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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. The favourite here at the moment is dried lamb lung...aka lamb crumbles. Mel.
  2. It doesn't matter as long as you treat for 6mths continuously and religiously on the date after the missed dose.
  3. Are you seeing a Specialist with your Dane or is this just your regular Vet? If Cortisone and Imuran are not working and he is having tummy probs then you really need to seek the guidance of an Internal Medicine Specialist. Mel.
  4. Check out Cottage Kennels- they are very popular with little dog owners in my area.
  5. Ditto to dogbesotted- a holistic Vet may also be able to help with the tummy upsets. I would also look down the Chiro and muscle treatment path too, just to rule it out of the equation. Process of elimination now and finding what treatments work best for him.
  6. Blackdog are good although my personal fav is the Gentle Leader one by Terry Ryan. You'd basically have to know someone in the US though, it's really hard to get them here. It was a big effort to get some here for our training club. Mel.
  7. I can get shear magic scissors for you and post them up. Would be a wait of approx 3 weeks though from our wholesaler (Veterinary). PM me if you're interested. Mel.
  8. That sounds like a module or component, rather than a course. With the Delta run course you certainly learn about the different methods of operant conditioning etc. They just have ideas about which of those techniques they consider are safe and humane for dogs, in relation to your average Joe Citizen dog owner. The Delta course is fashioned from a different angle, and has other facets- Pet Partners, Canine Good Citizen Award and Delta Dog Safe programs. So it needs to compliment and run in line as such. Mel.
  9. actually, this is incorrect. Food is pretty much the least marked up thing and vet make the least amount of money from selling it. Ditto, stocking food is actually a total waste of money in a Vet Practice, and there is a better markup on Royal Canin than there is on Hills. We actually encourage our clients to buy the food as economically as possible for them and that usually means a 14 or 18 kg bag, which we lose out on, compared to the markup on the smaller sized bags. Mel.
  10. What sort of bed does he have in there? I would certainly not discount that perhaps he has back pain and being forced to lie in a confined area hurts- even though it seems like he has plenty of room. I would get a Vet Chiro to take a look at him before anything else. Mel.
  11. Altona might be your closest and they are a great club. You need to book in for their beginners course now. Details here. Mel.
  12. Hills Z/d Ultra or Z/d Low Allergen might be slightly cheaper than RC, I'm not sure I haven't done a price check lately. If she is an adult and even on the hypoallergenic food she is still driven mad by the itchiness then yes, allergy testing is something to seriously consider. A prescription diet forever is more preferable to long term cortisone...many dogs are on it and live great long lives but the chances are it causes a host of other problems later in life. You can pulp up the dry Z/d biscuits in the blender, mix to a paste with water and then re-bake in a slow oven and this makes good training treats. Ptolomy on this forum is also good to talk to as she has a super allergic Toller who has many food intolerances and I think she uses baked sweet potato as treats too. Good luck, Mel.
  13. I used to do 50/50 barf patties and EP natural...worked fine. Mel.
  14. I think stormie is asking you for the author.
  15. The way I interpreted the patties were that they were an adjunct to the RMB's and other supplements and were more of a convenience thing. They are also handy for very small breeds. The meat isn't mince, it's ground RMB's. Mel.
  16. All the tests are done on a mixture of grass/gravel/pavement.
  17. Definitely call Bayer and let them know. They will probably take your box and replace it with a different batch. Mel.
  18. He should be inside also- not lying around outside where his wound might get contaminated. Mel.
  19. With regards to feeding after an anaesthetic- it depends on which you use. We have one Vet who uses a sedation/reversal for the premed and a newer induction drug, another uses a tranquiliser premed and an older style induction drug. With the first, the premed is reversed after surgery is finished so the dog is up and awake much quicker and is fine to eat dinner. The older drugs tend to cause a bit of nausea and of course it depends on the dog as well. 39.3 is the beginning of an infection so you were right to return to the Vet. Would be interesting to know if they actually gave any anti-biotics on the day of surgery, a lot don't these days. Mel.
  20. I want to know what "crack" MT made "at a particular type of training device" and what "snipe" he made at "the profit motive of a group of professionals". MT's article in December's issue only talks about lead length. No "snipes" or "cracks" made to or at anyone or about any training devices, as far as I could see. So I presume it must be in one of his articles prior to December. Thing is, I don't know how long DogsVic take to publish people's letters. I also don't know how long Denis took before he prepared and finalised his letter. Yes there were absolutely cracks made at positive trainers in the earlier editions, and those who use food in training. There have been quite a few other things but to be honest I've stopped reading the whole article and I skim now because it makes me grumpy. Perhaps Erny, put a thread up in the show ring and see if you can get the back copies from the beginning...I'm a terrible hoarder so mine go in the recycle before they add to the mountains on my desk. Mel.
  21. Might have been December, would need to look back. But he has done about 7 articles now and one comes out each month. ETA: Denis is not the first person to voice a stark difference of opinion on those articles. Mel.
  22. Droncit is the Drontal version that only treats tapeworm. Mel.
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