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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. Aside from being embarrassing, small dogs who punch above their weight can have short lifespans. It's embarrassing that I haven't trained her properly.. and it's very worrisome because as I said, if these dogs weren't on leads, it would have been disaster. There's no way I would take her to an off leash area like this. I walk her with a harness because she is a brachy breed and it was recommended, but I am happy to try the check chain and actually know how to use one (was shown by a trainer a few years ago).
  2. I'll look up an obedience class in my local area
  3. I'd love to see an updated photo of her with meat on those bones. I am guessing there is none otherwise RSPCA would be showing off how wonderful they are for saving her.
  4. No I only got her around 6 months ago.. she is 3 and a half. Can you teach an old dog new tricks?
  5. It's embarrassing having a dog who carries on like a yap yapper. I tell her no and pull her close to me and walk past quickly, but the entire time she is ruff ruff ruff and trying to lunge at them She was de barked by the breeder before I got her, so I wonder if that it also contributing to it.. she feels like she has to play it big to protect herself *shrugs* Her bark is still there but very soft and husky. Not sure with the treats.. Ollie is on a diet and his nose would get out of joint if I didn't give him anything.
  6. Miley has been very naughty lately when we go on walks. If someone is heading towards us with a dog, she starts barking her tails wags etc, so I'm not sure if it's a let's play bark or a come on, I'll "go you" bark. She barked at a Pitbull 2 days ago who was also on his lead and he was so anxious around her he poo'd while they were face to face Today she was barking at an older blue healer which had apparently been locked in a yard for 3 months, so he was already over excited to begin with, but her barking and carry on really made him go nuts. If these dogs weren't on leads, I think there would be disaster and I doubt she would come away the winner She doesn't even worry about size.. she barked at a brown Lab and a poodle last week too I want to socialise her more, but she seems like a bully. Ollie on the other hand is so mellow he just ignores other dogs.
  7. Just got back from our 30 minute walk.. he did well. Will read the triangle of temptation soon thanks
  8. success!! Miley walked away from her bowl and sat in her crate after 8 minutes. Ollie went straight to her bowl, but I got to it first and emptied out the little bit she left in the bin and filled it with water. Miley is a neat eater but Ollie somehow manages to leave kibble all around the bowl on the floor I haven't taken his bowl away because he is still going and he is starting on eating up his mess which is more than fine by me Too easy. I wish I had asked this question here months ago. Thanks everyone
  9. They are both eating I think Miley is loving the fish.
  10. Ok dinner time.. they have 10 minutes and I am watching I'll let you know in 10 minutes how it goes. I have a tin of sardines for Molly here too.. Ollie can have a little bit too.
  11. I have crates I can feed them in. They eat outside and the kids don't feed them.. only me. The reason I feed them outside is because they stuff around when I am watching and don't eat. I give them 20 minutes outside to eat and then go out and take their bowls. Miley won't allow Ollie near her food unless she doesn't want it.. but I wonder if she doesn't want it often.. like every second day. I will see if they eat in their crates.
  12. I had Ollie first.. Miley came from the breeders at 3 years old and didn't eat everyday there either and she had with 10 other dogs around so plenty of guarding her food. She also had 30 minutes to eat or it would be taken away. I'll feed her in her crate and see what happens.
  13. I think I know what's going on.. Miley doesn't eat everyday, but I offer her food.. I bet he has been eating her share. I know I will be advised to feed them separately however That's going to be difficult.. she won't eat unless he is out there because she likes the guarding her food game. She has gone days without food when I have tried to separate them.. any ideas?
  14. Ok, before taking him to the vet and waste money on test to be told, his diet is just wrong I'm going to give him kibble every 2nd day instead of everyday and give vegies every other day. I'll see how he goes in 1 week and if he is doesn't lose any weight or puts any on, I'll be convinced there is something more to it and take him to the vet. Ohhhhh... I think I know what's going on.. Miley doesn't eat everyday, but I offer her food.. I bet he has been eating her share. That's going to be difficult.. she won't eat unless he is out there because she likes the guarding her food game. She has gone days without food when I have tried to separate them.. any ideas?
  15. Oh don't tell me that now. ;) We can meet up for a cuppa still though
  16. bertandsally they were such beautiful pups ;) I love Sally's fluffiness.
  17. I've wondered about diabetes actually.. he doesn't seem to drink a huge amount of water though.. probably 2 small metal bowls a day.
  18. I'm not silly.. I'll let someone else raise my puppy and collect puppy at no younger than a year old ;) Ollie was a year old when he came to live here and Miley was 3. Neither were too excited to play and explore all night and they both came crate trained I love puppies, but I don't have the stamina to keep up with them and 4 kids.
  19. ;) tlc, my MIL keeps bringing those choc chip dog cookies over and I politely thank her and ask her not to bring any more as Ollie is on a strict diet. I put them up high in the laundry and she keeps bringing them. I am up to 6 unopened boxes in my laundry cupboard now. I NEED to find her a dog..she's gone crazy since hers crossed the bridge.
  20. Erny, he was having the kibble with the vegies to fill him up, but the vet said he would be fine with just the kibble. I haven't increased the amount. It's also weight management kibble that the vet recommended. tlc, I was trying to walk him everyday, but by day 3 he is wheezing and wants to be carried after 10-15 minutes. So now he walks 2 days then has a day off and then 2 again 1 off etc His breathing is fine when he isn't fat, and he can walk more, but now that his weight has gone up suddenly, he can't walk as often and is getting fatter Puggy puggy, shall I send him to you for fat camp? ;) I think you'd fall in love and want to keep him.
  21. The scoop I give is probably less than a cup and more like half.. which is why I edited my original post. He only gets one dried bone a week and I throw it away and replace it with a fresh one. He doesn't eat the entire thing. He can't eat raw meat because it makes him vomit which is frustrating. I caught MIL giving him pizza the other night and did my nut at her. Other than that night he never gets treats or snacks. I think Ollie would be back to 11kg's easily now. ;) he's only 2 years old.
  22. Ok I didn't think of that Erny. I took him to the vet a few weeks back and was told not to bother with vegies and just give the scoop of kibble and a bone for his teeth and nothing else and he should be ok. Obviously I was surprised with the weight gain.. I am sure the vet will be too. I'll make an appointment in the morning and have his blood checked.
  23. tlc I felt similar when I had my 4th skin baby.. what on Earth was I thinking!?!? but there was a no return policy. Glad I kept him though cause he grew on me rather quickly ;)
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