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Everything posted by KumaAkita

  1. KA - have you seen this???? Yikes! That's awful! dastardly meanies stealing from a pet shop... seriously, what are they after? BARF?? Oh goodness, I hope they take the bunny home at night, his cage is right at the front door!
  2. We got Kuma a Bono Fido Stay Dry Futon for his kennel. It's made of rip-stop nylon and seems to be doing a good job! Bono Fido Website Oh, and they're in a good price range too - we bought the largest one they sell and it was about $65 (or thereabouts...)
  3. Oh look at Roo! I love that last photo of her with her loot... "what do you mean it's bedtime? But I have Toys..." @ Ruby tackling her fur-mamma (?) in the middle photo... the look on the yellow's face is delightful! Kuma hasn't ever been big on Kongs. I've given all of his away... they were not a hit. Oh well. He loves squeaking cheap toys... We took him for a wash on Saturday at PetStock and while we were there we bought a bag of adult dog food, which came with a freebie toy. I could choose from a really ugly furry heart thing or a purple plastic rhino. I took the purple plastic rhino. He loves it... but it's one of those cheap squeaky toys that are soooo loud. Sheesh. I have take a few photos lately: W12/52 Phew, we're home by shibburd, on Flickr W11/52 Whaaaa? by shibburd, on Flickr Not great shots... there are a few more on the camera that I need to get off at some point.
  4. One of Mr KumaAkita's colleagues has decided that his next dog will be a Frenchie... I sent him your photos! Frodo is a classic
  5. Wags - that's an awesome shot of Riley! He looks so happy - mugging for the camera like a loony kid at School Photo time! great capture, one for a frame I think!
  6. Ok, I'm endeavouring to catch up here... Week 10 W10/52 Hello down there.... by shibburd, on Flickr Week 11 W11/52 Whaaaa? by shibburd, on Flickr Week 12 W12/52 Phew, we're home by shibburd, on Flickr Week 13 W13/52 Spitz Tail by shibburd, on Flickr Yes... most of them are from the same photo session, but I went on holidays but didn't want to have empty weeks! I'm a bit of a weirdo like that... things have to be in order!
  7. Well then, you need to update your signature!
  8. Ok Dandybrush, I may not be qualified to answer because I'm a mum to one and will only be a mum to one BUT here's my 2c worth... It's what you make of it. There are no guarantees that you and Raz will be BFF, even if he stayed an only furkid... so there are no guarantees that you'll stay BFF with him when you have a second furkid. I would suggest that you make time to have Dandybrush/Raz Only time, as well as Dandybrush/Willow Only time. Spend time with them independently and create a bond with them as individuals. Your perfect moment may not be gone, it may now be supplemented with another little face peering up at you too. My other suggestion would be to take a deep breath. My opinion (and feel free to dismiss...) is that you're over thinking the situation! You will have a special bond with Raz, he's your first born, your first dog-love... But I think your heart will swell enough to allow room for you to love Willow just as much. You wouldn't have brought her home if you didn't want her, and didn't love her. Sure, your relationship might be "different" but that doesn't mean different is bad, it just means different. I think that if you don't relax, you could be at risk of ruining your relationship with both dogs... Your heart will make room for loving both your dogs, just as it will when you have children. ...and now I step out...
  9. :D :D :D :D :D Congratulations to KTB and Hoover; and Clastic and Mars!! Well done to all of you... aaaaannnnnddddddd Happy Boofday Miss Pepper!
  10. No suggestions other than whats already been mentioned... Hope its nothing - but hugs and leans.
  11. Howdy Folks! I have had a quick trawl through the pickies I missed while on holidays. Lookin' lovely! Congrats to all for sticking it out so far. I don't have photos for the last 3 or so weeks, but took a few last night and might make them "work" for my missing weeks. They'll just need to be edited of course! and that will take time...
  12. They have had interns from CSU, so there is a possibility that they will partner further afield. Canberra is a great place to live :D Mindy is looking good... I told Kuma last night that we will have to have a photo shoot soon. I wanna get him in one of Mr KumaAkita's HiVis vests and a hard hat. He gave me this "oh mum..." look.
  13. We use Gungahlin Vet Clinic. They are great! The Vet Nurses are really nice, their Vets are kind and knowledgable. They have first class facilities. But most of all, Kuma likes going there. He one of the vet nurses and one of the vets. Last time he saw Kim the Vet, he gave her a wet sloppy kiss right on the mouth - don't think Kim was expecting that! :D Dandybrush - scary about your breeder's puppers. That's so sad. Some people are evil... Took Kuma for a walk this morning. He was going really well until we saw a fox. He was like "FOX !!!!!" and tried very hard to get it, but it was too fast and too far away for him to do anything. He was actually pretty good, once he worked out that he couldn't get it he gave up. I can't wait for the end of daylight savings on the weekend... for a little while at least my 5:30 am walks won't be in pitch black darkness. I've resorted to carrying a torch, because Kuma never fails to pick the darkest patch of grass upon which to do his business and I'm sick of swiping in the dark!
  14. Clastic - Send your furkids down the street to my place and they and Kuma can rumble all day. Until Kuma works out that solitude is great (nice grass btw I think I worked out which was your evil neighbour... possibly the guy who gave us stink eye when we walked past on Saturday with Kuma)
  15. Well if we don't go down the coast this weekend, we can have a play date somewhere... he'll be fine. I think it was just soooooo exciting having company all the time. He's been giving us sad face... Could also be upset tummy, coz he puked in his bed last night. We didn't hear a thing and OH only noticed when I was taking Kuma for a walk. My poor poppet. Not having a good time of it at the moment, what with the fleas...
  16. Kuma has seemed a wee bit depressed since he came home from the kennel... I think he is missing having playtime with other doggies. We just can't do a second dog. I would only have an Akita (sorry... they're my preferred breed and won't budge!) and I don't have the time to dedicate to another stubborn Akita pupplet. We will just have to make Kuma's time more fun. He'll be happy once training starts up again... and we might try and get him to the dog park more often.
  17. I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaacccckk! did ya miss me?? I'm beyond buggered, resulting from being awake for the last 28 hours or so. Vietnam was great, we had so much fun, but i won't deny that we got to the stage with a few days to go where we wished that we could be Dorothy - click our heels and be home. We had a bout of gastro from a dodgy dinner at the end of the first week, and later found out that the pollution is so bad that even the locals are starting to get sick from the food. It's rather awful. But, I did my best to stimulate their economy Kuma seems to have enjoyed his holiday. The peeps at the kennel told us that he enjoyed his daily play time and would do a lap of the yard before diving into the dam. They found his love of water as hilarious as we do. The owner told me that he is the nicest akita they've looked after and was very well behaved - proud dog mamma moment there he's come back a few kilos heavier, he seems chunkier... He also seems to be eating well... He has plonked on the cool tiles and I spent the afternoon listening to the tandem snores of he and his daddy. So... I'm lazy and haven't kept up... What's been happening? Oh, and the Vietnamese government have banned facebook so I only got access in Hue for about 10 mins (the planets must have aligned and allowed server access) so haven't kept up with anything!!
  18. Hey gals, hope you're all well. I can't get onto facebook with any of the free hotel wifi here... So just dropping in to say we are having so much fun in Vietnam. Really enjoyable place, lovely people and great food! Lots of puppies roaming the streets, but I dare not get too close! Be back around in a week a so!
  19. Happy Birthday Clastic!! Have a beautiful day Lovely photos wizzle, miss g is looking adorable
  20. This is my week 9... unfortunately I don't have heaps of editing software (or the skills...) so I did this in Photobucket - the only way I knew how... but, now I can't get it out of photobucket and into flickr to put in the group. I've been sick this week - nasty flu virus that's going around. This is what Kuma has been doing all week:
  21. Howdy Folks! I've been reading the thread, just not posting - sorry. My darling husband brought this most vile virus into the house and we've both been blighted. Head cold, aches, pains, you name it we've had it! oh well, we're on the mend. I had this week off work (yep, it was that bad) which is good... and bad... I have soooo much to do and only have 1 and half days in the office next week before we go on holidays. I have a trip to Sydney on Monday and Tuesday, and then we're on leave on Thursday! We head up to sydney on Thursday night and fly to Ho Chi Minh on Friday. So scared and excited all at the same time. I really can't wait to have a proper holiday!! Kuma has loved having me home all week. He's been a real sooky-la-la and mostly slept all day. He got a bit antsy yesterday so we went for a very ginger walk around the 'hood. He's very particular about where he toilets, in the sense that he likes not to do it in the yard... so being confined for a week was messing with his mojo! He was sooooo excited to see the outside world, but was observant of my leisurely pace and didn't pull like a maniac (much). Norty Kuma theifed a cooked chicken bone from the dining table the other night - little bugger is tall enough to grab things off the top of the table! I was petrified that he was going to choke, it was going to get lodged, it would perforate his stomach... nah, he's fine. i stressed for nothing! I got up in the middle of the night to make sure he was ok - he told me off for waking him up! Our neighbours got themselves a little puppy this week - a pug x jrt and no, they don't call him a Jug (thank god, I might have to slap 'em). The little guy is really cute - he looks mostly pug. He's soooooo tiny! I think Kuma was that small when he was 3 weeks old... Anyway, I had a long cuddle of the little pup last night and when I got home, Kuma was soooo jealous. He sniffed me all over. I was laying on the couch and he was sniffing all over my chest and arms - on and off for about an hour. I had to go change and have a shower! I'm sure that he will have fun rumbling with the little guy when he's old enough. Oh and he's the little guy at the moment because the don't know what to call him. * Ok, so now to comment on some posts... not all that I've missed - that would make this the longest post in the history of the world! Those Corgi's are sooo cute - I think it's hillarious that they look like long legged dogs as pups, but as adults have such widdle legs! sooo cute. Lilli_star - sux about your fridge. Hope it's fixed soon. We're starting to get that cricket plague here. Kuma loves pouncing on them, not so sure what to do after that. Great photos of Ginger - such a beauty. Hope someone welcomes her into a family soon. Betsy - yay on Ziggy and the frisbee! I've smacked Kuma in the middle of the forehead a few times with the frisbee and treats. He's a bit slow There were some other beautiful photos of echo I'm sure... He is looking lovely and shiny! Hmmm... that'll do... I'm sure I missed heaps! Hope you're all doing well and that your dogs are in top form. I'll be in and out over the next few days while we get ready (soooo much packing!) and then will be absent for a few weeks
  22. Howdy Folks, finally time for a catch up from me: W7/52 - no catchy caption for this one... W7/52 by shibburd, on Flickr W8/52 W8/52 Kuma Loves Top Gear by shibburd, on Flickr He will watch the entire episode...
  23. Good God she's a trooper! Wow... that's totally amazing.
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