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Skruffy n Flea

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Everything posted by Skruffy n Flea

  1. hmm, interesting! i understood organic to mean something entirely different --- definitely, artificial additive free at the very least!
  2. i wouldn't pay for it either --- as lucy said, it's too pricey and hard to justify the cost... why does it cost us an arm and a leg for stuff that's grown naturally? ~cides and additives must be cheap... dodgy economics
  3. BOT, my hoover bella got a belly full last night when OH forgot to chock the laundry frikken door; she knows she done wrong but she has this way about her that, well, i think you've heard the story before... anyhoo, bella purrs now anecdotally, bobbie flicks her tail at the dogs' dry food! lastly, once i'm thru with this bag of dry food for cats, i'm stopping cuz dry food is baaad for kitties --- just sayin'
  4. you don't know how close i am to saying... thank you soooo very much --- k, wait, i'm about to send you a pm
  5. I know The waiting is awful. Imagine what s/chick is going through if we are biting nails and gnashing teeth nup! couldn't imagine at all but if i were her, i'd also be having a tipple or two --- so with all this gnawing and gnashing and drinking, i'd say between the three of us, we got the edge on outward nervous behaviours... spotty, this has GOT to be a difficult time for you right now; with the owners playing oddball games, interesting telephone chatter and your need to see skooda/rumba/skipper/rambo safe and sound in your hands... keep the faith and hold steady; he'll be yours before you know it ;)
  6. thanks for the replies it's not that i don't believe they'll be well cared for; it's my own lack of experience i guess --- i've never had dogs before and so, yeah moocher, i really didn't want to hear that but i knew it anyway and so you have hit the proverbial nail... i can't turn back tho; it's probably not too late BUT logistically, it would be a nightmare to factor in to our set-off saturday timetable --- damn this to buggery... chezy and mrs t, your individual remarks coupled with that of the moocher's only commit me more to being more aware of what i want for my pets and to also cater to my own mental health needs --- my pets mean the world to me and yes, being childless, they are my babies... mrs t, yes, the run is covered and they will likely have a kennel each on account of byron not being too much of a snuggler --- the runs are quite large compared to others i have seen and i was impressed with the size and length [probably 3x as wide and perhaps that again long] so even tho i don't know where my head was at the day we inspected the place, i still wish i hadn't put money ahead of my dogs' and cat's comfort AND my mental health it's the outdoor issue and concrete floor that bothers me the most... please, don't get me wrong, it is a nice place and the people are lovely; a retired couple and their heavily pregnant daughter who lives around the corner with her family --- they used to breed and show [damn, i can't remember what] dogs and it's secluded and restful with the boarding facilities designed more with cats in mind but they welcome and board small dogs also... i'm taking along a number of cushions and blankies for them to snuggle into and of course plenty of toys with a bag of frozen skinned chicken wings and lamb ribbets so hopefully the time will pass quickly for them and they will think i'm a god when i get back and take 'em back home ;) maybe i just need a shot or two of rescue remedy...
  7. good luck with your crestie yellowgirl! i hope hiccups aren't a symptom of any disease frankly cuz my two swfs get hiccups occasionally [for no apparent reason] and it makes me wonder why, all of a sudden, one will just start to hiccup! now, reading your post, i'll be speaking with my vet to see whether there is an underlying concern that is manifesting and the resulting hiccupping is a warning!!!
  8. hey dolers i'm off on hols in the next few days for a 10-day break up north and i've booked my 2 swfs and kitty into a nice place down south --- we had a look at the place before we committed but now, i'm having 2nd thoughts particularly about the dogs! the cat enclosure is less exposed to the elements so i'm really not that concerned about her but the two dogs will be kenneled outdoors! in large-ish runs, with concrete floors and very little grass! for the whole time they're there! what have i done? how do i get past this icky feeling i have that my 3 babies aren't going to have the comforts of indoors for 10 days? i chose the cheaper option rather than paying an extra $200 or so to go thru top dog minders --- irrespective, we'd still have to pay extra to board bobbie elsewhere, so yeah, it'd cost probably another $150 or so if we went thru top dogs... i know they'll be okay but i just can't seem to get past this any words of wisdom you can offer? how do you deal? efs
  9. LOL Yeah but who's counting??? Hopefully the little dude has only one more night spent stuck out on the grass all alone on a freezing Tassie night. Ta for all the "luck" wishes everyone! huh!??! wha!??! but it's ... pfft! i read tuesday and wondered why you were still saying only one more nite!!! bahluddy hell! still another whole daaaaaay *gnashing teeth*
  10. oops, sorry, i got a bit carried away --- i get a bit tense if i don't hear both dogs go off and of course, if i can't find bobbie in 2 seconds flat then, yeah, i'm going to mush...
  11. yup! my two go a bit nuts when we arrive home and they start going off when we pull up in the driveway SO bella's the first to make her sound and i kinda semi hold my breath waiting to hear byron's muf sound and so when i do i breathe, 'til i get in the house and then i kinda stop breathing again 'til i spot bobbie... then comes the sigh and everything's right with the world i know it's not necessarily a good thing that dogs react in such a way but i can't think of anyone else that's that happy to see me and is so beside itself that it just about needs to swallow me --- i love this part of dog ownership
  12. keep the faith everyone and yeah, i second the hope that this dog is nice and snug by tomorrow night, clean and well fed
  13. sorry to hear that waffle i'd do the beach for sure; let him run and play and dig and do all the stuff that dogs should be allowed to do. don't forget to take his ball or frisbee or whatever his favourite retrieve toy is... i like the idea of camping in the backyard but srsly, it's all the different smells of 'other places' that'll count for him, so i'd find a caravan park that allows tents and set up camp there for the night :D take him and some doggy buds to a wide open space where there's plenty of interest; rabbits, trees, a creek... one of the last things i'd do for him is give him a spa day --- the whole shebang with essential oils, massage with the sounds of violins and piano playing in the background... good luck and take good care of you and your dog :D edited cuz i got your name wrong, sorry
  14. i've heard that obsessive licking can be self-medicating, that yes, they do derive comfort from it... both my dogs lick their feet; tops and bottoms but only their forepaws and not each others --- i've managed to block that behaviour by giving them a command and rewarding that behaviour but only after they've acknowledged and answered my command. it hasn't stopped the behaviour but i have noticed that it has lessened and they both quickly respond to my efforts to directly correct their licking... i don't know why it started but i first noticed it with byron, our rescue, and then bella started doing it too --- it's now too far in the future for me to establish why but i think it started somewhere around the last change in daylight savings... i hope that makes sense and perhaps helps a bit
  15. Nope. My mil called me today and crowed about how she knew I was lying about pitbulls not having locking jaws, because she saw it on TV. All the while she probably had her staffy on her lap. damn! double damn! srsly, these peeps have a really excellent opportunity of educating the public and look what happens!
  16. this is what happens in my house with bella; she steals and then teases byron --- byron is slowly getting the drift but for the moment, it's a really fun game of raucous tug!!! maybe charlie just needs to 'come around' and maybe that's what he's doing with emmy now; his whining is his way of getting emmy to tease him with the toy!??! if it's a treat, i'd be looking to get some advice about that...
  17. this freaks the craaapP outa me alz i can say is OP, get to it cuz if this legislation is deemed to be performing well in the state of vic, then dog help the rest of the country... i can also imagine in some instances there being a ranger getting the sheets with a raggedy dog that isn't necessarily showing aggression, but it, in the eyes of the ranger, is deemed frikken dangerous [cuz it took so long to catch the bahluddy mutt] and with such powers it can be dispensed with summarily... sum scary shite right thar!
  18. same with my two megan --- bella be the strongest but byron is quickly gaining strength so it's becoming a healthy competition between the two of them sorry cw_ew, i don't have any useful advice for you but i wish you good luck
  19. ya know, a telly show like this one has such a prime opportunity to dispel the myths about animal behaviours, that to not take such an opportunity is tantamount to a grave injustice to the public at large! he has it in him the bahluddy goose; did ya hear his comments on the 7pm project about the lion attacking its trainer for example ffs! how can he go from that to THAT on his own show! credibility BLOWN
  20. Id just like to know how many people thought the lamb was in love with him when he left, Id bet my bottom dollar he had a bottle of milk to make him follow him to the car yup, and didn't he milk it *pun intended* sickening really ... just pathetic...
  21. *applause* strong agreement well done spot!
  22. yup, there were too many head slaps and numerous eye rolls for me last night too watching that show --- typical is what i say about that goose *head shake* for the person who wanted to know what happened to leroy for him to break his leg, there wasn't any footage and there were no reports as to who saw what happened either --- 'twas all supposition poor lil bugger, so vera vera cute is leroy
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