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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. If it returns at her age I would be wanting to ultrasound to be sure there are no stones present. If there are stones there, they cause inflammation to the bladder and you end up with a never-ending cycle. I actually wouldn't be starting her on cranberry until she is well off the AB's in case it masks any further irritation symptoms.
  2. I have done Doncaster (Eastern Freeway, Eastlink -->Belgrave/Hallam Rd exit) to Narre Nth in about 35mins so if you're close to Eastlink I can't see it being any more than 30mins Croydon-Berwick.
  3. I think the big issue is that there are guaranteed storms on the NT coast every day for at least 2mths and whilst you can neutralise in the beginning you can't always be present when there is a storm brewing. The build-up is probably another problem in itself in that you are getting the huge atmospheric pressure drop but no storm happens.
  4. It definitely has something to do with diet and keeping the ears sparkling clean IMO. I also stopped Vaccinating and using Proheart SR-12, one of the key symptoms of vaccinosis is hot spots of the head. Also don't Vaccinate in the summer or when your dog shows any allergic symptoms as this can exacerbate the symptoms.
  5. I think the ingredients were great, I tried 2 of mine on it and the poo was soft for some time but seemed to fix itself. I was feeding maximal. One of the dogs was looking great on it but my other girl started to refuse it when I was halfway thru a big bag, and this dog never refuses anything. I already have one dog on prescription food so I draw the line at 3 x different foods for 3 dogs.
  6. Deb Milikan (Cert IV CAS) was doing this course not sure if she has completed it, ness may know. She runs CBS in SA, you can find her on the delta website.
  7. Since Geordie feels it's only a matter of time before one of our kittehs slips up and is his, his little head would most likely explode with a bunny tug.
  8. You will still have to go shopping....just for a new 'puter instead of clean run....which is really just prolonging the inevitable.
  9. I think a Vet visit is warranted and take a sample with you. It could be nothing, it could be a precursor to pancreatitis or it could be something else. A faecal analysis tells the Vet if there is any blood present, and how well the food is being digested.
  10. I remember delivering toys in gale force weather.
  11. Caveat emptor- you're about to be corrupted. Clean Run
  12. Just wondering if anyone was planning an order soon?? I only need a few tugs and jump cup strips or jump cup packs (if the strips are difficult to post). Cheers, Mel.
  13. Be aware if you are adding fish oil capsules that they are mercury free, or you may be causing more problems.
  14. I was going to say I would be very concerned at this stage that it may be neurological and he really needs a further workup ASAP. Is he toiletting adequately? If he has been right as rain with is mobility up until now, it is not just old age or arthritis, it's an acute problem.
  15. I could never find any 4 way connectors here, I bought them from clean run.com ->store. However you need to use 1" pvc with the clean run connectors. 3 way connectors (t-piece) I have found in bunnings in the plumbing section.
  16. It sounds like you may need legal advice. Your company is not going to give two hoots what other companies are doing or covering. Did they ask for a post mortem?
  17. You would have to give us more information. What did your dog pass away from? Did you have accident and illness insurance or just accident insurance? You would also need to refer to the pds and restrictions (if any) for your breed...there may not be much we can help you with.
  18. I've got one like that. Mouse (Stafford) just walks backwards and forwards from where-ever I'm sitting to the door, stares at the door and comes back - which is really helpful when I'm in the office because I can't see the door so don't know if she's going to lie down on her bed or going to the door. After several times she will poke me with her nose, sigh and go back to the door and I finally get the message. If she'd just wait by the door and make some sort of noise it'd help! A little program for an already smart Stafford. clickersolutions: ring my bell. I'm not sure you'd even need to teach her to lick it...just teach her to target it with her nose before going outside and in a few reps I reckon she'd get it.
  19. The emergency Vet will most likely be dispensing prescription diet food when you pick him up so it is the same as what he has been eating in the hospital. I imagine you will have recheck visits with your regular Vet so that's the time to discuss the possibilities of brand food vs home made. Mel.
  20. It took me a long time to work out which posts I should be 'all in' and others which were better left to their own devices. You will find there are lots of balanced trainers and a very small handful of purely positive trainers and some of us crossover trainers who are a bit in-between. There have been lots of flames in the past and we all (for the most part) dance very well around each other. Never the twain will meet style. I don't think you're a snob, I think your reality and mine are very far apart, but I could say that for a number of the personalities here on the board in general. You will probably find the hot topics are discussed by trainers out there walking the walk and working with lots of dogs other than their own, and everyone else just sits by and watches the sparks. I had pre-conceived ideas about e-collars before I came on here, but reading posts from Erny and Cosmolo I can understand how they are used not as a horrible punisher but as another form of delivering some clear communication to a dog. Although, since I don't use them, I stay the f*** out of those discussion threads. :D So, I don't think you need to apologise as such, but just........chill out a bit :D we have very thick skins, you don't need to worry so much, but you won't convert everyone on this board- you'll die trying.
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