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Everything posted by HugUrPup
I go through the exact same thing every time I walk my dogs it drives me freaking mad. PUT YOUR DOGS ON LEADS PEOPLE!!!!!
I'll add the links
You're all wonderful It's awesome to see that people who never even knew about puppy farming before the group are now educated on it and shocked to say the least
Just joined!!!
531 members
Mine both run to me all excited with big goofy grins and tails wagging.. Miley even does the kidney bean dance as mentioned by someone in a previous post
Maybe you can give his owner a lovely late Christmas present and return his dog desexed
that's fantastic!!! 210 people have joined in less than 24 hours.. it just goes to show how fast Facebook can spread the word
I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, but if you have facebook you will know that it is a fantastic way to educate and bring awareness to people about many important issues. A group which was recently made is in regards to bringing awareness to pet shops and puppy mills. If you have Facebook, all you need to do is join the group and it goes on your profile for everyone on your friends list to see.. if they put it on their profile and so on imagine how many people would be made newly aware about puppy mills that had no idea!?!? Also, you can add any information, new or old which you think may be beneficial So yeh, I thought I would link you do the group so more and more people can learn about this important issue as a way to help stop pet shops selling puppies and send puppy farmers bust http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2255...id=225543472403 I hope I haven't broken any rules.. feel free to delete it Troy if I have
WOW he looks fantastic!!! Bless you Mrs T and thankyou so much for what you have done for this little pup ♥
OMG he is just a baby
Oh no way I'd cope with 4 hours of brushing LOL my cousins had an Old English Sheepdog when we were growing up and they got him clipped every Summer. I let my two dry outside today.. it was sure hot enough.
Nup it's a good choice
Sorry but that beautiful dog will do it everytime ;) oh and your user name is the same.. just spelled different ;) You're allowed Di_dee1 BTW good to see you here ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
YAY thanks. I was waiting for your reply before putting them in the freshly filled tub
Oh really? Glad you told me that bugger.. they are a bit on the nose. Maybe I'll bath them and then treat them in a week.. they are due on the 3rd anyway... a few days late shouldn't make a difference yeh?
I think I may "know" you teekay LOL I bath mine every 2-3 weeks unless they play in mud.. but mine are little and can be done in the laundry sink LOL I imagine it would take a month of Sundays to get Jenna looking white
My dogs need a bath before their worming/flea treatment tomorrow. Anyone in Vic feel like coming over and doing it for me? grumbles.. I better get off my bum and do it myself... and yes, I posted this because I am procrastinating.
OMG you have esp.. that was my post word for word
I believe that if a dog isn't breeding or being shown then they are better off desexed.
He's a very lovely looking pup
If it's a dried roo tail I wouldn't worry.... they aren't very hard and don't splinter.
They never fight *shrugs* I don't encourage the humping at all, even still is there a huge issue with one dog being dominant over another if they never fight? They also sleep cuddled up to each other. Sas, what is disturbing? Dogs having sex or Bowen therapy?
Wow really? Well it even's out because Ollie humps Miley and Miley cleans Ollie I do tell him to cut it out when he humps her though, but that's because we have children here
I know my two are in love because they play, hump and kiss each other, but today Miley was licking Ollies eyeballs Gross but sweet I had to share.