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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. Valid points made Greytmate Thanks
  2. I know how it works and I have seen pug rescue get dogs in a really bad way and spend a fortune on getting them well and then re-homing them. These dogs are in desperate medical need which they wouldn't get in a pound which is why they are rescued and why pug owners turn them in to pug rescue. I am speaking about perfectly healthy dogs which are already desexed, taken from the pound on day one and on sold for twice the amount and I have SEEN that happen. I am not speaking about EVERY rescue group, I am speaking about certain ones.
  3. It would help if cav rescue replied to emails too
  4. I think maybe you should find out what happens in rescue before you speak so harshly against it. There are plenty of excellent dogs in rescue right now looking for homes, and plenty of excellent, desirable rescue dogs being placed in permanent homes by foster groups every day of the week. If you are finding it hard to get somebody reputable to sell you a dog, there may be a good reason for that. Actually I don't have difficulty getting a rescue dog and I am meeting one this week in fact. I KNOW what breed is best for us and what breed would be in the best environment here and I know this better than anyone else who could meet me in 5 minutes and decide for me. I also make it clear before getting a dog that if I think the dog would suit us, that I would only trial it first to make sure. If the rescuers turn someone down, then tell them why and perhaps even try to work with them on what is the best dog to get, because I would rather see the people get a rescue than buy a puppy from a shop or BYB. Jed, I hate seeing dogs in pounds also and I was more than happy to give a cav a permanent forever home here, but rescue decided they would take him first.
  5. People are always being told, if you want a dog get a rescue or a puppy from a reputable breeder. There are so many dogs that need re-homing but it seems the type of dog people want that WOULD suit them best and NOT be in a revolving door situation, are the ones that are too hard to get. It's frustrating and sad to see potentially excellent dog owners resorting to a BYB or a puppy shop because it's so difficult to get a rescue.
  6. Here's my issue, the dogs best interest is to be re-homed to a good family, not to be taken by a rescue group when they could very well go straight to their new home, to then be fostered and the group then choose who can and can't have the dog based on stupid things like wearing PJ's in the afternoon. Dogs best interest remember? If the dog is likely to be placed straight from the pound, then leave it there, don't take it, foster it, raise the price of it and confuse it more. There is a reason breed specific organisations will get these dogs from the pound and I don't believe it's all in the best interest of the dog.
  7. The pounds around here desex before selling.
  8. I'll also clarify that I knows this happens because I met a foster woman before I got Miley and she had taken a Cavalier from a pound the day it came in. Why would a rescue place do that other than to make a profit? Why not see if it goes to a permanent home first? I am sure he would have been bought from the pound if given half a chance.. instead he was taken into foster care and held there until the foster woman found him another home and sold him for twice as much. It would make more sense to rescue dogs which have sat at the pound for a little while and are really at risk of being pts. That's what rescuing would mean to me. ETA- of course I am just peaking of pound rescues, not rescue groups who take in dogs from owners. That part of rescue I really admire.
  9. It's clear that you don't operate this way but I find odd the sort of semi-suggestion that because a dog would otherwise be dead, an inquirer should just take any old nonsense from a rescue group. If any rescue group operates like this then their dogs won't be adopted anyway. That's the thing, people go to pounds before rescue groups often because they know it's 1: easier to get the dog, 2: they are saving the dog from having to go to another place before being permanently placed, and 3: they are saving them from death row. What I don't understand is why a rescue group would think that a dog which has been in a pound for a while and potential owners have come and seen the dog and declined, would then go to a rescue organisation to get this unwanted dog and pay twice as much for it as they would have straight from the pound. I see many dogs at the pounds which rescue don't want because they know they probably aren't re-homeable and the ones which would be easy to home they snatch up. What's the point in that if the dog would most likely be sold straight from the pound to a good family?
  10. See that's where you are wrong.. look at this thread.. people WANT to rescue dogs, but when rescue groups get their hands on them first it makes it hard. For example, there was a Cavalier in a pound for a week, it would have cost me $150 to get him out. I posted a thread asking for some help getting him to me, and within hours of posting, his ad was pulled from the site. I bet a rescue group saw my thread and jumped on him and I wouldn't be surprised if he is now sold on for more like $300 being a pure bred.
  11. Mine sit on each other cause it's comfortable.
  12. Check out the video head tilt nawww http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/c...esspaniels.html
  13. I want to show Miley even though she is desexxed. For me it obviously would have nothing to do with breed stock, but to do with showing of her beauty
  14. Yep I guess we just can't do favourites
  15. I reckon if you are that keen to get a rescue then raise your chances by making sure you have a secure yard and fit the criteria for the dog you are interested in. Foster people learn from their mistakes I guess, so they know exactly what they are after in a person wanting to give a rescue dog a home. Most people have best intentions and would love the dog and give them great homes, but there are plenty that want a dog and then it escapes, doesn't suit, they run out of time etc etc and the dog ends back in rescue. I also believe that with the trail period, they should give people a go even if they are not sure if the applicant is absolutely ideal, because they may be pleasantly surprised and the best outcome is a happy forever home for the dogs.
  16. Maybe I'm just in love with all 4 legged furry woofas
  17. I'm just so in love with them both for different reasons. They are totally different personalities but I connect with them both 100%
  18. I think Miley is my heart dog. I know she is, she's my beautiful baby and we are so connected, she knows my thoughts and I know hers. The problem is that Ollie is just sooooo in love with me. I am is hearthuman ;) This makes me feel guilty, maybe I have 2 heart dogs? I love them both so much. I am so proud when people say they are the best behaved dogs they have ever seen ♥ I get called the dog whisperer :D I take on the naughty ones and turn them into angels. All the dogs in the street come for a play and my dogs teach them manners. So is it possible to have 2 heart dogs? I really think they both are
  19. Shaar you need to go to the seminar and then do the 30 minute interview while you are there. Does your local RSPCA have a seminar date?
  20. Thanks for the replies, I'll look into puffing billy and the courses ;)
  21. wow wow wow I just got a call from the rescue group and I am meeting the doggy next week ;) *faints*
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