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Everything posted by Jacinta

  1. I just tried that snout holding technique with doggie and she didn't calm down. If anything she tried to bite me harder. she was growling alot this time- I guess she really does think she is the top dog. Doesn't it work the first few days? But it isn't really working... She just wriggles out of my grip and if she cant wriggle out then she will thrash around like crazy until I have to let go.
  2. Maybe I am just being paranoid I thought I did put my birthdate and other info on there... Oh well! And I dont know how they do it, but if they realllly want to, they CAN track you down if they have your birthdate, name and city. But I guess it is of no importance if my info isn't up there. I live in Melbourne. But I already know what school she is going to.
  3. Why would anyone want to? Cosmolo was only asking so she could recommend someone to help you. Why would anyone want to?Well how should I know what they want with it ? People could easily be wanting to steal my chihuahua from my house. Not talking about anybody here in particular but anybody can see it. I did think he meant address for some reason, but even a city is enough to locate where someone lives with my information, my name and birthdate, which is shown on this site. sorry if you got the wrong idea- not trying to be rude or anything.
  4. Thankyou, yours is the best reply yet. Your advice is good- I will try it out- I hope it works! It is going to be tricky to hold a tiny chihuahua dog's snout though! Doggie ( I guess I cant call her puppy anymore ) IS growling sometimes when she bites. This must be the dominate thing. She doesn't growl or bite my father who is obviousley way too big for a little chihuahua to take on and she rolls over in submission- I guess this really is that stage. She has alot of toys and flavoured bones to chew. So she can chew them if she gets teething pains. I don't think it is a good idea to use the scruff shake because I tried that a few times and she always yelped loudly as if she was in pain- altough I was being very gentle but firm. Is this just because she doesn't like it or because it hurted her even though I did it so gently? I wouldn't do it now though because she is recovering from her second vaccination and her scruff hurts if too much pressure is applied to that area. I am enrolling her into doggie school two weeks from now. PS: Trust me- I am trying very hard to educate my little brother as well... Not as easy as it sounds. Thanks again
  5. I would rather not give out my location on the internet- anybody can access it. I think you are right about the reaction to the different people- my brother is quite crazy at times and I prefer to be a bit more serious. I know about the mouthing, and I do not wish to stop that. But I do wish to stop the very hard bites which cause cuts. When I am going to Yarrawonga and generally anywhere I bring her, parents always want to let their tiny children pat the cute little dog. I am afraid that she might bite them,even tough she is usually a little shy with strangers like her parents. And her favourite place to bite is the nose- so I fear of what may happen if some little child puts their face to close to hers. And I didn't mistake what I saw at the breeders. Biting was an act of kindess in their home, like a lick. Which is all very fine untill they grow up a bit and start to get enough jaw power to rip a few cuts down your hand. So practically to help her I: do not try all the different solutions to confuse her get a dog behaviouralist in to observe the dog and they may give me some feedback on how to control my puppies biting? She is being a good little pup right now sitting in my lap. Wagging her tail, licking and knawing my wrist. I do not mind that gentle knaw, but the nips and bites are not very pleasent for me or anybody else.
  6. I am not sure which puppy school I am bringing her to yet. I was going to enroll her in a local vetinarian's training school. she is about 15 weeks old and yes, she is teething. But she was biting before her teething as well. she is sitting with me right now- still biting. I dont think she cant learn the right behaviour again, because remember, I de- trained what the breeders had told her was okay. she didn't bite after i un-learned that, so why shouldn't I be able to de-train her again after my brother has influenced her biting? I just need to try somthing different and seek the help of a proffesional, unfortuantly, that wont be before yarrawonga.
  7. Oh and I also tried to yelp loudly to startle her but she doesn't care.
  8. My new Chihuahua puppy has been biting so hard and often lately that it has gotten completely out of hand. When I first bought her home I trained her not to nip and bite people. That was until my brother ( who is the opposite of intelligent ) decided to encourage her to bite and then reward her for it while she was playing. she now associates biting with playing. I have tried everything to make her stop: The same technique a mother dog uses ( growl and ignore for a few minutes ) she just nips my ankles swapping for a toy ( she prefers my hand ) the spray technique ( spray her with water when she bites ) Rewarding her when she is not biting and putting her in her cage to cool off when she bites. I can't find or think of anything else to do! When I went to pick her up from the breeders they also encouraged biting from their pups and associated it with playing. They said it was " bonding ". I can think of better ways to bond with your pup and I am no breeder. It was fine for them because what could a little baby chihuahua do? I mean they are tiny! But now she is getting bigger and stronger... She also sometimes growls when she bites. Her biting is getting harder and now she leaves scratches and indentations. I am heading up to Yarrawonga with her on January the second so she cannot start puppy school untill a week after that. But I need help fast! Could somebopdy please reccomend a solution, as this is my first dog and I am not a expert at this. Thankyou for reading and please help if you have any answers.
  9. Thankyou for all of your help, I booked a vet appointment and my puppy's lump has started to shrink anyway. Thanks!
  10. My pure bred chihuahua puppy was adopted 4 weeks ago for christmas for me, we had it taken to the vet for it's second injection last Friday. She was in alot of pain for days, they said it would wear off, but it didn't. It continued for a few more days and then we realized that a big, firm lump had developed. it's about the size of a five cent coin in circumference. that is alot on a tiny chihuahua puppy. it has been a week now so do you think it could still be swelling that develpoed later on? I am very worried for my little baby because I heard that the injections could cause cancer. Is this true? Please explain what it may be before I take her to the vet this week, as I dont know when I will be able to book an appointment. They are taking a break off for christmas. Thankyou.
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