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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. Yes I had a feeling mine would too. However I wondered if I could teach them not to bark and just to watch..since I can close access to the fence in question.
  2. Anyone ever installed one of these? Pet Peek I have the idea in my puppy school manual, but it came from another trainer's environmental enrichment info. I'm really curious as to whether they'd decrease or increase barking.
  3. Awesome idea! My mum comes biking with me so thats something we can practice at home before we hit the trails. I only realised as Geordie started lunging/barking at bikes when we were unpacking the car or whatever I was like where has this behaviour come from?? Then thinking on it I reckon there might have been more than one time where bikies have crept up on us whilst riding in the past and given him a fright but because he was harnessed in I didn't notice the body language.
  4. Hey RV just wanted to mention that if you start going out on tracks and bikes are likely to come up behind and pass you, to C/T for that as well. Just something I noticed that Geordie has become wary of because he can't hear them coming if they don't use a bell. I'm in suburbia though and it's hard to find tracks where there isn't other riders.
  5. Try stayz.com.au you can search for pet friendly and generally the owners will note if dogs are allowed inside etc.
  6. I ordered the 2on 2off dvd and it arrived this week. Done a few quick sessions and whilst it's a simple & short dvd but it suits my luring brain. Geordie was having trouble and so was I, he is getting this much quicker than with a nose target though no doubt the target work did have some foundation benefit.
  7. I've been told by my neurologist that a couple of minutes of deep breathing works well for migraines as there is documented evidence that it blocks adrenaline pathways. Just my two cents worth.
  8. Usually first weekend in Feb- check their website they may have dates in the final newsletter for 2010.
  9. There's some damage control you can do in the meantime and that includes: Feeding them both separately and crated. Do not leave anything worth guarding where she can get it. Do your nilif for sure but that is a lifestyle you should already be 'in' if you have multiple dogs. Crate each for bed at night, and when she comes out she has to sit & stay while you release your boy out of the crate- no bullying. Step up your obedience with her if you don't have a good level of stay and self control- because that may be all it is- she's heading into adolescence you can start asking more from her. If mac is not at the same level of obedience/self control then you might need to train for it in your presence. But do get some advice on it for sure. :D There are lots of trainers who have experience with multi-dog households because they live in them.
  10. We are pretty lenient towards our long time and very good clients, when you get to know people well it's hard not to be sympathetic to their situations. There are always the unexpected human illnesses or losses and some people do have really bad luck. We have had more than one newbie in the last couple of years get to the end of the consult, come out and say I can't pay. They are typically people who have lost their driving licence and have also happily written down a fake address and phone numbers. Sort of leaves a sour taste in your mouth...and I'm not even the practice manager.
  11. I wonder about fire trails in the bush? They are the best places to go usually. I also wonder about having the leash attached to your person? Endurance trials are still legal, so maybe that is OK? I sometimes attach the leash to a hands-free belt but then you have all sorts of problems that a Springer solves. I bought a scooter from the tip shop but my dogs are too old to pull someone of my weight. you can do this anywhere as long as it isn't a public road where other road rules apply...so lots of places like fire trails or forest trails (as long as they allow dogs of course) Heh my closest fire trail goes up a mountain at about a 75 degree angle. I use a Blackdog Y front tracking harness but that is with a walkydog which is more forward than the springer.
  12. damn i got a parking fine with the wrong type of car printed on it i might just wait for my final notice! i guess thats when a collar and tag pay off You will still get a 'dog at large' fine whether they are identifiable or not. If the ranger picks it up, it goes to the pound and $$ ensue.
  13. Neocort/Neotopic is great for dermatitis but the cortisone in it will slow wound healing. It's not what you want to apply for the first few days of a wound. Betadine wash is all you need to clean surface cuts with, leave it on for 30 seconds and it will disinfect all the germs, then rinse with saline solution. Pure Aloe is good for wounds as it keeps it moist and helps the healing process. More recently I've used Moogoo eczema balm as it's an anti-inflam wound healing without the cortisone. It's good for rub sores such as under bandages, or mild dermatitis between paws etc.
  14. There is one in Echuca that I know of.
  15. Tollers are quite different to BC's, they are challenging, they are not super outgoing unless with their known people. The hair can be annoying. I just own sticky rollers. :D If you choose from drivey parents you will most likely get a high drive dog. The don't like to be asked to repeat things over and over, but you drive train so that's not an issue. If you get one that ends up with a long back that may be a problem for agility though. Geordie is really a very quiet dog apart from a certain time of the day when the birds are roosting. Girl Vizsla? Welsh springer? I'm sure you could manage a well chosen Kelpie.
  16. In my case with PIA it's the anniversary of the policy. I have also just made a claim.
  17. Oh dear....I feared this was probably the case. I imagine shopping around probably won't yield a more reasonable premium. I don't get worked up about much but I think they just expect people will just keep paying it. I understand the premise that if you claim, your premium is recalculated, however, just giving themselves scope to increase premiums while making out like they are doing you a favour is just wrong. And for all those insisting on correcting me about it not being a 'scam', I shall endeavour to alter it, although I imagine most people would realise this is a vent... Yep, I think mine is now exactly the same price as your dog, for a 6 year old rare breed. FYI I only took the policy out 12 months ago, and when I took it out it was 37.60 so my policy has only gone up about $4 a month- it's a big rise when you look at it per year...but perhaps you were getting a good price if you look at it that way.
  18. I have the same letter from PIA with the same quote. Now that you have made this thread I imagine it has come from Hollard who is the underwriter of pretty much all pet insurance companies here.
  19. Thanks! He has 4 dogs, I'm pretty sure we have desexed them all. I can't remember all their names but one is called Sarah. Some of the dogs have place names- my fav from last time was 'Nardilmuk', oh and I think there was one called Oyster...will have to check the book, lots of them are called blackie, choccy 1, choccy 2 etc. Not Frank's dogs, they all have girls names.
  20. I have not used any of the dogsleggs boots sorry, only a different product from them but if you PM kimjm on this board she may be able to give you some feedback. ;)
  21. Goodnews about TollerBC Andrea at Fionavar had water lapping at their verandah's when she emailed this morning - have not heard from her since 8.30am our time. She is having lots of trouble getting back.
  22. TollaBC (not on this board much) is currently safe but trying to get back to her house to get her dogs so she can evac. :D
  23. You can get adhesive remover swabs from the chemist, the brand is generally Zoff, they are with the bandages as we use it to dissolve adhesive on elastoplast. You can use it on hair/skin but you must wipe the hair and skin thoroughly with water (or preferably clean water rinse) afterward and absolutely do not get it into the eyes or into the ears!! Otherwise it works quite well.
  24. The brand we stock at our clinic is baskerville. So you might have more luck asking for baskerville muzzles...be prepared that they may not know what they are but ask them to contact their wholesaler. We have the leather hannibal lector type for use in our clinic so some nurses would not have seen a plastic basket muzzle.
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