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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. There's a goat in the Indigenous community I infrequently work in, and a goat lives there who attacks women, but only when they are dressed up and wearing heels etc. Glad all your animals were recovered!
  2. My girl was just a digger, and systematically destroyed most of my mum's potted orchids...but hey if the humans leave pots around then... Now she is 10 y.o. she still digs, just infrequently and only in the one spot. She's always had other dogs for company too.
  3. Yep, I second this! Also twice the snoring!! I would still get a 2nd one though!
  4. Cenvet stock the other ones- Sounds Scary, Sounds Soothing, etc etc.
  5. Perhaps the lamb is a little too fatty for her and she is feeling a bit sick? I've stopped feeding lamb ribs for a while because I found it upset my dogs stomachs. I think it's just a bit too rich. The snorting may have been backward sneezing and possibly unrelated.
  6. I have 2 sets of those stakes from ebay. They are easy peasy if you want a cheaters way to have nice poles, just paint stripes and put end caps on the top. The nails can bend eventually, that's all I've found, but our soil is quite clay-ish and I'm not gentle with them. :D ETA: If you decide to buy them, and you're going to teach using 2x2, buy 12, you'll need more than six pretty quickly.
  7. You can try the Animal Welfare Bureau. Vets aren't under any obligation to report un-registered or un-microchipped pets AFAIK. Chipped dogs that are unregistered in Vic will get caught with the agreement the owner signs on the chip form, eventually, but it's up to local councils to ask CAR for instance, for full records of chipped animals in their municipality. Most Vets with any morals would report a neglected or mistreated dog but we have to report to RSPCA, then risk the owners working out who reported them. It's a balancing act between never seeing the client again or taking the softly softly approach and trying to educate. I'm not sure about dogs that are a risk due to their behaviour.
  8. Can you backchain it? Put her on the end in 2o2o position, then lift her on halfway down the end ramp (C/T), and work backwards from there?
  9. To be fair on the second Vet, you should let them know you are there for a 2nd opinion, it's quite common really. Otherwise they may think you are there for a workup and start from the beginning- which is not what you are after.
  10. Liz and I have spoken briefly about holding a clinic in August or September when the weather is better here. I'm thinking at this stage it would be held in the Doncaster/Templestowe area. If you are absolutely dead-keen about coming, then flick me an email to cheekydogtraining @ gmail . com and I'll put you in the priority folder. Mel.
  11. They look a bit like those teardrop banners, I had to put one up and the pole seemed way too long, I know it does fit but be stuffed if I could get it right!!
  12. One of my dogs (same one each time) has had HGE a couple of times. The first time she was on fluids and the second time we caught it very early before she was dehydrated. As long as they are making up for fluid losses and the drugs are doing their job I would expect he would make a good recovery. Hope he is continuing to improve now.
  13. Baskerville's have an extra piece at the front on the inside, so I don't think he'd be able to get food from the front section.
  14. Baskerville? They don't look the greatest but are very lightweight and allow plenty of ventilation. If you can't find online your Vet should be able to order one for you quite easily.
  15. That's what we do, stake up the wire mesh fencing and then spray. The dogs stay off it until it's all dead and we've removed it. We have horrible couch grass runners all over the garden at the moment.
  16. Was that your Stafford? I find they are instinctively drawn to any flavoured milk products, stale or otherwise. :D I've had many nearly-empty ice break bottles dispensed all over the back seat of my car....you'd think I'd learn eventually. :p
  17. I'm not sure about the benefit of yoghurt cultures after the food has been cooked at a high temperature.
  18. Any sure fire remedies for sandfly bites, you Territorians? I just got attacked in the last couple of days...soooo itchy.
  19. We have had one unit recently returned like that, and the company issued a replacement no probs. It does get warm on the top but we've never had any problems in-clinic. The diffuser should be replaced every three refills.
  20. I have given it to one client who did see an improvement. I use it for really stressed out dogs in our hospital (we already have the diffuser going but I spray it on wet/dry bedding edges) but it works best if you spray it around then leave it for 20 mins before placing the dog in the environment.
  21. I am 500ks east of Darwin right now, starting my return home tomorrow. We have had rain periods all week but last 2 days no rain, and looking like the dry is starting. The nights are already cooling down nicely.
  22. Murray Tyler @ Agility Dog Club Vic makes equip. No idea about prices but I would pay whatever his price is for anything he makes, has been building stuff for a long time. He has some great trolleys for moving it all too.
  23. JRT, but I just have a liking for them in general as small dogs. Myself I would seriously look at scouring the pounds to find a small scruffer with lots of character that is happy to engage in games with me.
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