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Everything posted by kevlar

  1. Growing puppies are generally a little itchy due to growth and arrival of adult coat. Feed a regular balanced diet suitable for puppies and add some additional omega 3 fatty acids. The best thing you can do for your pup is to brush him! This will stimulate and distribute the natural oils in his skin and help you bond with him. Have fun with your puppy and don't worry so much. Messing with his diet can cause you more problems.
  2. Hot spots can be the result of allergies but those about the neck and face can sometimes be attributed to dogs playing "bitey" face. Gold Bond powder works great, dries it up and relieves the itch.
  3. Have you checked for parasites (fecal and skin)?
  4. If your fish oil doesn't have Vit. E in it you should give a little Vit. E a few days a week. Fish oil will deplete Vit. E in the body. I would skip the flaxseed, most dogs can't convert it to a useful form and many dogs are sensitive to flax (inflamed ears, diarrhea etc.) Don't do Zinc without help from your vet.
  5. Maybe a dietary deficiency of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, essential for making melanin. Is this a dane or a lab? If it's a lab, it looks like it's missing the outer coat.
  6. From:Pet Education also: For the conditions that your describing, sunflower oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil or evening primrose oil would be better. Linoleic acid is an omega 6 and EPA/DHA in fish oil is primarily omega 3. The amount of omega's that your adding, from either fish oil or corn oil isn't going to be significant to throw off your ratios. A tablespoon per day to start. If your dog has had pancreatitis then you should speak to your vet first. Good Luck!
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