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Everything posted by nadz

  1. I am lying in bed right now with my 11week old puppy in his crate next to me. He has been crying, barking, scratching for the last half an hour! I took him for a toilet break very business like and still no stopping! Am I being punished for letting him sleep in my bed the last week? I have given him rescue remedy and have a wet face washer in with him with lavender oil on it (it's quite warm tonight). What else can I do? Do I just continue to ignore him? Argh!!
  2. Hello everybody! I have a quick question I'm sure someone will be able to answer for me! I have an 11 week old puppy with the following vaccination history: 6 weeks of age: Protech C4 10 weeks of age: Protech C4 I'm guessing he will be covered by 12 weeks (allowing 2 weeks after the 2nd shot?). According to his vaccination schedule given by the breeder he shouldn't need another shot until January 2011 (booster, I haven't decided whether to just titre test or get the shot I'm going to speak to my vet about that). Any help will be greatly appreciated!
  3. Thanks so much for the replies! He spent the day with his dad (aka my bf) and he's napping with him right now lol, tired each other out! he seemed much more confident this afternoon so I'm guessing it must have been that he was just getting used to being away from his brothers and sisters and just clinged to me. I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions over the next few months! Thanks again!
  4. hehe thanks for the quick response! I guess I did make it sound like a bad thing! I'm more worried that the obsession will turn unhealthy and he wont want to socialise with other people or dogs! Or get overly protective of me! He can spend lots of time with me and still feel ok being with someone else right? plus I want him to love my bf like he loves me lol! I think they just need some bonding time alone with lots of treats, toys and cuddles! Oh and I left him alone 3 hours today with chew toys in an Ian Dunbar inspired play pen and he was a wreck when I got home. That's to be expected at this stage yes? Poor baby I wasn't expecting to be out that long!
  5. Ok so ive only had my mini dachshund pup since 3pm yesterday but I get the feeling he is becoming attached to me! He follows me (only me) around like a shadow and sooks if he is left in a room with someone else. If he has a choice he'll always run to me and sleep on my lap etc. He also only really plays with me but tonight he did have a romp with my dad. I live at home with my parents and my bf lives with his parents. I spend a lot of time at his place so the pup has already been there twice (yesterday afternoon and this afternoon). He acts the same there too. Not that he doesn't like other people, he just seems more obsessed with me! For example, if I leave him in a room with my bf he'll either follow me or sook. If I'm in the room though he might chase my bf a bit or walk up and say hello to him. But he'll try to play with me or sit at my feet the rest of the time. I'm the one who feeds him and takes him for toilet breaks so I'm guessing that has a lot to do with it! He slept in my bed last night as well, is that a big no no? He sooks when he is in his crate alone! Even with it next to my bed and he's sleepy! He's staying at my bfs tomorrow because I'm working so he'll get fed by him and hopefully they will bond a bit. My mum fed him tonight. So what do you think? remember this is only his second night away from home so maybe he is home sick and only feels confident with me so far? Your knowledge and help will be greatly appreciated!
  6. mine just came in the mail! super quick... but i need help! I cant seem to be able to loosen the 'collet nut' to get the sanding attachment in! the safety lock button doesn't seem to do anything? I press the button but it doesn't lock anything! argh!
  7. what about something like this? http://order.tupperware.com/coe/app/tup_sh...er=P10056176000 the white thing with the food in it actually clips on the bottom of the drink bottle! Might be a bit small for a dog to drink out of though? I have a feeling they come in different colours too...
  8. Just ordered one is the rrp really $68? wow! www.doberdawn.com is a good resource on how to dremel nails!
  9. Thank you everyone for your replies! There is also Pro-Plan puppy I was thinking of, and the top ingredient is meat! Here is the ingredients: Chicken, corn gluten meal, brewers rice, whole grain corn, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), poultry by-product meal, fish meal, dried egg product, corn germ meal, animal digest, fish oil, salt, potassium chloride, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, choline chloride, dried colostrum, zinc sulfate, Vitamin E supplement, L-Lysine monohydrochloride, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, niacin, copper sulfate, Vitamin A supplement, calcium pantothenate, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin supplement, garlic oil, Vitamin B-12 supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folic acid, Vitamin D-3 supplement, calcium iodate, biotin, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity), sodium selenite. Maybe I will be better off putting him on this? But what is "poultry by-product meal"? otherwise I'm thinking the RC dachshund puppy, just because it's corn instead of maize (assuming maize is the highest ingredient in RC mini junior)
  10. Thanks for your reply Aziah. He is a mini dachshund so will get to 4kgs when he is fully grown. What confuses me is that although the mini junior's first ingredient is poultry, the next 3 ingredients are all maize derivatives (maize flour, maize, maize gluten) so maybe all three of these together would actually mean maize is the 1st ingredient? And they have just found a sneaky way to make it seem there is more meat. Which is more beneficial, rice or maize?
  11. My puppy is here in exactly 1 weeks time! yay! I am trying to work out what food I want to switch him to eventually (I'm following the breeders diet for at least the first few weeks). I am thinking of trying Royal Canin dry bits and there are two options for my little boy. The ingredients are as follows: Royal Canin Dachshund 30 Junior: rice, dehydrated poultry meat, maize, vegetable protein isolate, animal fats, hydrolysed animal proteins, beet pulp, minerals, soya oil, fish oil, fructo-oligo-saccharides, sodium polyphosphate, yeast extract, L-lysine, taurine, egg powder, DL-methionine, marigold extract, hydrolysed crustaceans, L-carnitine, hydrolysed cartilage. Royal Canin Mini Junior: dehydrated poultry meat, maize flour, maize, maize gluten, animal fats, beet pulp, hydrolysed animal proteins, L.I.P animal proteins, minerals, soya oil, yeast, fish oil, fructo-oligo-saccharides, egg powder, hydrolysed yeast extract, DL-methionine, taurine, marigold extract. Is one far more superior than the other? I was under the impression that the breed specific ones were just marketing but it seems there are in fact additional ingredients in it. Are they even worthwhile though? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  12. Thank you everyone for your replies and help! I ended up going with advantage for the pup and older girl, interceptor spectrum for the pup, drontal intestinal wormer for the old girl and revolution for the cat
  13. ooo ok thanks for that ellz! Just did a quick google search and wow lucky I did post here! Do you know how much I would expect to pay for the test to be done? I might pay for her to get it done myself, saves me trying to explain it to mum and dad haha
  14. Hello everyone! I have been reading like a mad person getting ready for my new puppy (here in a few weeks.. wooooo!!). I'm buying my worming and flea products at the moment because I'll probably start him on them at 12 weeks. Sooo for the pup I bought advantage for up to 4kgs (mini dachshund), and I'm planning on getting him in Interceptor Spectrum CHEWS for Dogs - Up to 4kg (Orange). Is that everything i need? Is there anything better? I have a cat who gets Revolution Cat - 2.5 to 7.5kg (Blue), which is a topical for worms and fleas once a month. Nowww the big question. I live at home still and my parents have a 14 yr old Jack Russell. She just gets excel-pet treatment for fleas once a month (brrrrr shudder). I want to change this so I know she has adequate flea protection, but I have no idea if she has been having heartworm tabs. I'm guessing not. If i am to start her on the interceptor tabs I will probably need to get her tested for heartworm first? Because I doubt my parents will bother since she is 14... If she doesn't get the monthly treatments for heartworm would that affect the puppy in any way? Silly question probably.. Or should I just get her advocate topical and not worry about having her tested? Or just a worming tablet and advantage and not treat for heartworm? Looking forward to your responses and help lol!
  15. ooo can i hijack to quickly ask something?! I'm getting a mini dachshund pup in 2 weeks and I'm thinking of crate training him while he is being toilet trained so he can sleep next to me in his crate at night.. do you think one of the K9+ soft crates will be ok for this? I will use it to take him for car rides also until he is old enough to wear a harness. Or would i be better off with an airline crate? I just love the look of the soft ones! Also would he be a size small in the soft crate?
  16. thanks for the kind words luvsdogs! Everything I have learned has come off DOL so I'm very grateful! And I'm sure my pup will be too I have another question! Now it's about car transportation. I think I'll get him a harness in the future and have him in the back seat (front seat has airbags). While he is still a puppy am I best off to have him in his crate in the car? Where do i sit the crate? I have a 2 door coupe. And if I do have him in the crate in the car when he's a pup, at what age should I start using a harness in the car? I'll buy a cat harness and get him used to that when he is a puppy though. edit to add: He's a dachshund puppy so will be small! thought i should add that!
  17. Thanks pmiller, very glad to hear about Shiraz being a good boy! I'm hoping my baby will be food orientated, being a dachshie I'm thinking he will be!
  18. charleswentworth thanks for your comprehensive reply! I love being organised, it's like bringing a new baby home my OH thinks I'm mad haha but he'll appreciate it when we get the pup!
  19. thank you for your feedback *lablover84*! You'll have to update and let me know how Bronco is going with the method. I don't think I'll be using the crate as short-term confinement much either, Just pop him in his pen if I can't keep an eye on him. It's great to hear about other people's experiences! Makes me feel more assured, I just want a happy, healthy puppy! -edit for punctuation-
  20. Thanks for your reply Lucy's mama! I have a large living room so I will keep the pen in there, and If it's going to be a nice day and the pup is settled enough I'll put the pen outside. Very clever idea with the trampoline I might try that! edit to add: I think I'll give loose lease walking a try nice and early too, I'll definitely get him used to the collar asap!
  21. Hello everybody :D This is my first post but I've been lurking around for a while hehe. Such a great resource and great advice! I'm getting a new puppy soon and have been researching how to care for him/her. I think I've come up with my "strategy" but I just want someone more knowing than myself to give it the thumbs up! I'm mainly following Ian Dunbar's suggestions, but if there are any other good techniques I'd love to hear recommendations! So I'm thinking I will crate train my pup but I'm not intending to crate him in the long run. So I'll teach him to love it (with the chew toy suggestions) and then he'll sleep with the door closed next to my bed until he can last the night without needing to go outside for a toilet break. When he is kept in there overnight next to my bed, should i include a chew toy? Or just try to get him to settle down all night? Once he is toilet trained overnight I'll decide whether he'll sleep on my bed, in his basket somewhere around the house, or in his crate with the door open if he wants to. I'm also going to create a "puppy play pen" using a pen (I think it's 4.9m in length) with his bed in it and a toilet area (litter tray with a square of grass in it), as well as a water bowl. I'll have plenty of chew toys with food stuffed in there for him to play with. I will be using this when I am out of the house. Should this pen be inside in a spare room, or outside in the garden? I can make sure he has both sunlight and shade if it is in the garden. When he is with me, I'll train and play with him. When i am occupied, for example cooking dinner, I am unsure whether he should be put in his crate with a chew toy or in the play pen? Ian Dunbar says his crate but I just want to make sure that is the right thing to do? I do not want to keep him in the crate longer than an hour. If he is not in his play pen then I'll be taking him outside for a toilet break on the hour, every hour. Should I keep a leash on him during these toilet breaks, or let me have free run of the yard? I would be watching him. After he does his business I'll reward him with his favourite snack (whatever it turns out to be, granted that it's dog appropriate lol!) I have decided not to leave a collar on him when at home. We have a very secure yard and the pup will be micro-chipped so I think I'd rather avoid the risk of him choking. I know not to walk him until 14 days after his 2nd vaccination, but at what age should i teach him to walk on a lead? I will probably take him out before this vaccination but not allow him on the ground and not take him to dog parks etc. I'm going to make sure he meets lots of people and vaccinated dogs before i take him out! And when appropriate he will be taking puppy classes at the local vet clinic. Lastly, I'm thinking I might also move his bed out of his play pen and sit it next to the t.v when I'm watching the t.v, and settle him down there with a chew toy so he knows he can occupy himself even when people are around. Does this seem like a good idea? Or should I put him in his crate in this instance instead? Oh and I thought that I should add, I am intending on using his daily dry bit allowance for all these chew toys! I do not want a chubby puppy! Looking forward to your feedback!
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