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Everything posted by waffle

  1. Thanks very much everyone, i was just a bit worried because i don't know as much about dogs as everyone else here and worried that i might be doing something wrong. im thinking of making a food diary or something because changing him to a bland diet really seemed to help. thanks for the advice it has definitely helped and he's muuch better =)
  2. Yep he is up to date with his vaccinations. his poos are starting to look a bit better so i think it might not be serious. I fed him boiled chicken and rice today and i think that's helping. I think i'll see how he goes for maybe 2 more days and hopefully he will continue to improve. if not he will go to the vets this week, but atm i dont think he needs to see a vet urgently as he seems healthy.. please don't flame me i just wouldn't want him to be prescribed antibiotics unless its necessary. if the vet is anything like my doctor then they will give out antibiotics before theyre even sure what the problem is and i wouldn't want that for my pup.
  3. Hrmmm i feel that its highly unlikely to be worms as he's been regularly wormed since he was 2 weeks. Probiotics sound like a great idea! never even occurred to me. I'll get some tomorrow while i'm out. Also, just wondering, for a 10kg pup could i give him 1 tablet of inner health plus? Not sure how the dosage would work with dogs.
  4. Hey, thanks very much for the replies. I will just see how he goes on a bland diet and hopefully it clears up soon =)
  5. My 6 month old pup has recently gotten diarrhoea which i realise is pretty common in pups, only problem is it seems like its covered in mucous. Also last night he woke up at about 4am and started whining to be let out because he had to go so badly which never happens, he usually sleeps through the night. Besides that he seems pretty normal. Has anyone experienced anything like this? We are booked to see the vet in a week for a check up and to get nails cut and not sure if we have to change the appointment to something sooner, which would b a bit more difficult for us. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks =)
  6. no oodles in my puppy class. there were- 1x Mini Schnauzer 1x SBT 1x Border Collie 1x Kelpie X SBT 1x Kelpie X Coolie 1x Japanese Spitz cross 1x Belgian Shepherd although probably was just my PPS because there are so many oodles at the local park.
  7. Thanks for the great advice! i will definitely try the triangle of temptation, wish i had known about it before. Hopefully it will work but im scared it might not as he becomes a different dog when he gets something particularly tasty. He will behave until he gets it but once he has it he will run away then growl, then if he thinks i will take it he will try to swallow it.. Hopefully the triangle of temptation will work as I'm not too keen on holding the food while he chews as I feel like im encouraging him to gnaw on my hand.. and also not keen on pulling the food away as its always a shock for me to see him so angry and am unsure how he will react. Now that i think about it my puppy school teacher did tell us we should touch the dogs food and take some out while they are eating to get them used to it. I will probably use both techniques like luvsdogs and hopefully it will work well for me too.. thanks and i will tell you how it goes !
  8. Definitely rescue! have been scanning rescue pages for a while even though i know i probably won't be getting one too soon.. probably 2-3 yrs away.
  9. I have a 5 month CKCS x who usually is very eager to please and friendly. Lately when he gets something like a chicken wing or meat and is approached, he will either become aggressive and start to growl or will run off with the food to another room. What can I do to stop this? I already eat before i give him food and make him sit before giving him his meal.. Any help would be appreciated
  10. Abrham Ali Andrew Andy Angus Anzac Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie Arkhan Armand Arq Ashke Attila Atlas Bailey x 5 Balou Bandit Banjo Bardigrub Bart X 2 Barton Baxter Bear x2 Bender Ben Benji Benny Benson Billy Bing Bluey Bomber Bosch Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Brownie Bruce Bud Buddy Bumble Bundyx2 Buster Cannon Caramel Carl Cash Casper Champ Charlie x 5 Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Clifford Coco Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Crikey Cuba Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger x2 Dillon Dinky Douglas Dumas Duncan Dylan Ebon Echo Eddie Edward Elijah Elliott Elvis Edge Ernie Esky Fergus x 2 Fox x 2 FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Flynn Focus Forester Frank Fudge Gandor Geo George Greedy Grover Guiness mcGuinness Hail Harley Harri Harrison Harry Henry Hogan Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James Jay JayDee Jed Jethro Jet Jett Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kai Kaiser x 2 Kane Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kingston Kippy Kisho Kynan Kyzer Leo Lincoln Lenny Leroy Lestat x2 Logan Luca Lucius Ludwig Lughie Lukas Lukon Mac X 2 MacKenzie Mark (the cat) Mason Max x 7 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Maze Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Morris Mr Darcy Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Nicky Nigel Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Occy Oliver Onslow Oscar x 3 Oz Pal x 2 Payton Pete Phoenix Phantom Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Quincy Raffy Ralph Randy Reeve Reagan Rex Ricky Riku Riley Ripley River Rocks Rolly Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Rupert Rusty Sam x2 Satchmo Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tazz x 2 Teddy Terry Tey Dog Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x2 Tolkien Tommy Tub Tusca Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Watson Weave Whisky Willow Willy Wilson Woody Wycomb Yoshi Zac Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zeus Zuma
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