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  1. chiro ,our little rescue did little whimpers here and there nothing obvious ,and the chiro found she had a little knot or thing out b/n her shoulder blades ,its all done by feel so its not too frightening for them he just pops them up on his bench and feels all over them the dogs seem to know and trust.(they bite the vet tho) and 2 mins and its over .Go chiro first .
  2. you can sponge your dog down with a wash . 1 tbspoon copper sulphate (powder from produce shop) 1 tbs cider vinegar(from produce or chemist the pure stuff) 500ml of water also suitable for ringworm mange and ezma ,skin rashes.
  3. i would take her to a horse/dog chiro ,this happened to our rescue dog and it was actually her back out pressing on nerves .I now take her 3 monthly to the chiro for a line up and she is going great .Also take our JRX who we rescued,her back legs are not good due to neglet and he also does wonders to her and she lives pain free
  4. hi vader's mum, you really need to contact Tam from beagle rescue she can give you the best advice ever ,she has been thru all of this many times.look up web beagle rescue of vic and email tam she will most definately be able to help. i can pass on my knowledge,lots of beagles have very sensitive skin ,and allergies,many grow out of this around 2yrs of age as our girl has done.I found i needed to give her a low dose antihistermine like polaramine 2mg.(info on this site re dosage is avail) during the summer months and wean off as the weather changes,there are lots of pollens around at this time so the tablets really help. Dont use any harsh shampoos or creams on his skin i used a natural tea tree lotion just on the spots she chews to stop it initially.keep him away from cut grass and stuff like that as much as possible. maybe try a whole chicken frame and freeze it so your dog has to really chew it ,mine really love them and by freezing them they chew it much more.(perhaps all the itching scratching and effect of these allergies makes your pup just a tad off and not really interested in his food,i think once you get that under control he will resume his appetite.
  5. vaccinated dogs can get kennel cough,due to several strains,mine caught kennel cough from vaccinated puppy sneezing on them. Best thing ,keep dog quiet,administer benadryl cough mixture,child dose to break up all the muck,and manuka honey to boost their system,take that gorgeous beagle into the shower room when you shower ,leave fan off .sprinkle eucalyptus pure oil on base of shower,the steam will do marvels at breaking up all that muck in his chest,(just leave him in the room while you shower) ,2 times a day if possible,also if you have vaporizer run that in the room hes in to ,it all helps.i JUST RAN MINE ALL DAY AND NIGHT WHILE I WAS AROUND with the oil in it.we have beagles too and 2 of mine were just so sick ,the steam thing worked so well, they were chucking up all the muck in no time ,and greatly improved after that. hope this helps .
  6. vaccinated dogs can get kennel cough,due to several strains,mine caught kennel cough from vaccinated puppy sneezing on them. Best thing ,keep dog quiet,administer benadryl cough mixture,child dose to break up all the muck,and manuka honey to boost their system,take that gorgeous beagle into the shower room when you shower ,leave fan off .sprinkle eucalyptus pure oil on base of shower,the steam will do marvels at breaking up all that muck in his chest,(just leave him in the room while you shower) ,2 times a day if possible,also if you have vaporizer run that in the room hes in to ,it all helps.i JUST RAN MINE ALL DAY AND NIGHT WHILE I WAS AROUND with the oil in it.we have beagles too and 2 of mine were just so sick ,the steam thing worked so well, they were chucking up all the muck in no time ,and greatly improved after that. hope this helps .
  7. Beagles are known for their allergies to grass etc some worse than others ,and many times it is a puppy young dog thing.ours is 2yrs and has mild allergies,i would try to stay away from cortisone if possible(not if the puppy has to suffer tho)First thing is diet no grains ,raw is best and jalna natural yoghurt every day,local honey(OR manuka) every day,no treats with chemicals etc. Also when bathing always use the conditioner afterwards,the aloveen is leave in ,i also use it just to rub over itchy dog in between washes. Mine is on antihitamines 1 every day in this dry time of year to prevent the skin flaring up.some times you need to try different ones not all work. Your best option is to contact Tam from Beagle rescue Vic she has extensive experience with allergies.web site also has some advice . Beagle Rescue Vic.she is hard to get hold of so perservere as her advice will save you lots of trauma.and we have all found it invaluable.
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