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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. He's hilarious.. what a cool doggy. I love his same too he actually does look a bit like the other Frodo.
  2. I have actually canceled Jim's as the lovely Missymoo has offered to bath my babies for me today so excited to meet her too.
  3. I love the smell of Fidos everyday wash.. my two don't have a problem with the itchies either.
  4. Hi twodoggies2001 I understand your concern. Ollie had some breathing problems when his weight reached it's peak and walking him could have killed him. I decided to try and reduce his weight before putting him through surgery to find out if he had an elongated palette which is common in brachy breads. His breathing is much better now that is weight has dropped, so he is now going for regular short walks on cool days. In regards to raw meat, he vomits it. I have tried him on raw chicken necks, roo meat and beef. He regurgitates all of them. I have to cook his meat when he eats it, but for now he is on the weight control kibble and vegies to fill him up. He is having less vegies and more kibble now to maintain his weight loss.
  5. I got 2 packets of California Natural light (low fat) kibble today for $35 (50% off) and was wondering if anyone uses this brand and what they think of it?
  6. Someone from Jims just phoned and he is coming on Thursday :D it's good for them to have a pampering professional groom occasionally.
  7. I can wash them myself but I need a good blower to help with the loose fur.
  8. How far away is Seaford from Kilsyth? I phoned up a few places today and they have 3 week waiting lists :D my dogs need grooming now!!!
  9. I have come back from a holiday and my pug is malting something terrible. The furminator isn't doing the trick, so I need him to be washed and blow dried with an industrial blower ;) (or at least be professionally groomed). My Cavalier is on the nose too. I'm in Eastern suburbs Vic
  10. Imagine being so full of fear everytime you left the house She really needs help by the looks.
  11. The womans reaction is extreme.. I'd say she has some type of disability. I would avoid going down the street at all costs..better safe than sorry.
  12. Yeh police for sure.. she assaulted/threatened you. Oops..missed a page I hope you don't bump into her again.
  13. There were babies in there. It was like a holocaust
  14. Brilliant photo Stormie Is the forum full of photographers or what?
  15. What' a ding dong and whacker? You mean his PENIS????? Yeh I'd say there's something funky going on and you should take him to the vet lol
  16. I just came back from Warrandyte and saw a dog in the car... I was walking back to my car which was parked to next to it, thinking how stinking hot it is and then I saw the dog panting away with the window down 2cm's. Even my 8 year old daughter said.. Look mummy there's a dog in the car it will die in this heat. If an 8 year old can figure it out why not an adult? Anyway, the owner came out of the bakery and i said.. this your dog? she said yeh, I said good.. don't leave your dog in the car in this heat. She said.. she's alright she went out and got some fresh air earlier and the window is down. I just rolled my eyes, shook my head and left. stupid woman
  17. he looks nothing like a whippet to me.. I have no idea what Borzoi's look like so would never have guessed his breed, but nup..wouldn't have thought whippet. I love his colours he's lovely.
  18. ahhh I get you Thanks Poodlefan I'll see if he likes that Artemis food too.
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