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Everything posted by dezzyno.1

  1. just reading this post and thought I should let u know what was said about my dog one day at OB...had just finished classes and was letting Dezzy have a drink when a lady from my group came over and asked if her son could ask me a question....once Dezzy had finished his drink I walked over to the son and he asked what breed was my dog....I advised him he was an American Staffordshire Terrier and he turned around and said I thought he was a pig dog gone wrong.....I just laughed and said to him that I had never had anyone describe my dog as being a pig dog gone wrong
  2. OMG I feel so sorry for u to have to go through something like that.....I have only had my first dog ever Dezzy for one week and took him on a council walking track....we were half way around when we were nearing a corner and I noticed Dezzy raise his ears....l sat him down and around the corner flew a runner with their dog loose bolting along side with no lead on....fortunately the dog just kept going but I would hate to think what would have happened had the dog been aggressive at all....in my town in our local paper u usually see a thumbs down to all the people who walk their dogs off lead in on lead areas especially around the lake....I wish people would do what the council asks and maybe incidents of "dog attacks" would be not as much...but then again u have irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs roam the streets.....I have people around the corner who just let their maltese terriers just wander around...they bark at people and dogs walking past and come off the property....also stop cars as they stand in the middle of the road....i think some people just need to wake up to themselves and realise that dogs are family members and not just something to have I hope u continue to walk where u want...doing the right thing and never have to worry about crazy people again
  3. I cannot believe the stupidity of some people....our dog Dezzy comes everywhere with us but when temperatures rise he stays home with the air con going whilst we sweat it out outside.....i take him for walks after tea time when temperatures are hopefully starting to cool down....some people need to think of our furry friends before themselves....i hope she gets a massive fine and hopefully has woken up to herself now
  4. That is just so sad.....our boy Dezzy is an Amstaff and I could not even start to think of what would happen to him if the pound or anyone else got hold of him and did that to him....I bet most of those poor dogs were family pets and well loved....how could any government body do that to an innocent animal
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