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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. I bath him in my laundry sink usually, but occasionally I get in a groomer who hydrobaths him.
  2. Thanks for that dancinbcs, I'll get an appointment asap.
  3. I got 90%. I think it's because my dogs goes outside in the street everyday to play with the kids and other dogs. Oh and I sign for my dogs in birthday cards etc LOL
  4. I had pneumonia around 2-3 months ago and the asthma has gotten worse since then. It was ok 2 weeks ago, but then the warmer weather came and the shedding tripled and now I am using the inhaler several times a day. It feels like I have his fur in my chest tickling and causing the cough.. but I cough and cough and it's unproductive (unlike the pneumonia) and then I can't breath and I start dry heaving and gagging. It's pretty unpleasant. My son gets eczema on his top lip and it spreads up to his nose. He's constantly having to put balm on his dry lips to stop them bleeding. I have a furminator, I constantly vacuum and he gets bathed every 1-2 weeks (the dog, not the kid lol)
  5. Ollie is woolly. The absolute last resort would be to shave him, I'd consider that before re-homing, but as already said, it won't stop the shedding and if the allergies are from him, then it won't stop that either.
  6. OMG huga :D There's more fur than dog. Ok, so I guess it's a fawn pug thang... now to test if it's causing the allergies...
  7. My dogs are fine with a hairdryer so I doubt the vacuum would be an issue. I actually used to use a normal vacuum on Ollie, but it didn't help much. I'd love to try this Dyson thing though.
  8. I'll get allergy testing done for sure. I don't get a rash when I hugs him but I do cough up furballs :D I doubt I'd be able to hand him over to anyone I'll be shaving him before doing that. Here's a photo I just took after giving him a quick 5 minute brush...
  9. Ok, thanks for the advice :D I'll be getting tests done before making a decision. I'll let you all know how it goes.
  10. I don't think taking antihistamines everyday is very healthy for a 5 year old.
  11. Miley sheds but not even a smidgen as close to as much as Ollie. So that's some indication I suppose of just how bad the problem is.
  12. The vet said it didn't seem normal.. perhaps he isn't familiar with the pug shedding. I'll get another opinion and see a dog naturopath. The groomers I have seen have said that his coat is much thicker than it should be also, which is probably a reason why he was sold from the breeder. I got him at a year old and he had won some comps but then they didn't want to breed form him anymore for some reason so I bought him. I'd say his coat is the reason, because everything else is perfect. He has the best temperament and a cool curly tail, he's smart etc
  13. Been saying that for 2 years now. My kids don't want him to go either, but what about the allergies? Is it wrong to keep him when my sons face and lips get red and sore and I have constant coughing fits? My husband won't leave me over it or anything if I keep him, but he does have a point when he says that keeping him isn't the healthiest thing for us. I think I'll check out a dog naturopath and see if I can give him anything.
  14. He has always had a shedding problem, but the Summer months he is worse. I was denial about the asthma and sons allergies being related, but both flared up during our first Summer with him and then went away during the cooler months and returned again. Now it's returned with a vengeance and Ollies shedding seems worse too. I can't clip him as he has a double thick short coat. His shedding isn't the usual pug shedding, he has an actual "problem". I just can't imagine ever saying goodbye to him you know? He's got such a wonderful personality and awesome smile. he grabs my wrists for a pat and follows me around everywhere. He checks the mail with me and follows me to the bins outside. He never runs off.. he never bites, rarely barks... He's the perfect dog :D :p
  15. Missymoo, do you remember the amount of fur he left after you groomed him? :D you probably still have some of his fur there from months ago. :p I wish I could do something to keep him. This is killing me.
  16. :D I'm so upset. Ollie has a shedding problem.. the worst I or the vet or groomers have ever seen. My son is getting allergies and I have been getting asthma attacks. The house and yard is full of hair and no amount of ferminating, vacuuming, bathing or sardines are helping. I wish there was something I could do to keep him He's my friend, my baby. Please help.
  17. No piddle, I triple checked. She just likes posing for the camera I think.
  18. I crate trained my 2 adult dogs easily. They sleep in separate crates pushed together, but they'd have no issue sharing one if it was roomy enough. I didn't give treats, I just put them in everyday and locked the crate and eventually they got used to it and when I say bed time now they just go in on their own.
  19. Makes a great photo though
  20. She loves my flower display
  21. Awesome helmets. persephone, Miley just liked it in there, so I didn't need to train her to stay. I also had her harnessed it JIC. Ollie on the other hand I don't trust in there. Boronia, I have this photo....
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