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Everything posted by waffle

  1. We're seeing a specialist already and have had a consult with an oncologist. Vet says he is doing well, we started chemo before the cancer was really affecting his quality of life, and there are no physical signs the cancer is progressing. So he is still very active and was perfectly fine to be walked before but I guess I gotta accept it's getting worse. Pretty sad as he loves walks. I will talk to my vet as soon as possible. And yes, there is treatment if the cancer is in his brain, one of the drugs he is on is called lomustine if you're interested. I really wanted to give him the best life possible before he goes so its pretty sad I can't really take him out anymore, but I'm glad there are alternatives and I like the idea of car rides and visitors. Thanks for the support and i appreciate that you give the best advice you can even if it is sad. I'm very thankful this forum exists
  2. My dog has recently become aggressive towards people. Not everyone, he just seems to dislike some people. My uncle took him for a walk and said he went for someone and was very aggressive but he managed to pull him back in time. Nothing bad has happened yet but I'm afraid he may bite someone so I was thinking of buying a muzzle. If anyone could recommend a good one then it would really help. I don't want to muzzle him but i see no alternative He has cancer which is most likely in his brain (affecting his behaviour), he is on chemo and he is missing an eye so he is easily startled on his blind side. If anyone could help I would be very very grateful. Thanks in advance
  3. My dog is absolutely obsessed with pistachios. Whenever anyone is eating them he will follow them around and give them puppy dog eyes.
  4. Don't mean to hijack but what do people think about maltese, poms or chihuahuas for first dogs? A lot of people I know seem to get them as their first dog.
  5. Sorry i had to share this. It actually made me laugh. Read it! you won't be disappointed. Dogs don't understand basic concepts like moving
  6. That's terrible. I hope everything ends up ok. I would hate to be in your position. But as someone mentioned before maybe you should look at getting injections? i am currently on them and wish i had started earlier. Look up allergen immunotherapy. You will basically be getting injected with a small amount of what you are allergic to and will slowly become desensitised. Even if you do have to rehome ollie i think it might be a good idea to look into immunotherapy. It will definitely be useful if your son loves dogs as it would be terrible if he has to suffer the same thing when he grows up and gets dogs of his own.
  7. Raineth he is so adorable i don't know how anyone could say he looks ridiculous :D my puppy has one eye stitched up so occasionally we get comments like 'wow that dog looks like he's been through war' but 90% of the time we get an 'awww.. ' and occasionally 'poor doggy' gets added on. it happens so much i think it might be some kind of automatic response
  8. Thanks for the replies! My 1 yr old pup stopped being interested in dogs pretty recently and I wasn't sure whether it was because he was growing up or because he's been ill. Glad to know it's normal
  9. Just wondering, is it typical for a puppy to love playing and socialising with other dogs but then become indifferent towards other dogs as it grows older? I mean this as a spontaneous kind of thing. So not like it changed because it has been trained to focus on people and ignore dogs, or because it has had an adverse experience involving other dogs. More like, everything has been kept the same but it just decided it doesn't want to play with other dogs anymore because its grown up.
  10. This has got to be one of the funniest costumes I've seen
  11. Yay for good news! Hope he has a speedy recovery!
  12. RIP Kaspar I'm so sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you feel..It is so hard at the beginning and it just doesn't seem like it will get better, but time will heal.
  13. oh my gosh this is embarrassing.. climate change is not just some scare tactic. There have been so many tests done that confirm it is happening and that people have played a large part in it. It doesn't mean you have to give up everything you love. If everyone plays a part and especially the larger corporations then it will be ok. But if nothing changes and we keep going at this rate, then we would be really screwed. Being a climate change skeptic really does not help anyone at all.
  14. I'm with PetPlan and they have actually been really good so far. We'd only been with them for a couple of months when my pup got sick and needed to go to the vet several times and needed surgery. We claimed for illness and they paid it, no questions asked. They weren't too slow in paying it either so yeah that's a plus. So I don't know about everyone else but i've only had good experiences with them so far.
  15. love all the photos. funniest expressions here's mine but wish i had a better camera
  16. I would definitely see a specialist asap. i think i'm paranoid because my pup had his eye taken out. his eye started off red then went white-ish. in the end the eye had to be removed. the thing is that the specialist has more equipment and can test a lot more things than the vet can. hope everything turns out ok and it's just an infection!
  17. My dog has been using comfortis and its great. Only thing is i mentioned to my vet that my pup has allergies and they thought it might be from fleas in which case comfortis wouldnt be as great as some other treatments because it gives fleas a chance to bite before they die. But it's still probably the best as the other treatments don't seem to be as effective.. Anyway i buy mine from priceless pets too, so much cheaper than other retailers
  18. I teach my dog tricks. I think it's good for him because it makes him concentrate, think and work for his treats. Also i find it pretty fun. Love it when he just gets what he's meant to do. And my friends always find it amazing when he does a trick so thats a bonus.
  19. Wow i love the photos! so adorable. looks like hes part of a pack. he should have been named remus
  20. My pup slept in a crate downstairs but i moved his crate into my room so now he sleeps there. more for my sake than his but crating is definitely a good idea. my pup loves his now, it's like his own little room.
  21. waffle

    Breed Selection

    I did the same thing, couple of years ago i adopted a whippet x from a rescue thinking she would be pretty laid back. She was pretty much the opposite, I took her out twice a day and when we got home she would still destroy shoes, run around the house, dig at everything. She also hated being alone and so we couldn't really leave her while we were out at work/school/uni/whatever as she would become really distressed. We told the rescue she wasn't suited to us and they took her back. Felt pretty terrible about it because I really wanted to help her and she was such a loving dog but she was just too much :rolleyes:
  22. Omgosh so CUTE ! love the name Jovi, really suits her
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