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Everything posted by HugUrPup

  1. I just like the smell of this cologne CavnRott I'd love to buy the tropical one off you thanks ;) PS: Don't know what Miley thinks of it because I haven't perfected doggy speak yet.
  2. They're small but every child and cat..and guinea pig (just thought I add them too) needs a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Just saying
  3. That's one of the reasons.. the other is because he'd make "cute" pups Hey don't shoot the messenger ok?
  4. Not sure if I agree with this just because someone has a pedigreed entire dog does not entitle them to start breeding.... Who are any of us to judge and not allow her though? *shrugs* At least if she does want to do it, she can be steered in the right direction. Either she will see it's not as simple as she imagined and just stop with the idea, or she will study and get some knowledge, training, testing on her dog and do things the right way.
  5. A vet can listen for a mummer and then refer to a cardiologist if one is picked up. Low grade murmurs are treated with medications. The earlier they are started the better, which is why it's good to do regular testing.
  6. My SIL has no idea about dogs and mating. Her neigbour had a PB bitch that was not spayed and she said they would make cute puppies together and they are great friends. After blowing my top and not speaking to her for a while, I was told the PB was impounded for endangerment. She had to go to court to get her back and one condition was spaying. So yeh, hopefully the breeder will give her all of this information also and she will be talked out of mating.. or have a lot of correct support and help if she decides to become a breeder. I guess she in entitled to become a breeder if she wants, I just want her to be ethical.
  7. Thanks for the replies.. I will get her to read this thread.
  8. You will probably not like the answer I can't stop her from doing it, but I can at least ensure it's done correctly, or show her it's too involved to be worth it for her. I talked her out of a cross at a pet shop, so I hope I can influence her into doing things right this time too.
  9. Cool... I'll get her to start with the breeder and ask about if they can show him for her. They are local to me, so I could take him to them.
  10. He's main registered. The breeders said when she chose him, that he would be great for breeding and showing.
  11. He is VCA registered and council registered, but no breeder prefix as yet. She doesn't have time to show being a single mother of 1 and another on the way (she's my brothers X). The parents of her dog are Champions. Her dog obviously has no reputation being that has never been in the ring. Could the breeder where he was purchased show him on her behalf?
  12. I do annual heart checks with mine. The eye's get checked as a pup and then again at a year old I think.
  13. My sister in law has a pedigree Golden Retriever, who she wants to offer stud services with. How would she go about that? What fee should she be asking? What things should she look for when choosing the bitch? Where's the best place to advertise? Thanks
  14. Ok I know the brand now I love My Pet Doggy Deodorant I can't find it though. Maybe IGA still have it.
  15. There used to be a dog perfume spray that I could get at the supermarket in a red bottle and it was only around $5. I can't remember what it's called. Does anyone know which one I mean and does anyone know where I can get it? I've been looking everywhere. It smells really good.
  16. Interesting.. Miley has started getting ear issues and I have been feeding her the same kibble. I think I'll either go back to the California stuff or find a grain free one. I'll also feed her more raw chicken necks and roo meat and less kibble to see if that helps.
  17. Happy birthday beautiful Charlie ♥
  18. Thanks for the replies very helpful. I tried to tie her ears a few times and she just shook them free with no hassles LOL I'll get the vet to check for infection and if there isn't any, I'll get some of this Epi-Otic stuff roseava mentioned.
  19. Ok Mileys anal glands are good now, but her ears have so much wax in them. I have tried to clean them out but they are really bad. I don't think she has enough air getting to them because her ears are so long (CKC), so I am tying them back to air out. I also have waxole ear drops for swimmers ear here and was wondering if it would be ok to put some in her ears? Her vet appointment isn't until Wednesday and I think she will probably get antibiotics and eardrops then, but I would like to help her now too. She is also scratching her ears heaps and I'm not sure if it's her SM symptoms or earache.
  20. Wow.. cool blog LOL I don't know the owner of the blog, I just Googled Akita's
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