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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. They cannot gulp bones- they must chew them- that's the beauty of it A chicken carcass/rootail /large piece of brisket will force him to chew! If your dog does not chew them adequately then yes they do gulp them down. Having just watched my boss spend an hour trying to get a whole chop out of a Boxer using an endoscope recently, I can tell you it happens quite a lot. Just PM Dr Charles Kuntz and ask him how many surgeries he does to take large bones out of dogs throats complete with days in hospital and stomach feeding tubes surgically inserted!! My Stafford isn't fed bones because she is so over the top about them it's a constant bite; bite; swallow; bite; bite; swallow until it's down....and generally it doesn't stay there. You can feed large bones but if they only do a minimum of chewing you end up with huge shards in the stomach and that causes it's own set of problems!!
  2. I think Nekhbet was using them in larger amounts as the carbohydrate staple with raw meaty bones. My three have one morning and night, I use 2 x 2's, they love them. They are pretty tough I can't break a 4 x 2 with my hands so they tend to have to chew them well to get them down. Their main diet is super premium dry so I haven't noticed any coat or skin problems.
  3. 2tollers: Have you sent any hair from your guys to be tested? Do you hear of other people who have used the prescribed therapies and have success? Erny: I'd be interested to read your opinions on this and what is in the drops/tablets.
  4. I think Aidan is definitely onto something there. The DVD 'Crate Games' may be of great benefit to you if they could spend more time in their open crates (one each) with you in your living area and less time worrying about who is closest to mum and dad. It is hard when you have a sick dog, I think there are dynamics going on there that we will never understand. I know I felt like that when I had four dogs and one of them with heart failure...things just changed between the pack. The key may be to help Griffin with his low tolerance thresholds and teaching calm was what I first thought when I read your post but couldn't put it into a well constructed answer during the week. I know Frenchie's love to be house dogs but are they doing something everyday in regards to exercise and brain work? Out for a sniffing walk and stuffed kongs (in seperate rooms or crates, then removed once finished) or tricks training for each of them? I have a 10yr old Stafford who has lots of arthritis so I've had to modify her activity to heated pool swimming, she LOVES it and I find she has to do something to stimulate her or she has a tendency to be narky with the others.
  5. For both Sentinel and Comfortis the fleas do need to bite the animal. Sentinel works differently to Comfortis so it's worth reading up on insect growth regulators.
  6. Charche looks sooooo happy!! Hope they are good buddies forever.
  7. Is there anywhere I can stream it? I checked yahoo7 but I'm having a "I is stupid" day......I reminded all my clients about this and then I went to the market and forgot to record it!!!!!
  8. Way back in my other training life we always marked the breaking with an uhh uhh said very gruffly and physically placed them back where they were and in position. Now I just do the SG method - say nothing, collar grab take back to where they were and ask nicely for another sit - and by golly it works!!! Geordie is a little sh*t compared to my others and didn't learn to stay until much later!
  9. Maybe it was the ceramic.......lets just say it was.
  10. New part fitted?? ETA: Sorry I keep taking this thread off topic so I will go back into lurk mode.
  11. Anybody elses dog stand like a tripod, so front legs level and under the body and one rear leg stuck out at a funny angle to the side? This should be part of the toller breed standard Perhaps they are like the guy driving his Ford who couldn't turn off his cruise control on the M3 yesterday and need to be sent back to the manufacturer for review?? I'm not sure with my particular model I will have to check it out.
  12. If you combine Huski's method with a clicker and food it will happen faster for you. Be careful not to reward jump-sit; jump-sit though by very quickly upping your criteria by lengthening the time you expect her to sit for before the click/treat. If she is a new dog, carrying around clicker and treats on your person 24/7 allows you to reward all sorts of desirable behaviour e.g. calm, relaxed behaviour too. :D
  13. You've done a good job on the teaching tugging on human clothes, it will take some superpowers to fix it. Edited because it is late.
  14. Ptolomy's training is long lasting and far reaching.
  15. Know the feeling! Thankfully not very often. Well you certainly don't need one now, yours are well desensitised to the ring-in. I didn't think it was any of yours but I had to ask because it seemed very coincindental lol.
  16. Will do bedazzled, just poking fun in case it was one of Ptolomy's b/c it actually sounds like the same dog in most of the videos- maybe it is!
  17. We only have conformation here in Melbourne, we're a bit slow to catch on. Would be cool fun to do obedience on that night tho! I would probably take my dogs just to get away from the explosions fireworks.
  18. Talk about a nasty pasty judge Deb and I have had to do a lot of distration work in directed jumping as judges tend to play with the clipboards, grab at their hats as they fly off, stand near the jump, wave their arms around and both our kids went through a stage of moving off when this happened. Hmm I haven't seen a judge crouch down to distract the dog as it goes around to heel YET....... I'm sorry but WHOSE dog is barking in the background?!?! I apologise in advance for having little tolerance for barking dogs but I want to slit my wrists by the end of your videos. 'Your' being plural as they seem to be in the red dogs' videos and Brooklyn's videos.
  19. I would grab whatever he has been eating. I always give mine several weeks before starting the switch. RC Labrador is great though, you can't really beat the breed specific formula.
  20. Not a bad idea to Xray, but unless it's metal you're unlikely to see it. My Uncle stood on a nail and had recurring problems due to a tiny fragment of metal still in the foot, but obviously that sort of thing shows up. My first thought would be to put a muttluk (boot) on it for long walks for several weeks and let her walk normally on it around the house. ETA: Was it only Clavulox you gave? If it's a small deep seated infection you may need something more broad spectrum.
  21. I haven't known any dogs to react but obviously it's user beware. It has a very short duration of activity though ~12hrs. I agree though that if you notice any more seizure activity further investigation is warranted.
  22. I definitely wouldn't use spot ons again if it were me. You can use capstar twice a week for several weeks and that should help knock down any adult population you have (as well as your plans to bomb the house).
  23. Those last 3 things are in the back of my mind allll the time.
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