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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. Where did you get the cheat sheet from Staff n Toller? Ness ex Gina..
  2. I have the exercise if it's allowable to crosspost it here. Ness?....Ptolomy?...
  3. If it is a flea allergy then a flea shampoo will only last up to 12 hrs and probably won't do his skin any favours. You need religious use of whatever adulticide is working up there at the moment- you might want to look at comfortis for now as it's new and a few dol'ers in tropical areas are saying it's working (for now ).
  4. A few people I have told the approximate price to have spluttered as well, but both myself and my sister have been through cheaper options of pet seat covers and cheaper hammocks and she is about to go and get a BSB as well. A good friend of mine has also recently tried to talk me into selling mine 2nd hand but I still use it. Mine would be 5+ years old, has been pulled out and put back in, folded up, left in the garage for periods of time and still looks great. If you look at aftermarket accessories for cars it's not that huge...I've just been looking at forester floor mats $150 a set and a cargo rubber tray $180.
  5. Since you're in the NT has he had a skin scrape lately? I would actually treat your dogs religiously for fleas for 3 mths and see if that makes any difference, some dogs only need one flea hanging around and it bites and starts a chain reaction of itchy/dog chews/more itchy/dog chews more. How did you go with your other girl who was showing the aggression??
  6. Hope she is back to normal now. Thank goodness you don't have to go through that again.
  7. Can you show me one for 50 or 60 with the same features? Steel D rings, zip off covers that are quilt stitched, one that can be half zipped off (I have used this feature many times) etc etc.
  8. Border Collies can get quite skittish after being speyed as well, so maybe it's more of a breed type/personality type. It's fairly standard that she may have had Torbugesic or Morphine in her premed but they are very short acting 4-8hrs. Rimadyl is stock standard for mature bitch speys as the ovaries and uterus are BIG after one or two seasons, and there may already be some ovarian cysts there.
  9. There's been a few threads on the backseat buddy. IMO they are worth the money, I love mine I'd never have anything else.
  10. Agreed, we had one large blast last night that was seismic I am sure! We have explosions all the time but this one made us jump out of our seats and look outisde! The CFA were called as it was thought it was a structural blast 2 streets away, nuh - just idiots!!!!
  11. OMG I can do huge cat abscesses, and hold fractured bones together (and stomach bits for that matter) but your little anecdote just made me feel faint. I can't do maggots, generally b/c I always find them clipping dogs bums that the owners have neglected to get clipped...I have to yell alot about how gross it all is at the time...as if that might activate some sort of protective field around me.
  12. There's no need to start Vet bashing, we have been through this many times. You can't put food on your plate by just loving animals, Vet Clinics are a business like any other business. As an employee I really quite like my pay packet each week and it doesn't happen if we open accounts to all and sundry. Private Vet Clinics are not welfare they are private businesses. The OP SHOULD have spare funds in case of emergency for this puppy, it costs in excess of $1000 in the first year to raise a puppy in the first year and that's if everything goes well. Let's get real here please. She can get help if she goes to Lort Smith that's all that needs to be said. No vet bashing on my behalf - I simply stated a fact...it's a clear and obvious fact that some vets arefantastic and some aren't She's aware the dog needs treatment... Well I know two fantastic Vets, one I work for and one I don't, and neither accept accounts...
  13. There's no need to start Vet bashing, we have been through this many times. You can't put food on your plate by just loving animals, Vet Clinics are a business like any other business. As an employee I really quite like my pay packet each week and it doesn't happen if we open accounts to all and sundry. Private Vet Clinics are not welfare they are private businesses. The OP SHOULD have spare funds in case of emergency for this puppy, it costs in excess of $1000 in the first year to raise a puppy in the first year and that's if everything goes well. Let's get real here please. She can get help if she goes to Lort Smith that's all that needs to be said.
  14. Melbourne Vet Specialist Centre in Mt Waverly is generally who we refer to, although there may be a Derm Vet at Hallam AEC??? The MVSC Derm Vets are laboriously thorough and the reason why we send people there is so that we can find out what the problem is and stop the Cortisone. I think Cortisone would be an absolute last resort when nothing else is working b/c once you have the reasons as to why a dog is allergic you can go down the desensitisation route to avoid it. I'm actually quite surprised your Vet said sorry can't help you any further, because a specialist referral is always in our toolkit.
  15. Ah yep, we get those occasionally too. Or the ones who ask what time you close for surgery and then show up half an hour after that closing time. Ahhhh we get those too, I've learned to ask first "is it for an appointment? Last appointment is.......". If they come after closing time "the Vet has left sorry" usually teaches them to turn up on time!!
  16. I didn't read all of your specific thread for Mandela, but in our recent discussions in the back of my mind is whether intradermal skin testing may be of benefit to rule out he is not having occasional breakouts due to an environmental allergen, and that his picky eating is due to constant histamine release...? Just a thought....my sister has lots of intolerences and allergies and one of her biggest ones is to Pine. We have a vacant block down the road with a row of Pine trees.
  17. Is he super stressed? Does his nose bleed at any other time? A lot of Staffords are happy to hop in the shower with you...see if he's happier with that.
  18. Most of ours who don't turn up have genuinely forgotten (not sure how, but anyway) we usually do a phone call if they are good clients to see if they want to rebook.
  19. I agree that Crate Games would be an excellent dvd to get yourself for Christmas...or New Years. :D Just order one over the net...much easier...people in the Cav thread can tell you which size you need. Ebay or dealsdirect are both good. Internet ordering is much preferable over listening to people who have zip idea of what they're talking about. If you're going to be doing dog sports they are a must have item.
  20. Thanks for the info! I have one here who I've been told has a questionable liver and as well as one of his siblings being affected I see a couple of things which really make me wonder. I'm just not quite sure where to turn as I can't do 100% barf right now. Tossing up whether to send a sample to this guy. Luckily for me he is an outwardly healthy dog with a beatiful coat, fairly good teeth and never refuses food.
  21. Hey Erny did you end up finding out what the drops/tablets were? Hope Mandela is eating for you.
  22. I find that people mostly just don't want to wait if they have made an appt- fair enough neither do I! Clients are SO happy if they get in within 5 minds of their alotted time. For many many years we have run by 10min appts and in busy times it's not unusual to run 20mins late so my boss has decided to rewrite the appt book to 15mins and it's working extremely well. I used to work in Dental Specialty and my boss was perpetually 20-30mins late and you would NEVER get in on time, it had to do with starting late every morning and incorrect time alottments. Kids would have regular appts for years so most of them would turn up 20mins late. It was horrid, you'd cross them off the scheduler thinking they were DNA and in they'd walk! Who could blame them really....
  23. I don't know any clinic that wouldn't book Euthanasias on the day the client requested, even if we had to do it through lunch or stay back late. Euth's and emergencies are generally always seen straight away. In general though, people know that it is getting very close to the time their pet needs to be given their wings and can at least call us a few hours in advance.
  24. A Vet I used to work for obviously never had set appointments in the past but had recently brought them in, say, in the previous 3 years or so. We ran appointments but we also had to see walk-ins OMG it was SO annoying!! I agree you need to be able to schedule long appointments for Euths and people who are having a PTS done do not want to sit in the waiting room for ages, it adds to the discomfort. Plus when you run by walk-in style- people stop respecting your time. By all means do a huge mail merge and give people time to get used to the idea, but keep a note of who you have told because some people will still abuse the system and just turn up whenever they want!!
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