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Everything posted by Staff'n'Toller

  1. It's a bit sad people don't stop, I think a lot of people wouldn't have a clue how to pick up a bird/large bird and then wouldn't know where to take it. (Even though it seems common sense). Myself and another girl stopped at a huge intersection @ 7.30 one morning a poor galah was injured, bleeding and in the middle of a 2 lane right turning lane, it was so distressed about how to get back onto the median strip. I spoke with the other girl who had no idea where a vet was but was going to try to find one, I grabbed it, it screamed all the way to work, mostly was just peeved at being wrapped up. . Unfortunately we had to put it to sleep. We get lots of "Oh I found this bird but I'm not bringing it in- you'll kill it!!" Um NO we send healthy or birds that can be rehab'd to carers, we actually don't like killing things!! But geez I would rather that galah had a peaceful way to go than being crunched by another car and a possible slow death.
  2. No flaming here, if you can tactfully say something to the man go for it. I would. An amazing amount of people walk their dogs in the middle of the day...mostly they are double coated breeds from what I see driving to work at midday!
  3. If the house has been uninhabited for a few weeks that can actually be a bad time as any eggs in the environment will hatch with the sudden vibration in the house and heat sources. If there have been pets there previously and you have time I would bomb, wait 1-2 days and vacuum before you move in. You won't have any spiders, cockroaches or any other insects either if you bomb first!
  4. There was a previous thread on this where it was pointed out that confidor has other ingredients that may or may not be harmful to dogs. It is NOT registered for use on dogs. There is NO WAY I'd be putting it on my dogs.
  5. X 2, we are having lots of problems with fleas in Vic right now and everyone is saying the same - "I've never had fleas on my pets until now". Bomb your house and continue with the Advantage. If you stop it will get out of control. You can try switching to comfortis but it's a similar price. Capstar's residual activity is 12hrs at the most, it's for large adult flea burdens or where your animal is irritated but it should not be used instead of a month-long product.
  6. It's because AQIS have two new requirements this year for Hills food imports that have not been a requirement previously. Still lots of Royal Canin Mobility Support going around. Otherwise you might need to go for an adult or senior variety and add in fish oil and glucosamine.
  7. Have him thoroughly checked for arthritis.
  8. I've got really heavy expenses at the moment so I would prefer something more affordable if that's what it is... TIA. It's just that Stilboestrol is kind of like cortisone- cheap as chips. Propalin comes in a syrup and is a new drug so it's costed accordingly. In small breeds you might actually find it fairly low cost. The good thing is you could start on Stilboestrol and move over later if your finances allow it. Check it out with your Vet though as I don't know the prices off the top of my head.
  9. I would just move her through the levels quicker. There's no reason that a 12mth old dog can't be doing advanced level stuff with shorter stays. She is obviously more dedicated in showing up to classes and of course, her handling is better so the dog is moving through more quickly than your average student. :rolleyes:
  10. I stock the small and large bob-a-lot and the kong wobbler at my clinic on the eastern side of Melbourne. Can post if needed.
  11. I agree it's quite poor form, but the industry is much better regulated these days. Pain relief is the first thing we do even if the animal has been brought in by someone off the street. I understand it's very traumatic to have your dog hit by a car but it sounds as though the odds were clearly stacked against her. If a dog fractures a leg being hit by a car well that sort of thing is easily fixable but internal bleeding takes dogs very quickly there's a very good chance you will open the dog up finding the injuries too severe or they have lost too much blood and pass away anyway. Of course it doesn't excuse any behaviour but perhaps it will help to make the situation clearer in your mind that you most likely did the right thing at the time. If they are that anaemic and you can't get blood into them right-there-right-now then it's a very difficult situation.
  12. Just for the record, we don't store blood. Whole blood only lasts 1-2 mths and is expensive so we get it if we need it from the blood blank or a clinic licensed to take blood and store it because we can get it same day or next day. There's not enough dog blood around for every clinic everywhere to have it all the time. I've had the blood bank say "no we don't have any" and have had to do a mad dash somewhere else for one of my own dogs.
  13. Well if it's really inconveniencing you and her then you can ask to switch to Propalin. It works on the sphincter so usually within a week or so you have a good improvement. May take longer if the dose is not quite right. The issue is that Stilboestrol and Propalin are worlds apart when it comes to cost, so it's up to your personal circumstances.
  14. Plus it's not worth debt collecting a ~$100 bill and people know it. Not that I'm saying you're a non-payer HUP.
  15. The Tracking Club run a beginners day later in the year too. I went last year it was really good. Contact the Secretary anyway, she may be able to put you in touch with a small group in your area.
  16. I think if you decide to change Vets you should write a short letter to him to let him know why. It doesn't need to be filled with emotion, just matter of fact, that you felt the handling of your dog was inappropriate and unnecessary, you were disappointed, and since you have no control of how your animals are handled when you are not present, you feel uneasy about your dog receiving any more treatment from them. The grabbing of the skin on the hips to lift the back end is not considered inhumane as such, it doesn't cause any pain and it's acceptable if he had stitches and bruising underneath, that we don't want to grab underneath, but the dragging is not very nice and not warranted. We always lift and carry in that case.
  17. Stilboestrol is the traditional treatment and can be given every day deelee so don't stress about it too much. There is also Incurin and Propalin which are newer generation treatments Incurin is once daily and Propalin is 1-3 times daily so there are other options if the Stilboestrol doesn't work. Giving a slow release hormonal implant would significantly increase the rate of mammary gland tumours so I guess that's why no-one's 'gone there' in producing a drug for it.
  18. Number for Murray Tyler. http://www.aussieagility.com.au/equipment.htm
  19. A 'good' cuz ball. As opposed to the 'bad' cuz which has devil ears and harder exterior.
  20. I think the comments are just because him stepping on his lead and having the weavers fall on him are aversive and we all care that agility dogs don't ever get aversives in foundation training if it's at all possible. I've been thrown in like that and it's hard on the owner and hard on the dog. You don't learn as much as you could by building your foundations slowly and your confidence can take a bit of a nose dive when your dog refuses obstacles etc.
  21. I know two fairly well. One is extremely well socialised and totally outgoing, loves to spring up and lick you on the face and is happy to be anywhere out with the owner. The other one was not socialised past puppy school despite my serious recommendations and you can't get near it. Loves it's owners but the house is set up so that his fear is reinforced.
  22. I'm sorry I don't have any links. I have used clicker training to help a noise phobic Cocker we had in long-term for leg fracture complications. I conditioned him to stop screaming when approached (he is a very strange dog) to let us do a collar grab and clip a lead on vs having to catch him in a noose lead whilst he was on his way out of the cage, and was starting to teach him to put his paws up on the cage door one at a time (that was just for fun). The difference was though he was our only patient at times and I have a fair bit of down-time with our clinic structure. I think it's great for dogs who are effectively in solitary to have a bit of brain stimulation each day. We have a tame lori now who's owners haven't showed up and he loves loves loves his clicker time. Even if he's a cheeky sh*t and mostly tries to get treats for not doing very much. It's difficult to do in an already stressed dog - for something like a bandage change as you would know you need to pull them out 10 X more often to go through the drill and make it a pleasant experience for every 1 time you pull them out for a procedure - quite hard in a busy clinic.
  23. Great advice from Sandra777, often developing some customer loyalty with a local butcher is beneficial to both parties!
  24. You jolly well know Cindy is a smooch! BTW I had to wait ages for her not to be scared of the camera and for daughter to stop laughing Well yeah she is, but I'm serious when I say it's working against you by demotivating her while she's training, you are interrupting the shaping to reach out to pat her and three things happen: 1. She steps back away from you anticipating the head pat. 2. Her tail goes from up and wagging to lower with slower wagging and during the second head pat the tail stops moving. 3. Her ear position changes. They are relaxed and forward most of the time and when she is receiving food from you but it changes when you reach out. I could probably see more if put the video on slow mo. Shaping is hard work for a previously classically conditioned dog, I say give her chance without it, she doesn't need it she's already been reinforced. I put out a personal challenge for you to stop and see what happens b/c I think it's more for your benefit than hers. ;)
  25. I am trying really hard but I can't keep my mouth shut. You marked it (reinforcing) and you rewarded it (ultra reinforcing) stop smooshing her upside the head!!!!!! You can see she doesn't actually like it that much because her body language changes.
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