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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. hmmmm she was claiming mistaken identity but when I asked how she got the dog back she said she pleaded guilty.. not sure what happened there..perhaps the identity thing was Pitbull rather than Amstaff? Do you work for the pound menacbear? Can you check up?
  2. I was told by SIL that the dog ran out on the front lawn and attacked a smaller dog which had wondered on it. I asked if the small dog was on the lead and she didn't want to answer The dog has attacked, protecting her own property which she wasn't properly contained on because the owner either a) was irresponsible or b) the dog shot out through the front door so fast that she couldn't stop her (that was the story I was told). I asked if she was desexed last night when she showed me the photos and she said no. I don't know the owners name, just where she lives. She pleaded guilty to some charge or another and the dog was returned registered as Amstaff and still intact *shrugs* Either my SIL has it wrong and she is desexed, or she is lying to me, or the pound has well and truly messed up. She was taken in on the 17th of February and recently released.. not sure exactly when though.
  3. menacebear that sounds pretty much correct. Apparently she claimed that the dog was mistaken identity? The dog was seized weeks after the alleged attack. She wasn't registered when seized but was registered as Amstaff when returned and was not returned spayed.
  4. sigh I sent her this her reply, was along the lines of they are cute together but she won't x breed. I hope he wears a condom and practices safe sex on their play dates then. waste of time
  5. If only with mental health system got their shize together this woman would have been getting the help she obviously needed and the cats would have got the care they needed.
  6. I am as stumped as you are GoldenGirl. I have sent her the link to DOL so hopefully she is reading now
  7. I thought she would get destroyed a few weeks ago when I got the call which is why I said for her to claim she is an Amstaff.. if there is a litter born from her or a dog or person attacked, I am going to feel so responsible for that. I know paying the ultimate price weeks ago would be such a shame considering it was the owners stupidity and not the dogs fault.. but having her pay the price after what could potentially happen now is even more frightening
  8. Wow are there warnings on the packaging? You may need to contact the manufacturer with this incident.
  9. My Cavalier gets a bit of an itch occasionally and drags her butt.. but I have a good old scratch too sometimes so I'm not worried it looks hilarious when she does it.. my 4 year old sons gets on his bum and does the same just for kicks.
  10. The Amstaff thing is an issue, I can't now claim she is a PB and that is my doing :rolleyes: I didn't know she was intact.. for some stupid reason I presumed she was desexed and I never thought that my SIL would put her pure bred Golden Retriever with this dog.. it never crossed my mind and when she mentioned it my jaw hit the floor. I'm not sure there is anyway I can stop this happening other than getting her to read threads there and educate herself.. but then again, I already spent hours and hours educating her when she was going to buy the boxer x at the pet shop.. I thought she had learned something then.
  11. Yeh I could just ring up Frankston *cough* council and say there is an undesexxed PB living on that street?
  12. That sadder part of this story is that SIL has a wonderful pure bred Golden Retriever with papers.. what a waste to put him with another breed :rolleyes:
  13. dogmad, I want to be able to see my niece again :rolleyes: I was hoping to somehow persuade SIL into not only desexxing Bazzel but also getting her neighbour to desex her PB...and properly contain her and put her on a fecking lead when walking her (I have never met this woman, but I gather she wears her brain up her bum).
  14. exactly.. ok I will talk her into joining :rolleyes:
  15. :rolleyes: she probably needs a bit of DOL persuading and scaring off anyway persephone.
  16. If I can persuade her to join DOL to learn, can everyone promise to not scare her away? I want her to learn and to hopefully talk her neighbor into desexxing her bitch and to just gain knowledge YK? I think she needs to hear it from more than just one person.
  17. urgh Goldengirl some people have no idea This PB was just returned to the owners after being seized for attacking a small dog. She wasn't registered when she was taken, so when I got the phone call a few weeks ago from SIL in tears, I said to tell her neigbour to say she is an Amstaff not a PB, which is what she is registered as now. I am really stunned that they returned her entire :rolleyes: actually I am suprised they returned her at all.. I have no idea what she said to get her back.
  18. How likely is that when they spend everyday with each other though? :rolleyes: they live next door to each other and are best friends.. dogs and humans.
  19. My SIL phoned me up from a pet shop over a year ago, wanted to buy some boxer X pup and I told her to hold off and come over for a cuppa before deciding. I then taught her about puppy mills etc and why puppy shops are bad to buy from, and why cross breeds are bad to buy (unless you are getting a rescue of course) and finally I helped her decide on a breed (after hours and hours) and then before Christmas that year, I managed to find her a beautiful pure bred Golden retriever pup from a reputable breeder :rolleyes: He's doing great and grown into a stunning playful, intelligent boy who is adored by SIL and my niece.. here is where it goes to crap though ;) Yesterday she was over for dinner and I asked how Bazzel is and she mentioned having to pay extra for his registration because he isn't desexxed. I asked her why he is still intact. She said she wants to stud him out, and I said that she will need a breeder prefix and register as a breeder if she gets her own bitch, or if she is just having him as a stud she needs to contact other reputable Golden retriever breeders, to make sure the bloodlines are the right match etc She said, when it comes time to breeding she will let me know so I can help her with it all. So an hour or so later she is showing me photos on her phone of her neighbors PB bitch and she says.. this is Bazzels girlfriend. I was like.. what do you mean girlfriend? Is she speyed? She then gave me this really guilty look and said.. I know both dogs well and they will make such cute puppies :mad Do people ever learn???? I told her that no-one goes looking for Golden retriever X pitbull pups and if they sell, the buyers won't know the temperament because the two breeds are so different, they will not know the size of the dog, the coat texture the look of the dog or anything and this is why so many cross breeds in up in the pound!!!!
  20. Wow I just read this roller coaster of a thread. I am so glad he is coming home. so relieved for you.
  21. You know that you could cross them Ainsley and sell them as Labaliers and make a lot of money OMG is that the new fad now?
  22. Which is why people should get their pets desexed. sorry, this just irks me! Especially when it is "my breed". My parents had Labs, and I have one now. (love Miley, btw, my other dog is a ruby Cav) any breed needs to be desexed.. I actually had a similar "conversation" with my nearly 19 year old today... I have booked her cat in for a spay in the morning and seeing as I am caring for the kitten until my DD can find a place that will allow cats, I thought I would cover the $175 vet fee and she could pay me back $10 a week once she gets a job.. her answer to that was Don't worry about desexxing her..she's an indoor cat anyway she is getting desexxed still and if DD doesn't want be a responsible pet owner, kitty is going to Kirty ETA thanks re Miley I love Cavaliers ♥
  23. I vaccumed my dog a few times.. the Furminator works better though
  24. Sounds like the ad was for an accidental mating litter.
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