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Everything posted by GABBA

  1. The reason I ask is because my mastiff has what appears to be a slight bend at the tip. However quite often he puts it straight or changes it's angle. I am not sure if this is just how the tail naturally works or if it's a kink. Is there any way I can be sure.
  2. Hi I have been reading about various faults a dog can have and a common one I see is kinked tails. I have seen dogs with kinked tails, however I'd like to know can these tails be made straight by hand (as in can they be straightened out or are they ceased into the kinked position). I got example have a 'bent' finger, the bone itself is ceased so it cannot be made straight, I'd like to know if kinked tails are the same. I hope this makes sense.
  3. Thanks guys. Yeh i think the second vaccination is what must have slowed him down a litte bit. He appears to be back to 'normal' now, with a bigger appetite in fact! Bit of diarrhea here and there, but that may be down to something else (his food maybe). Looks like all is good, for now.
  4. I have a question, which may seem naive to some, but im not sure. I often feed my Dogue De Bordeaux chicken necks, and he really enjoys them. Now i have gotten my hands on a lot of different chicken parts (all raw), including wings, legs, necks, frames and heads. My question is in regards to the heads, which are of course attached to the necks - is it safe to feed him the whole thing (neck and head), or should i remove the head?
  5. hmmm, in the last couple of hours he seems to be 'livening up' again. He is back to chasing his toys and just ate an entire chicken frame (30min process). He still doesnt want to touch his Euk...but thats not really unusual, dont think he can stand dry food anyway.
  6. Yesterday, at about 12:00pm i took my Dogue to the vet for his second vaccination, when he got back home (about half and hour later) he had a (one off) case of the runs. He seemed to be alright for the rest of the day, he played with the other dogs, however he did not touch his food, he didnt seem interested. Anyway, this morning he was very tired, wasnt touching his food, etc. He has been sleeping most of the day, however at about 5:00pm he is back to running around and playing, however he is still not really interested in eating his food (even chicken frames/necks!). Id like to know if its normal for a pup to lose his appetite and become fatigued after getting his second vaccination?
  7. I would also like to know. I have a mastiff breed, 12 weeks old. I have put down bedding for him on the garage floor, but he perfers to sleep on the concrete outside.
  8. Hi again, until recently i had only been giving him the dry Eukanuba straight (that is, nothing else). Tonight however, i tried mixing in a small amount of chicken mince, just to get him in the mood - well that seemed to well and truly do the trick, he licked the platter clean as they say. As he is a giant breed, i dont want to get carried away and over feed him, so i will (try) and stick to the recommended amounts per day. Its a good meal, all the 'goodness' the Euk has to offer and the chicken mince to get him rev'd up. I can hardly blame him for not being overly keen to eat the dry Euk by itself.
  9. Ok I kind of have to re-visit this topic, it's been about two weeks since I originally posted this topic, and there jas not really been any progression. Pup is still hestitant to eat his dry mix Eukanuba, but when he's REALLY hungry he might have a little bit. I'm not sure really if I'm capable (got the "know how") of raising a giant breed puppy on a raw diet, so I don't really have any choice but to leave him on the Eukanuba. Any info is appreciated.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I will arrange or try to arange others to start feeding him, just to get the timetable going. A thing to note, and I guess it's no supprise, he'll never turn down chicken necks or frames, only the Eukanuba. But I figure, if he's hungry, he'll eat.
  11. Agreed. Our GSD X once got to the pet chicken we had, after spending her whole life eating chicken necks, she still didn't know what to do...
  12. H ok I might try that. But just so I can get an idea of the different products avaliable (as I'm new), is there any shampoo suitable for puppies that kills fleas?
  13. Hi, my 11week old mastiff-type breed has a couple of fleas on him, not to mention is in good need for a wash, I'd like to know what is a good 'flea shampoo' that can safley be used on pups? I understand that there are probably several threads on the forum regarding this, but as I am at work and usig my iPhone, searching is too difficult. Thanks. Ps: I also will need to wash his bedding, as it may contain fleas/eggs, correct?
  14. I have a question relating to this thread. I have read several responses (and not just in this thread) about how a dog is more of a deterent, and may not actually folow through with a "protective" attack, is this breed specific, or does thus apply to all dogs? How about Mastiff breeds, which are guardians by instinct?
  15. Hi, I have a 10 and a half week old Dogue De Bordeaux and I have a question relating to food. Every morning I get ip and give him some food, as the last time he would have ate is the night before, however sometimes he doesn't touch it when I give him his breakfast. The problem is, I have to go to work for about 11 hours a day, and while there are people around the house (at times) to keep him company, I would like to be thr one he associates with food, so my question is, do I leave the bowl down throughout the day, and let him pick at it when he's hungry, or do I put it up out of his reach, and feed him when I get back? (ideally I'd like to have him eating at least twice a day - morning & night, not just one big meal at night). Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi all, I have asked this question elsewhere, but figure this is also a place where I can get a variety of answers from. I have been reading several pages and have come accross several that mention swimming is a good treatment for hip displacia. My Mastiff-breed is now approx. 10 weeks and although he shows no signs of having bad hips, I would like to make his chances for good future hips better (his parents have good hip scores). So I am wondering, when would be a good age to let him start swimming, and is it safe (as I know excessive running while a pup is not good)? Secondly, does anyone know of some good dog-friendly lakes in the Sydney (western suburbs) area (obvioussly not beaches - too rough), that I could take him to? Thanks.
  17. I got my pup done the other day, he let out a little sound, and forgot all about it after about 5 seconds, so I think it's safe to say tere are, or should be no issue regarding pain.
  18. Ahh! You've made me scared to let him meet another dog, as the ones he has met have always wanted to jump on him and muck around. There's only been two meetings (Shiba and Staffy) and both were running and jumping. Of course I tried to jump in and stop things when they got too rough. But I hope no damage has been done, little Caesar doesn't look any worse for wear.
  19. Hi my DBD (French Mastiff) is now 9 and a half weeks old, and I understand it is very important to socialize him at tuis age, so that he does not become dog aggresive when he becomes an adult. Anyway, tonight he met a friends (fully vacinated) 10 month of Staffy. He really enjoyed playing with her, however took a few spills while he was enjoying himself (we had the staffy on the lead most of the time). My question is, how many heavy spills can the dogue take before it starts doing irreversable damage to his joints. I know socialisation is important, but part of the play will involve some falling down. As a side note, he shows no pain or discomfort, and nothing has happened that would make me concerned, I am just wondering hw much. Have to watch out for. Thanks.
  20. O I'm not sure...Is it compulsary to microchip a dog before you sell it at 8 weeks old in QLD?
  21. Hey Nekhbet, gotta love the breed lol! I think i will be sticking with a dry mix, at least while he is a puppy, that way i can be sure that he is getting all the required nutrients and minerals that he requires, but as you know, i also throw in a couple of chicken necks here and there - which he really enjoys (on a side note, he is becoming less protective on them as each day goes by, hes getting his confidence in knowing that im not going to try and snatch them off him). I took him to the vet yesterday and asked a bit about his weight, etc, and ive been told that hes looking good, and that his weight is good, so i'll try keep going, so he doesn't get too heavy (or too thin).
  22. I have not read all replies, only the first few, but if Ipswich destroys dogs after 3 working days, that is absolutely criminal. There is nothing humane about it. Went to Ipswich once, didnt care for it much then, and dont care for it much now.
  23. Just an update with regards to this microchiping issue. I went and got him m/c today, and i asked the vet why he wouldn't have been m/c and what he also told me that m/c was not (yet) a legal requirement in QLD. He did say that it was going to be, but as of yet, it isn't. So if a vet instructed the breeder that it should not be done yet, it was probably because it wasnt against the law. I have also looked at a council (within QLD) website, which says; "Registration and microchipping of dogs is compulsory within the Region, and will be compulsory statewide as of 10 December 2010 under the Animal Management Act 2008. Dogs that are microchipped and desexed are free to register." So, im not sure, looks as though there are a few conflicting arguments, feel free to comment (on the m/c issue). As for my dog, hes now m/c'd!
  24. Thanks for the replies. I'll give the halving te food in take a go. Hopefully this will see results. As for raw meats, it looks like he loves it. However I have heard that it's not ideal to give a pup raw meat over dry puppy mix, as, while it does have protein it lacks some of the other nutriants that the dry mix DOES have. As for thr bowl, it's nit a thin and narrow one, it's a low set wide stainless steel one, which SHOULD be adequet. He drinks his water out of a similar one with no worries.
  25. Thanks, I will give this a try. Although, he is not really possesiv of his toys (he's always up for a game of tug of war), but I can easily take them off him withou him trying to dominate and keep away from me. I'll give what you said a go anyway, just to teach him thr give command.
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