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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. Breath of fresh air reading the good ones hey
  2. Oh snap puggy puggy we posted at the same time.
  3. Lola looks perfect.. and her eyes always amaze me.. totally beautiful I want to take around 2.5kg's off Ollie. I am trying him on a raw diet again.. he has vomited from it in the past but now I think it may have been because I was giving him too much. I was giving him a mega fist size of roo meat or 3 chicken necks rather than 1-2 small ones. I just bought all the supplies for the next week and I will portion them out in singles serves tonight and blend the vegies. :D
  4. The verdict is in and Ollie is FAT!!! :D puggy puggy is emailing us his new diet Fat camp begins.
  5. well I am obese and I have one fat dog and one medium dog, so I guess it may have more to do with metabolism than anything else. Some people and dogs need less food and more exercise than others..which sucks, because I want my pancake and don't want to have to jog for an hour to burn it off dammit :D Miley sometimes goes days without food too.. I have never seen Ollie do that
  6. I can imagine.. your pug is fat..and you could lose a few too love tact.
  7. Ollie is visiting Pug Wonderland in the morning to find out is he needs fat camp
  8. I think Ollie is one of the taller ones, so his weight will probably be a bit heavier than the standard. He looked ok at 10kg's comparing to the links Sammy ballerina posted. His breathing is terrible when he walks more than 15 minutes..in hot weather he can't walk at all.. but I am hoping surgery will help with that. Once he can walk further it will help get that little bit of extra weight off. In the mean time I will just keep doing what I am doing, he's not as obese as I thought initially.
  9. He's not far off that I think..just a bit more in the chest.
  10. I'd like to see Frankie Thanks for your help too sammy ballerina. I wasn't sure if he was classed as a boofa or just a bit chubby, so now I know not to be overly hard on him about his weight.
  11. Ok here's some more photos. He isn't square at all, but he's stocky. He has a very heavy chest IMO but it's hard to know how much is his thick coat and how much is fat and Miley wanted a photo to
  12. I'll try to get some better shots. I can't feel his ribs... will that EVER happen? I wasn't going to wait for him to be totally rolling in fat before doing something about his weight. He had already lost a lot of weight, but then suddenly put it on over 2 weeks, so yeh, if he can put it on the fast I would hope he can take it off that fast too. I don't want to go overboard or expect too much either... it's hard with a pug, because I have only ever come across fat ones irl so I don't know if they were all unhealthy or if that's fine for the breed. What's cobby mean? I have seen pugs described as "cobby" before.
  13. I took a photo of Ollie tonight.. I have no idea, if he is still too fat. I am watching his food intake like a hawk and taking him for regular walks which seems to be helping but, I dunno.. how fat is a pug meant to be?
  14. I voted night but it's really late afternoon...between 4:30 and 5:30
  15. I wonder if he has actually taken away from the importance of the segment. As I said in the OP, I was pretty distracted by him.
  16. White tailed spiders can produce that. only in humans though as far as I am aware. I sooo hope that is the case. Please let us know how it all goes at the vet APBT
  17. I think I have a bruised rib from laughing so much.
  18. Today went really well. We walked, and I randomly clicked and gave a treat..she kept her focus on me pretty much the entire walk.. just like dear Lewis up there ^. We came across 2 dogs. The first looked like some poodle mix..actually reminded me of an old English sheep dog. I clicked and treated, then I said sit and I clicked and treated. Then while she was sitting and looking at me I said stay Miley stay and she saw the dog as it passed and let out a little yelp but I quickly got her focus by saying her name again and she sat and I clicked and treated twice as the other dog passed and then she stayed focused on me the entire time.. no lunging, no barking.. just sitting and looking at me even though she knew the other dog was going past she then got so much praise I could have almost eaten her up with the patting and kissing and telling her how clever she is.. click treat another time and we started walking again Then a big old lab came along and I told her to sit and stay and clicked and treated. She saw him out of the corner of her eye, but kept her focus on me as I was saying Miley stay.. wait stay...then I clicked and treated 3 times and ran out of treats Not a single yelp or lunge. She stayed focused on me and then once the dog was passed, I praised and said come and we walked home.
  19. Who let the dogs out? http://www.youtube.com/user/robrat81#p/a/u/0/PXWR5FDacRo ok last one I promise
  20. there's pages of it http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...on+Aca&aq=f
  21. Soooo glad I'm not the only one who cracked up at him. I still laugh..seriously, it's just one of those things you can watch over and over and it still makes you laugh like the first time
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