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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. He can walk a bit further now, so the breathing has improved majorly, but yeh I guess I'm just not used to seeing him this way and not used to seeing both dogs eating like they've been starved. They used to take their time, now 2 gulps and it's gone in less than a minute. This morning they had half of their daily meal, and tonight I'll give the other half so at least they haven't had to wait the entire day to eat. They are resting peacefully so can't be uncomfortable I suppose.
  2. The poor but heroic man. May he rest in peace
  3. I'll try him on pumpkin tomorrow.. he didn't like it dried or raw he's gone off all vegies it seems.
  4. Thanks everyone I'm going to give sardines in spring water to him in the morning and his regular dinner. I don't think sardines will put weight on him will it? I try giving dried vegies etc for snacks to chew on during the day but they aren't interested.
  5. Yeh good idea, I'll post a link there thanks
  6. Here's some pics of my skinny minnie this one freaks me out
  7. I know he's healthier on the slim side but I am used to my Ollie being fat and now I can feel his ribs and when I bath him he is so tiny under that thick coat. When he eats he scoffs like he's starving. He's around 8kg's and I think he looks starved but others say he looks great. I'm feeling odd.. like maybe the weight loss has gone too far. I'm thinking of feeding him twice a day instead of once but don't want to increase his weight, but just maintain it. I don't want him losing any more. *sigh* I don't know what to do. I hate seeing them eat their food like they have been starving all day
  8. Miley barks and Ollie puts his feet on the cabinet and his head is so tiny against the massive screen it's an hilarious sight.
  9. My inlaws are constantly giving Ollie biscuits even though I have told them time and time again he is on a strict diet. I'll just have to stop bringing him for visits.
  10. I got my Cavalier because my pug was lonely when I went to Uni. Although I was only gone 4 hours 3 days a week I felt he needed full time companionship. I've never looked back.. he is happy 24/7
  11. My Cavalier barks more than my pug.. but she speaks too.. very funny little poppet LOL
  12. Is there a 24 hour emergency vet near you?
  13. I just can't get over the size of him
  14. Dog For Sale Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighbourhood for him to eat. Most of them knew Jethro only by his Oriental street name, Ho Lee Schitt.
  15. His breathing is heaps better... before shots
  16. Check out the progress we've made
  17. Oh poo about the cavaliers I have a 10 week old here which I got yesterday and am babysitting for my ex partners parents until next week and I feel even 10 weeks is still too young. She is a ball of energy though
  18. I just got a phone call from the RSPCA the woman was really helpful. The kittens were dehydrated from being transported the day before and the fleas came from the "breeder". They are no longer allowed to put them in the shop for sale unless all the animals are 100% healthy and they are having monthly visits from the inspectors for the next few months. If they screw up again the RSPCA will take them to court for RSPCA and for the pet shop.
  19. I am being given the run around..put through to the inspector clerk who has an answering machine saying basically he is too busy to take calls :D:
  20. I've been away for 3 weeks but will phone today and find out what the end result was and report back to you all.
  21. that was one of the funnier articles I have read in a while
  22. Yeh I meant someone come in a take the dogs not buy them. I'd say a threat to have them closed down unless they hand them over may work... and then of course..have them closed down anyway LOL
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