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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. I would do the injectable, only because the nasal is a bit fiddly and I wouldn't like my pup to have an unpleasant experience on the table at that age. But that's just my opinion. I think efficacy wise they are both on par. I know shelters often use intra-nasal but that is for unvaccinated dogs coming into a high risk zone for KC, you are hopefully practicing safe socialisation and avoiding the dog parks at this stage.
  2. Thank you for the chookie eggs! We love free range eggs! I was hoping to catch you actually I have a young ESS boy from field lines in my puppy classes right now...breeder possibly in Bacchus Marsh..?? Mel.
  3. I've just put in my first PIA claim (2 invoices) so we'll see how we go. I think it comes under accident anyway so fingers crossed it's all good.
  4. Mine pull all the burnt wood out of the chiminea. When it's all cold of course.
  5. A GAP tested Greyhound may well be a good match for your older dog and other pets + your kids.
  6. Good luck with your choice, just be aware that *any* breed could potentially want to hunt/kill your GP's. Myself I would prefer that there was no visual access to the pocket pets while they were put away so they are not stressed by having a dog peering in all day long. It's harder to assess stress in smaller animals and livestock.
  7. I think those restrictions over Summer are fairly new, as I joined a facebook group opposing them during this last year sometime. Ventnor beach is lovely, it's a shame it can't be an off-lead dog beach year round. I would think if people wanted to swim they'd go to the SLSC beach on the other side.
  8. Hehe, I've had the "you really must have the double ended leash to go with it" from BD...mmmm no thanks! I use double endeds with my dogs but it's hard for some clients to get the hang of. Have you also tried the Sensible LP? I ordered some in when there were none here...I wonder if they've revised the product I should probably take another look.
  9. Most chemists sell sachets of a swab with adhesive remover, you just have to flush it with water after you've replied the adhesive remover. I always have them in the dog classes first aid kit for such occasions.
  10. Whilst I'm all for Chiro's (have a great one that sees my dogs) and I've had cranio-sacral stuff done on one of my dogs too, Physio is more specialised with surgery recovery and getting that leg back to full function- if you get my drift. I actually had to ditch my own Chiro for a Physio when I injured my sacro-iliac joints as I was getting no relief and one of the stretches the Chiro told me to do was actually counter-productive! I got a lot better a lot quicker when I was seeing the right person instead of my Chiro throwing assumptions into the air about what it might be. I still see my Chiro but I understand what her limitations are. I don't know what State you're in so I can't recommend, it's great that you're seeing improvement and set backs can happen, I would just warn about 'waiting' when you might get faster improvement from the right person.
  11. Pain relief aids healing, and for knee surgery it would be extremely cruel not give it for the first 10-14 days. There are no Vets in this day and age that would send a dog home from Orthopedic surgery without anti-inflammatory meds or they'd be up before the Veterinary board. They should be toe touching at least 50% percent of the time when they leave the hospital and we expect that that would continue to improve over the next few weeks. We don't splint or bandage patella or knee surgery any more as it causes far greater muscle loss in a very short period of time, and causes the skin around the surgery site to bind to the muscle layer and form scar tissue which causes more discomfort. All you need is to find yourself a qualified K9 Physio to assess the knee and see what you need to do next.
  12. A Boxer growling is not a Boxer running away. Unfortunately your friend's dog may get itself into more trouble growling at other 'out of control' dogs in the future. I'm sure your friend doesn't want her Boxer rehearsing those types of behaviour, whether it's fear based or resource guarding.
  13. I suggest you phone a by-laws officer and give a description of the man and the events, before his appearance fades too much from your memory. Write down now his general description and include what he did just so they have it on record. He may be known to council, it sounds like your dog was lucky the guy didn't actually make contact.
  14. Can you get on to K9 Agility? I thought they stored their stuff there. I have 2 2x2 bases, otherwise just the stick in the ground ones. Let me know if I can help at all. :rolleyes:
  15. He's hilarious! Never ceases to amaze me the different animals birds will buddy up with. My best friend has a parrot that is in love with one of her house rabbits- only one out of two.
  16. Crate and cover outside your room. Make sure he has a bit of supper so he's not hungry. If you're going to have him for 12mths though it might be a worthwhile investment to get the Crate Games DVD and teach him that first.
  17. I bike with the Blackdog Wear Tracking harness.
  18. I think I have a clear Roy Gonia whistle. Did an order with someone else with gundogsupply.com or a site like that for bumpers etc.
  19. I'm guessing if you are a member of the VGC - you will find out about it. It would be great if they could run more training days though.
  20. I do, but IME it doesn't mean much. I was talking to some Delta trainers recently about my experiences with Delta trainers and they were complaining that there's no ongoing requirement to keep up to date with the latest Delta is teaching. No one ever checks up on them. They get their certificate and that's that. It's not good for them to have people out there doing a shoddy job under their banner, but given they don't do anything to stop it they can't complain. Suffice to say I don't trust the name Delta. I don't know that KPA would be any different, but they talk about ongoing support and they don't even let you into the course unless you have a few professional references. I don't know what happens with NDTF and haven't had any experiences with NDTF trainers to comment. That's incorrect actually, there's a Professional Org in development now. They also need to do the current best practice seminars to retain their accredited trainer listing with Delta, and to use the logo etc. as endorsement. So I'd say if they weren't getting any post-qualification support it's their own doing.
  21. That's actually a great idea, have a man-cave built, you know, just a lined shed with electricity, a couch and a fridge. He can stay out there on agreed nights and you can have dogs on the bed. I have a Stafford that sleeps on the bed but since we went away she often prefers her crate on the floor, it's cooler at floor level and I would prefer it if she wasn't jumping down off the bed in the mornings now she is an old lady. The red-coat (Toller) would just have the locks changed while I was at work and take over the house if I EVER let him sleep on the bed so - we don't go there. He prefers under a table or bench or somewhere strange like that.... I can see how 7 dogs might drive him a bit batty..but the marks on the car/floor whatever as a constant would drive me nuts and I would have to tell him to stfu and get over it. SO I have learned from this thread that since I thought boys farting in bed was a given, and I don't really mind if the dogs are crated in the room...I am the perfect girlfriend!!
  22. Does she have an e-newsletter or blog where that might be advertised?
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