe we need to approach this in a united front as this conference is going to be our only opportunity we are going to have to stop this taking place. I believe we need to try and get the support of the government agencies that purchase our stock as this will have a significant impact on them as well.
  8. Oh interesting, I'll investigate and see if I can find it at a reasonable price - I've never seen it around here before, so I didn't know you can get it. I'll still shape the exercise, though. I like teaching her, and she likes learning, and it might well come in handy at some stage. You can buy it from most health food shops and your oil can be bought in bulk too. Have a look at http://bigdogpetfoods.com/ they sell a really good greyhound racing oil called "Frontrunner". It has Omega 3,6 and 9 and Vit E. Again, you just splash it on your dog food rather than trying to ram a pill down your dogs throat. I think the website is down at the moment but check back soon.
  9. Don't mean to state the obvious but why don't you try glucosamine powder instead?? It's very easy to mix in with food and you won't have to spend all this time trying to shape an exercise that really isnt worth it in the big scale of things.
  10. I hope your friends, friend sends it back with a letter of complaint. Especially since the decision has been withdrawn until it is reviewed in Oct.
  11. It is not over yet folks! The ANKC has only said that the topic will be discussed at the next conference so we need to keep the pressure on. Keep writing letters to them, the FCI and anyone else who you think needs to know what is happening in OZ. Ultimately, we all need to sit down together to sort this mess out once and for all (breed clubs and IPO clubs) or it will continue to happen. We need to stay united. We need to have IPO/ SchH fully recognised by the ANKC. It is an FCI recognised dog sport. We need for them to stop all the propaganda about it being a form of "attack training". We need this to happen to preserve our great working breeds for now and into the future. From the GSD to the Boxer, in one way or another, if you own an FCI recognised "working/ utility" breed IT WILL EFFECT YOU UNLESS SOMETHING IS DONE ABOUT IT NOW! Spread the message and join the fight to stop the ANKC destroying our working breeds.
  12. Fantastic news! Now all we have to do is get the ANKC to recognise the FCI recognised activity of IPO/ SchH.
  13. This is on another post but I thought I would copy it and start a new post to highlight what is going on. Received it on an email the other day too. DEAR CANINE FRIENDS PLEASE WRITE TO THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL KENNEL CLUB http://www.ankc.org.au/Contact-Us.aspx TO PROTEST THEIR ROGUE ACTION INTENDED TO FALSIFY AUSTRALIAN PEDIGREES BY OMISSION. THE ANKC HAS ANNOUNCED (SEE BELOW) IT WILL NO LONGER BE RECORDING IPO / SCHUTZHUND TITLES, AS WELL AS THAT IT WILL BE REMOVING FROM AUSTRALIAN PEDIGREES LEGITIMATE IPO / SCHUTZHUND TITLES EARNED IN OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED FCI COMPETITIONS, WHICH BELONG TO THE DOGS THAT EARNED THEM AND AS SUCH ARE PART AND PARCEL OF OUR AUSTRALIAN PEDIGREES. ANKC HAS A FORMAL AGREEMENT WITH FCI THAT OBLIGES KENNEL ORGANIZATIONS TO RECOGNIZE EACH OTHERS TITLES, WHICH INCLUDES IPO / SCHUTZHUND / VPG TITLES. THE ANKC HAS NOT ENGAGED IN ANY PROPER CONSULTATION PROCESS AND THEIR ACTION ARE JEOPARDIZING THE INTERNATIONAL STANDING OF OUR AUSTRALIAN PEDIGREES BY THEIR STEPPING ONTO THIS VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE. RESIST THIS DEVALUATION OF OUR AUSTRALIAN DOGS AND THEIR PEDIGREES BY THIS BLATANT THEFT THEIR OFFICIAL WORKING TITLES! 1) WRITE TO THE FCI TO MAKE THEM AWARE OF THIS BREACH AND TO REGISTER YOUR PROTEST OF THIS DISSIDENT ACTION BY THE ANKC Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) General Secretariat of the FCI http://www.fci.be/ Place Albert 1er, B-6530 THUIN BELGIUM Tél : +32 71 59.12.38 Tel: +32 71 59.12.38 Fax : +32 71 59.22.29 Fax: +32 71 59.22.29 2) WRITE TO THE ANKC TO PROTEST. TAKE YOUR COMPLAINT FURTHER AND WRITE TO YOUR STATE KC BRANCH. WRITE TO DOGS VICTORIA. 3) WRITE TO INTERNATIONAL BREED ORGANISATIONS TO PROTEST AUSTRALIA REFUSING TO ACCEPT FCI IPO / SCHH TITLES ON DOGS IMPORTED TO AUSTRALIA, AS IS THEIR OBLIGATION TO FCI TO DO. Some suggestions below. Welt-union der Vereine fuer Deutsche Schaeferhunde(WUSV) e.V. Praesident: Wolfgang Henke Steinerne Furt 71 86167 Augsburg Fax 0821 74002-9915 Telefon 0821 74002-15 Internet: www.wusv.de E-Mail : [email protected] Vereine fuer Deutsche Schaeferhunde (SV) e.V. Hauptgeschaeftstelle - http://www.schaeferhunde.de/ Administration FMBB (World Federation Belgian Shepherd Dogs) http://www.fmbb.net/contact.php Geert Bouckaert Tempelierstraat 4 8470 Gistel Belgium Geschäftsstelle des ADRK Dr. Manfred Herrmann 32429 Minden Südring 18 Germany Telefon 0049-571-504040 Telefax 0049-571-5040444 Email [email protected] 4) WRITE TO THE EMAIL FORUMS TO TELL OTHERS TO GET ACTIVE. The Dogzonline forum already has a thread going - join the forum and register a public protest. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=202587 STOP THIS PIRACY OF OUR REGISTRY! Some Background behind this ruling: The decision to remove all IPO / SchH titles from the ANKC has been made without discussion with the breed clubs concerned or taking into consideration the rights of the owners of pedigreed working dogs in this country, where IPO / Schutzhund titles are a part of the dog's official history as well as enhancing the value of those animals. The ANKC is acting like a rogue institution, riding rough shod over our right to have accurate pedigrees and ignoring it's pact of mutual obligation it has with FCI. Namely to recognise each others pedigrees and titles, which includes IPO (Schutzhund / VPG) titles earned at legitimate trials in all FCI countries holding these trials. There can be little doubt this high handed, scandalous action by the ANKC has come about due to pressure applied by the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia, which has engaged itself in pursuing their rabid anti-Schutzhund / IPO agenda via a variety of agencies and forums over many years. (Much to the detriment of their own breed as well as to the wider working dog population per se.) Thanks to A small group of self serving "fundamentalists" within the hierarchy of the German Shepherd Dog fraternity, every other working dog breed has had the pay the price of having a highly valuable breed test and DOG sport ignorantly demonised as being "attack training" and actively discriminated against by all manner of unfair machinations and deceits on the part of the GSDCA hierarchy. Now they add insult to injury by forcing us all to put up their minority self interests first, dictating we must accept having legitimately earned FCI titles in our dog's pedigrees simply wiped out by a keystroke - as if those dogs had never passed those trials and those official titles had never existed! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? WHO EXACTLY IS RUNNING THE KENNEL CLUB IN THIS COUNTRY? AND FOR WHOSE BENEFIT? I can answer in part the latter - it is for the political benefit of the GSDCA. The GSDCA have moved heaven and earth to destroy the sport of Schutzhund / IPO in this country, merely in order to claim immunity from the World Union of German Shepherd Dogs Charter that requires all their member organizations to support the sport and encourage members to participate. Effectively, the GSDCA hierarchy fear that by having Schutzhund training available to their members in Australia, the WUSV (World Union of GSDs) will also require their Organization to include a SV/WUSV (Schutzhund based) character test in Australian breed surveys as well as a requirment for all adult dogs rated Excellent at their Main Breed Show. Instead of the GSDCA resigning from WUSV because they cleaarly don't wish to follow the terms of the WUSV Charter, they instead set out to misuse their authority and position within ANKC and other bureaucracies to trash the sport in this country, generating collateral damage for everyone else involved while about it. GSDCV has moles working inside Dogs Victoria and within the Victorian (DPI) Department of Primary Industries. They are to blame for the instigation of legislation in Victoria that effectively criminalizes ordinary dog owners who unfortunately get caught "hetzing" their dog with an object in their hand (i.e.: this includes tennis balls). Unfortunately, the uniquely worded DPI legislation, that was intended to disable participation in Schutzhund / IPO (an internationally accredited and recognised dogsport) in Victoria, has now blown out to encompass just anyone in that state training a dog using manually held motivational tools. Ludicrous though it sounds, the ANKC assault on the integrity of our Australian pedigrees has come about merely because of the short sighted, self serving agenda of a group of influential fanatics within the GSDCA hierarchy. In their enthusiasm to target IPO / Schutzhund for destruction they've not only impinged on the right of other people to enjoy their chosen international dogsport without fear or favour, but in the process they've managed to shoot themselves in the foot - caught up in the web of their own lies when the Victorian legislation was expanded to place restrictions on all Schutzhund titled imports into that state, including the Schutzhund-titled imports of high profile German Shepherd Dog officials and breeders in that state. The comedy of errors that followed had the GSDCV forced to open secret negotiations with the Victorian DPI to request a special exemption for their own Schutzhund titled GSD show imports. These negotiations were successful for their own breed, but they didn't waste time worrying about leaving all the other working breeds out in the cold. Mean spirited people tend to reap what they sow, and despite a secretly negotiated exemption for their own dogs, Schutzhund / IPO imports in Victoria still need be muzzled when in public - not a good look for the Victorian show rings. After this blow back, the GSDCA are in further damage control. Becauase lo and Behold, now the ANKC is riding to their rescue, to pull the GSDCV's dirty irons out of the fire! Without any prior consultation with those being affected, and by a stroke of the pen, the ANKC are now blithely informing us all they intend to remove all IPO / Schutzhund titles from the pedigrees of ALL the working breeds in the country! What they don't say is we are all being expected to pay for the consequences of the GSDCA's despicable, unsporting behaviour by plotting against the sport in this country. Because of their troublemaking we all now are expected to wear having incomplete and inaccurate pedigree records! Just to accommodate the difficulties the Victorian GSDC got themselves into. As without any official IPO / Schutzhund titles recorded on Australian pedigrees, the GSDCV owners can now pretend their Schutzhund-titled imports haven't really got these titles at all! Thus shiftily avoid their responsibility to the breed and to the muzzle regulation in Victoria, part of a discrimatory law they'd worked hard to get up in that state in the hope of inflicting mortal damage upon rival working dog organizations which are providing access to the sport to Australian trainers. Don't be bullied into giving away your entitlements. Get up and speak out for accurate pedigrees! http://www.dogsvictoria.org.au/Content.asp?ID=246
  14. Will add this email as a new topic to get the message out there
  15. I don't think the ANKC is a "full" member of the FCI. I believe we are an associate member only. Oh really? Interesting. I didn't know that. So does that mean that they don't need to comply with all the FCI policies? Does it also mean that there can be more than one "associate member" within a country? I know every country can only have one full member registry. Perhaps working dog breeders need to leave the ANKC, and develop their own FCI associated registry. What do we need the ANKC for anyway??? They are not interested in bettering working breeds, only fancy show dogs.
  16. From the CE of Dogs VIC Humm, so who is telling the truth here????
  17. What shits me even more is that the reason that the ANKC gave for removing SchH titles was that they THINK it is a form a 'attack training'. What they fail to recognise is that the international breed survey also has a protection element to it so what are they going to do about that I wonder??? Dogs imported with breed surveys should have their breed survey title removed as well.
  18. Because under the FCI regulations a member cannot falsify official documents.
  19. Nothing comes for free....... You need somekind of reward mechanism for anything you do. When you say "weaning off" I am assuming you mean preparing the dog for trial??? I use the poker machine anology for rewarding the dog. The payout is very random ie: anywhere from a good basic position right from the start to lengthened out exercises. Obviously depending on what your objectives are in the session though.... A well timed random reward means that the dog never knows when he will be rewarded ie: it could be straight away, after a minute or two or at the end of the session. The anticipation is what keeps them in drive (my dogs anyway - workingline GSD's).
  20. An old outdated example then.......... Reminded me of the stuff on the 1999 Bernhard Flinks DVD actually..............
  21. Does it? I've successfully trained plenty of older dogs with Drive Training techniques, some to quite a high degree of competitive obedience. I personally think the trick is to find the thing that switches your dog on. Whether that's a toy or food, and in one case I had a dog that just went crazy with purely verbal praise. He was a dynamite obedience dog...pita to live with with! But we loved him anyway. As to dogs that appear to have no interest in anything, you can work on that. Dory wasn't too interested in toys when I first got her if you tried to wind her up she'd look at you like you were a nut. These days it doesn't take her much to kick into drive with a toy and do some nice heeling. (Short lived as it is...I've gotten waaaaaaay slack and have lowered my standard quite a bit these days). It just took a bit of patience, lots of praise and training her to let her know she could go crackers over a toy not just rough games. She has learned to LOVE tug. Where can I find more information on drive training? My puppy seems to be very play motivated so maybe I could use that to my advantage in training. K9 Pro web site here: http://www.k9pro.com.au/pages.php?pageid=55 Just had a read through this webpage. "Here is a basic exercise, leash your dog that knows a basic sit command. Get out his favourite ball or toy and put some fast movement into it, but don't let your dog capture (the prey) the toy for a few seconds. Next whilst playing and the dog is trying to capture the toy, you need to do a couple of things at once, try hard, you'll manage. Raise the toy up high and above the dogs head moving it backwards, command sit and pop the leash backwards like your training the sit. The dog will be crouching looking at the toy, so the sit is easy. The second the dogs butt hits the ground you throw the toy into the ground and let the dog chase and capture it." This may be one way to teach a dog an exercise in drive but to be honest I found it a bit outdated and not really how we do it in SchH clubs these days.......
  22. As the saying goes, there are many roads to Rome. There is no one hard and fast way to teach good focus. Most I know will shape the behaviour with food (eye contact static exercise) then establish the basic position then intro movement ie: one pace while dog maintains 100% focus, so on and so on. No tug reward until behaviour is well established. Here is a link to Mia Skogster who won the 2010 FMBB world championships. Mia and her dog Helge are the first and currently the only dog/handler team in the world to get a full score of 100 out of 100 points in obedience in a World Championship. Metro Dogsport Club in QLD will be holding a seminar with Mia next Feb If you would like to learn how to heel with good focus from the 2010 FMBB world champion please follow the link to metro dogsport club inc. http://www.metrodogsport.com/metro_2010_005.htm
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