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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. I agree, go back to training and work on your focus, do understand though, that this may take some time to rebuild as she learns she can't play with every other dog in the class. She doesn't need to go to dog parks to lead a happy life with you. You will find a lot of us don't use them, generally because we have multiple dogs...but more because there are a lot of rude dogs with little self control as you have described, and very difficult when the owners cannot identify this needs to be rectified. Mel.
  2. You do get a certificate, and a lead that only CGC awarded dogs can get. It's a recognised award in Aus but not a title (AFAIK) although I can't understand why ...it is a title in America. I was about to put my boy through, then all my dogs caught mild kennel cough so haven't done it yet.
  3. Sometimes when it's hard to find clarity, mark on the calendar each day giving it a good or bad rating. When your dog is having more 'bad' days in a week than 'good', it's time to think about letting them go.
  4. I've been told Warringal are losing their grounds anyway? They'll be lucky to find somewhere else....we're having a hard enough time getting a dog space let alone somewhere to put a building on!!!
  5. This should be in buy/swap/sell but I thought it would get better exposure here. If anyone has a copy of Crate Games that they no longer want or need, I'd be interested in buying it 2nd hand. Cheers, Mel.
  6. It would be useful to know where you are, have heard a lot about Frontline/Advantage being useless in the tropics. I would probably switch your permoxin for capstar, will do less damage to your dogs immune system, and the residual effect is the same. Your problem may be that either both dogs need to be on an adulticide, or both need to be on an insect growth regulator - Sentinel + Capstar (capstar being 2-3 times weekly) until your population has gone. However some people do battle with fleas in the outdoor environment and that is always a struggle. Indoors, vacuuming religiously, washing beds at least weekly in hot water and tumble drying may also help. My dogs are on Sentinel and when I see one dog may have a flea or two, I know it's time to treat my cats with adulticide. I'm in Vic though so fleas are relatively non-existent over winter.
  7. That's fine- you just need a Dermatologist Vet, if your dog needs further consultation by a surgeon they will just refer you within the clinic.
  8. We have tonnes of fun at Berwick, I guess you could say it's somewhere between competitive and social, it's still ANKC structured. They recommend that if you are deadly serious that you join a specialist club. You also need to be a financial member, and be there for set-up.
  9. I found the Proheart gave my Stafford hot spots so please be careful about that, once Staffords have skin problems you are battling forever to get rid of it.
  10. Obedience is relatively easy to get into but if she is looking towards trialing for agility then it's a bit more difficult. She would be best to put her name down at Agility Dog Club of Vic if she is serious about it, it's approx 6-7mths wait. Alternatively Croydon Obedience have a great agility program, if she feels like a drive.
  11. What is the paper that she uses? Photo paper? I'm asking for a valid reason, not being nosey
  12. Covering his crate with a large sheet or doona cover may be helpful, but it would be something you do overnight to start off with, and get him used to it before covering him and taking the other dogs out I imagine. A DAP diffuser in your crate room may also help. When you say he was rewarded for the behaviour in the past what exactly do you mean?
  13. I'm not sure what else I can say apart from that Crate Games would be a great start, as others have suggested. It may not address the underlying anxiety though, but it might, I can't predict there. I've trained many dogs successfully as well, I'm not all positive either- I know *ratbag* when I see it, I have one at home who needs a lot of extra help to remember his manners. But pooing on the floor and doing physical damage is clearly not just an indication of belligerence (for want of a better word). I'm not always right either, but even over the net the dogs' behaviour and Ruthless's description, seems clear to me. When I think about translating that to a Veterinary setting, where a dog urinates or defecates on the table, the thought of actually punishing it makes me shudder. The dog is clearly demonstrating "hey I'm not ok here!".
  14. Whats your suggestion for a solution? First of all the trainer needs to understand the dog is not having a TANTRUM he is ANXIOUS. When you are in a highly aroused state you cannot think, when you cannot think you cannot LEARN new coping strategies. Chopper does need to learn that being on his own is ok, but it needs to happen slowly and strategically through a training plan that is humane. He needs his perception of the situation changed NOT punished further and further for showing he is not ok with the dogs/ruthless leaving. I can't believe that learned trainers would diagnose this as a tantrum, it's beyond belief.
  15. Your trainer friend is wrong, it's not about winning or losing at all, and putting a muzzle on a dog that stressed out is an awful suggestion.
  16. If this is on your property, then you can report the cat to council if you know who owns it. Owners of cats have an obligation to keep their cats on their property if they are causing a nuisance to other residents. Of course this usually means the owner needs to build an enclosure or some other type of confinement for them.
  17. There aren't many people doing it AFAIK. I know of one guy who might be able to help you in Vic. Also Reg Dwyer I think he is NSW makes some good stuff. I will PM you HR later on this evening.
  18. I think the main problem is getting insurance coverage for those breeds. When I train at a VCA affiliated club, my insurance levy is covered by my membership fees in the VCA. The membership is conditional to me being covered by VCA insurance, or otherwise I pay a separate insurance levy at that particular club. I imagine state Canine Councils directives on this probably filters down from the national body. Private clubs are generally happy to have the restricted breeds once their temperament is ascertained. But I can imagine if a Pit Bull (for example only) attacked a human or dog under my business name, I would be up poo creek as far as liability is concerned.
  19. If you can access a K9 Physio centre I would do so ASAP- she will need it by the sounds of it. Take home layby is the other company around at the moment, a lot of clinics in Melbourne have it, not sure about NSW.
  20. Not really sure how many people use the grounds when the gates are locked. Could be heaps, could be none. Not the same but I left a poo bag under my car there a few weeks ago, then after training drove off and totally forgot about it. Was still there the following week....albeit a bit flat!
  21. Virbac are made in Aus....there may be others but I'm not sure.
  22. If they're toilet trained and their bite inhibition program is done I'll swing by and pick one up on the weekend eh? :rofl:
  23. Glad to hear he is home and doing well + no seizures! Keep us posted on his progress eh?
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