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Posts posted by 16Paws

  1. We've had our Lab and Golden on Ziwipeak (dry) for about 4 months and we're very happy with it. It is $$$ but our Golden boy hasn't had any hot spots since switching him to Ziwipeak and both are in excellent condition. :thumbsup:

    We supplement with RMB/Fish to help with the cost. Dreading any change in our finances which might mean having to switch them back to another food :(

    As a tip - the lamb is cheaper then the venison, by about $15.

  2. I finally have some spare time again :eek: If anyone would like help with any rescue related 'admin' activities (see below) please let me know the details and I'll help if I can.

    • basic graphic design (e.g. logos, flyers, web banners/buttons, image cropping/resizing/touch ups)
    • web site updates
    • profile writing (e.g. on pet rescue)
    • copy writing
    • proof reading

    For anyone who has a logo designed by me, I should still have the original files so let me know if you need changes or extra material. :)

    At this stage I can dedicate a few hours a week - quick jobs will have a fast turn around major jobs may take me a week or 2 to complete.

  3. We recently stayed at 2 dog friendly places and both were very good.

    Glen Waverly, Glen Innes

    Already listed in the original thread so we thought we'd give it a try. This a small 1 bedroom bed and breakfast which is maybe 50m from the main home. Close enough to see it but you don't feel like you're intruding at all (or vice versa). The apartment was very clean and modern with a small kitchenette and a pot belly stove/fire thing which was lovely as it was freezing the night we stayed there. The only downside for us is that there is no separate fenced yard but dogs are allowed inside.

    Dairy Cottage, Grafton

    Dogs are not overly welcome inside here but the dog yard is an ok size, fully fenced with 1.5m cyclone fencing. There is a wooden dog kennel outside and table and chairs as well. We couldn't find a light for the backyard. Inside was quaint, separate bathroom, a modestly equipped kitchen, spacious bedroom - all clean. Lots of cow and dairy items around the place which was cute.

  4. We recently purchased light weight raincoats that fold up into a zip bag (when unfolded the bag is a pocket on the back of the coat). I don't recall the brand right now but I think they were call puppy ponchos or something similar. Cost about $7.99 each from a local pet store. I'll try to find out more info.

  5. Sorry for the double post but lack of formatting made it difficult to read :thumbsup:

    Puppy Farms

    Problems, desired outcomes and ways forward


    RSPCA Australia considers puppy farming to be a significant national animal welfare issue. To address

    puppy farming at a national level and to generate much needed discussion and debate regarding this

    serious animal welfare issue, RSPCA Australia released the RSPCA Australia Puppy Farm Discussion Paper in

    January 2010, available here:


    Back in January 2010, RSPCA Australia called for submissions on the Discussion Paper with the intention of

    seeking comment and feedback from a broad audience. To achieve this, the paper was sent to key

    stakeholders and was made publicly available on the RSPCA Australia website. We received over 100

    responses to the Discussion Paper from individuals and various organisations. All of the responses were

    carefully considered, summarised and used to help develop a draft consensus document, based on the

    framework of ideas presented in the Discussion Paper.

    In August, RSPCA Australia convened a meeting involving a number of key stakeholders, including

    representatives from the AAWS Companion Animal Working Group, Australian Association of Pet Dog

    Breeders, Australian National Kennel Council, Australian Veterinary Association, Animal Welfare League

    Queensland, DeathrowPets, Dogs NSW, Master Dog Breeders and Associates, NSW Young Lawyers, Pet

    Industry Association Australia, RSPCA NSW, RSPCA QLD, RSPCA Victoria and RSPCA Australia to work

    through the consensus document and reach agreement on a final version.

    This document reflects the

    outcome of that process: it presents a series of agreed problems, desired outcomes and ways forward

    which, if implemented, would bring a complete end to puppy farming in Australia.

    Problem 1: There is no agreed definition of puppy farming or clarity between what is

    puppy farming what is animal hoarding.

    Desired outcome: Define the problem of puppy farming.

    Recommended way forward:

    1.1 A puppy farm (also known as a puppy factory or puppy mill) is defined as an

    intensive dog breeding facility that is operated under inadequate conditions that

    fail to meet the dogs’ psychological, behavioural, social and/or physiological needs.

    Puppy farms are usually large-scale commercial operations, but inadequate

    conditions may also exist in small volume breeding establishments which may or

    may not be run for profit.

    1.2 Animal hoarding is a separate problem that can involve keeping higher than usual

    numbers of animals as pets without having the ability to properly house or care for

    them, while at the same time denying this inability. Compulsive animal hoarding

    can be characterised as a symptom of mental disorder rather than as deliberate

    cruelty towards animals. Hoarders are deeply attached to their animals; find it

    extremely difficult to relinquish them; and typically fail to recognise that they are

    harming their animals by failing to provide them with proper care.

    1.3 Activities designed to end puppy farming by setting and enforcing minimum

    standards for dog breeding will also help to address animal hoarding.

    Problem 2 Current voluntary registration or accreditation programs are not sufficient

    to ensure the identification and traceability of breeders.

    Desired outcome: All dogs are permanently traceable to the breeder and all subsequent

    owners and sellers through a nationally coordinated system.

    Recommended way forward:

    2.1 A system is developed which ensures that all dogs are registered and traceable to

    the person who bred the dog. This must include compulsory microchip

    identification of puppies to the breeder prior to sale or transfer to be implemented

    in all jurisdictions.

    2.2 Mechanisms for tracking breeder information should be explored, including utilising

    existing microchip registration systems to enable puppies to be traced to the


    2.3 The current Gold Coast breeder permit pilot project should be examined as a model

    for a potential national system.

    2.4 A national approach is required to ensure that puppies transferred across

    jurisdictions remain traceable. Such a system could be administered at the state or

    local government level.

    Problem 3 There are insufficient standards nationwide to provide for the welfare and

    health of breeding dogs and puppies and ensure that puppies are

    appropriately reared to be suitable as companion animals.

    Desired outcome: Enforceable animal welfare legislation, supported by compulsory

    minimum standards for the breeding of dogs, is in place and is consistent across all


    Recommended way forward:

    3.1 Standards are developed which are sufficient to provide for the welfare and health

    of breeding dogs and puppies and to ensure that puppies are appropriately reared

    to be suitable as companion animals. They must adequately address the

    psychological, behavioural, social and physiological needs of both breeding dogs

    and puppies.

    3.2 Standards must cover all aspects of dog breeding that have an impact on animal

    welfare including: staff competencies and training, staff to dog ratios, record

    keeping, dog care and management, breeding, rearing and socialisation, health and

    veterinary care, transfer of ownership and transport.

    3.3 Standards must be linked to existing animal welfare legislation.

    3.4 Standards should take into consideration the national Standards and Guidelines for

    Dogs currently in development through AAWS.

    Problem 4 Current accreditation systems and self-regulation of the sale of dogs are

    insufficient to prevent puppies from puppy farms being sold.

    Desired outcome: Enforceable legislation, supported by compulsory minimum standards

    for the sale of dogs, is in place in all jurisdictions.

    Recommended way forward:

    4.1 Advertising and sale conditions for puppies must allow individual animals to be

    traced to their breeder. Potential mechanisms for this should be explored,

    including the disclosure of a breeder number, ABN and/or microchip number

    wherever animals are advertised and when they are sold or transferred.

    4.2 Regulation of the sale of dogs must require that all puppies are microchipped and

    vaccinated prior to supply. Potential mechanisms should be explored to ensure

    compliance, including vendors being required to record the microchip numbers

    and vaccination details of all puppies supplied.

    4.3 Regulation of the sale of dogs must assist in protecting consumers and enable

    action to be taken when problems occur after sale. This should include the

    following minimum requirements:

    a A guarantee which allows the return of animals for any reason within a

    specified time period

    b A mechanism for customers to make a complaint to the breeder and/or

    appropriate authority when problems occur after sale. This mechanism must

    be disclosed to the customer.

    4.4 The issue of responsibility surrounding the rehoming of returned dogs should also

    be explored.

    4.4 In the interim, exploring the feasibility of establishing a website for dog breeders

    that meet the above requirements to advertise puppies directly to the public

    should be further examined.

    4.5 Explore mechanisms regarding desexing of dogs at time of sale to non-breeders

    Problem 5 Current requirements for the export of dogs and puppies are set by the

    importing country. There is no mechanism in place to ensure that exported

    puppies have been bred in facilities which meet minimum standards of care.

    Desired outcome: Export provisions for sale of puppies overseas are strengthened.

    Recommended way forward:

    5.1 Discussions are held with AQIS to develop minimum standards for the export of

    puppies, similar to those currently in place for the export of livestock and native wildlife.

    5.2 The following requirements should be considered:

    a All dogs to be microchipped prior to export; microchip details are recorded

    and made available to authorised animal welfare inspectors

    b A minimum age and weight for the export of puppies

    c exploring strategies to prevent the export of puppies to puppy farms overseas.

    5.3 In the absence of these export provisions, breeder associations are encouraged to

    set minimum standards for export in line with these requirements.

    Problem 6 Puppy farmers can access overseas markets without complying with

    taxation laws.

    Desired outcome: Raise awareness of puppy farming with Centrelink and the ATO and

    increase compliance with taxation laws.

    Recommended way forward:

    6.1 Information should be collated to estimate the value of puppy farming and the

    potential cost of non-tax-compliant operators.

    6.2 Discussions should be held with the ATO to raise awareness of puppy farming,

    identify how information on puppy farming operations can be shared between

    relevant government authorities, and to encourage ATO investigation of puppy

    farming operations.

    Problem 7 Current regulations relating to the breeding and sale of dogs are

    insufficient or ineffectively enforced.

    Desired outcome: Gaps in regulations for the welfare of dogs in the breeding and sale of

    dogs are closed and regulations are effectively enforced.

    Recommended way forward:

    7.1 Action is taken to develop best practices for enforcement of current and future

    regulations relating to the identification, registration, breeding and sale of dogs.

    7.2 Where gaps in current legislation are identified, changes are required to ensure

    that puppy farming activities can be identified and prosecuted. Changes to be

    considered include:

    a Prohibition Orders in specific circumstances to prevent further ownership of

    animals where legal proceedings are not available, to prevent puppy farmers

    from continuing their business

    b Explore existing Australian legislation with a view to procedures that

    defendants to be required to pay court bonds prior to any litigation appeals or

    appeals in relation to the forfeiture of animals. The bond amount should be

    based on the financial cost of caring for the dogs on a daily basis, acknowledging

    that during this period such this care is being provided by RSPCA or other rescue

    group and not by the defendant. Where a court bond is not paid, the owner

    would be required to surrender the animals for rehoming.

    c Penalties increased to reflect the economic value of the trade.

    d Explore potential amendments to the Animal Welfare Legislation to specifically

    address puppy farming

    7.3 As a general principle, State/Territory animal welfare legislation should include the

    concept of a ‘duty of care’, similar to that reflected in the Queensland Animal Care

    and Protection Act 2001, to assist in the prosecution of cases where enforceable standards are lacking.

    7.4 Governments ensure effective enforcement by allocating sufficient resources and

    enabling government agencies to play a greater role.

    Problem 8 Awareness of puppy farming and responsibilities of breeders, retailers and buyers is low.

    Desired outcome: A high level of public awareness of puppy farming and the

    responsibilities of breeders, retailers and buyers.

    Recommended way forward:

    8.1 Registration/licensing or other relevant authorities should ensure that owners of

    entire dogs and bitches are provided with information on their responsibilities as

    breeders at the point of registration.

    8.2 Stakeholders should undertake to raise awareness with their members and

    customers of existing legislation, standards and guidelines and to encourage

    members to support improvements in the regulation of the breeding and sale of dogs.

    8.3 Information should be developed and provided to vets, pet supply stores and

    others to help them identify possible puppy farm operators.

    8.4 Explore a process for vets, pet supply stores and members of the community to

    notify relevant authorities if they suspect one of their clients is running a puppy farm operation.

    8.5 Explore training and education opportunities for people involved in the pet industry and enforcement regarding puppy farms.

    The way forward

    Roundtable participants will form a coalition with the aims of:

    a raising public awareness about puppy farms and how to identify responsible

    dog breeders

    b promoting an agreed position to governments

    c disseminating and implementing the recommendations put forward in this

    summary document.

    d considering future meetings

  6. Just walked up to the Brisbane display as a work team building exercise *cough*. :laugh:

    We got a giggle at the dogs using the yellow dog cut-outs as fire hydrants - came back to work with Emily and Venus who is now wearing a scarf and a tiara and enjoying the attention. I'm sure there were a few DOLer's there but didn't have time to try and sus you out :confused:

  7. We found kongs great for our lab puppy and are currently using them for crate training of our adopted dog. We only use them as a treat toy and not as an 'all day' out toy.

    We also have a large treat ball which was relatively cheap (about $10) which is one of the dogs favourites and has withstood a fair amount of throwing around.

    If money is an issue, you can freeze treat blocks for your pup, hide toys and food in cardboard boxes and cardboard rolls, make knots out of old socks, etc

  8. We went to Jack Purcell's butcher (Virginia) a month or so ago (not sure on spelling) and they were selling a bag of 3 frames for $1.50 and it was buy one bag get one free.

    Lennards Toombul I think has them for 50c each last time I was there and the chicken shop near coles at Westfield Chermside is also cheap but I can't remember the price.

    I noticed that butchers who sell mainly meat, charge more for their frames and the frames are often frozen.

  9. Personally I would complain - even if I didn't think the store would give a care, I would know I had stood up for my beliefs. It doesn't have to be an attack on the staff member or store.

    I recently reported a suspect trading post ad to both the trading post (it was false advertising) and the RSPCA. I umm'd and ahh'd over it but finally decided to take the plunge. I got no response from either but I felt better knowing that I had at least tried. :D

  10. My golden loves any kind of plush toy. He's rarely seen without something in his mouth. I look for strong toys without flappy bits (little ears/arms/tails are very attractive to pull off the toy), no plastic eyes and have stocked up on quite a few stuffingless toys. He's not a big chewer but when he does decide to chew standard toys don't last long.

    Be careful with tennis balls, the fuzz can wear a dog's teeth down and if you have a strong chewer, a tennis ball won't last long and there's the chance bits of the ball will get swallowed.

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