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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. They all look like they are being tortured
  2. Kate, the person is uninformed. Both my dogs are crate trained. I leave the crate open during the day and Miley (My CKCS) happily wonders in and out of it. It's where she can stash her own stuff and where she can feel secure if we have visitors or rowdy kids or if Ollie is annoying her. They are only locked in at night when I can't supervise them. It keeps them safe from choking on stuff and it keeps them from tearing my house apart and peeing everywhere. When they want out for a pee they bark till I come down and let them out.. which is the same time every morning (6:45am). I let them outside and go back to bed and they play in the fresh air till I get up for the day. It's not cruel at all. If there is extreme weather and I have to go somewhere and can't take them with me, I put them in the crate so they are protected from the weather and from getting up to mischief. I am never gone for more than 2 hours and they happily sleep during that time. 8 hours in a crate is fine at night when everyone is in bed.. they usually sleep for that long anyway. It's like having a baby in a crib. I swear by them seriously.. I'm NOT a breeder, but I recommend them very highly. You can buy them off ebay and not have to explain yourself or put up with one minded uninformed twats
  3. Thanks Anne I can't believe she got any air at all through that.. I can't even see a gap
  4. Thank Anne. I'll put him in the laundry tub and phone you.
  5. he's quieter now he scared the crap out of me.
  6. It's only 20 degrees in Melbourne so I thought it was safe to walk the dogs. Miley is fine but Ollie is really bad. He's had ice water and is laying next to an ice pack (he won't lay on it) and he is panting and wheezing really badly. We only walked for 10 minutes and I had to carry him back and we have been home 10 minutes and he's still wheezing and panting really fast. I don't know if he's dying or not I don't know what to do.
  7. My very amateur opinion is with
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