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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. Grp 2 187 grp 3 289 grp 4 433 grp 5 575 grp 6 701 grp 7 877 last number 997
  2. i would stick to what ur breeder recommends she has seen the results first hand... danes are a super fast growing breed so u need ot be very careful!! vit c is fine my puppy is on it as well
  3. i agree with ready set go... more low impact exercise like swimming and no dry, no stew and no dentasticks... Feed raw meat only cooked meat is useless to a dog! I work in a kennels and we do all dogs on 2 meals a day to avoide bloat in the prone breeds so i agree with that... breakie should always be bigger as they will use the calories if u feed a larger meal at dinner they will sleep and it will turn to fat... With my golden for breakie raw meat and VAN (i will veg when i get a juicer - veggies need ot have the cellulose broken down for the dog to get anything out of them so pulping is best my breeder uses a juicer then mixes the juice back into the pulp, in that i add vitamin C snd omega oils and some adult formula dry food to make sure she grows the right way LOL dinner is raw bones (necks, drumsticks, wings, lamb necks (usually half and i feed very little dinner on these night as she is a baby) all those sorts of soft bones)... I have done a chicken carcuss but i gave it to her at lunch and she didnt eat anything else for the entire day (17 weeks old lol) she just chewed at it for hrs bahaha if i feed a shank or lamb neck i always cut her dinner in half. At 18 months i would worry about the dogs missing out on the essentials they are fully grown now so as long as the main groups are covered u should be fine! but most all remeber labs have a SLOOOWWWW metabolism they need ot smeel food to put on weight bahaha the labs at work eat the same amount as many of the small dogs at my work and maintain perfect weight!! Good luck i think we need pics so when they are all trim we can compare and tell them how purdy they look hehehe keep us updated on ur progress
  4. well done to all with great wins in the last few weeks!!
  5. eik! im assuming indoors?? i will need to be there bright and early to get a good spot :S
  6. we lost a cocker in the kennels as she was dropped off and we werent informed of the possible eating ratbait issue :S and sadly we lost her after a week i was absolutly devestated... she was my fav client and i could not believe they didnt take her ot the vet to be sure or anything just assumed after 24hrs she was ok so all was good.. though i have known a few to survive... pumped with vitk and cotton wool as mentioned... they die due to hemmoraging (sp??) so litterly nothing can touch this dog no playing with other animals or too much physical exercise etc... fingers and toes crossed for u and ur baby!!
  7. booster baths are great but MUST be agaisnt a wall or u willhave dogs flying out every which way bahah but good as a starting point So sorry to hear about all the Sh*T they have put u through!! I am also nutting out setting up at home rather then in the salon to cut costs and make life less stressfull... i think ill need another part time job to start with untill i have a strong clientele but it would be worth it Chin up and pm any questions if u need im only 23 and started grooming at 20 bahaha but i hav been through some stuff, and so have mates so u watch and learn.. sometimes the deal u had works perfectly but othertimes it doesnt!! maybe it was what u needed to get u out on ur own take as many contacts with u as u can from the old place LOL
  8. ohh any idea who the retriever puppy was??? and well done to roger ill have to see how he went!! thanks guys!!
  9. i would love to hear how she did that... im trying this with Dallas at the moment but im not getting anywhere fast lol she is soo happy to train but i say stand and she freezes and gets all serious!! tail is out and looks lovely but i would prefer a wag as she is a golden after all!!
  10. i have heard via facebook we are inside thank god lol though the sun will come out now.. murphies law!!
  11. i think ill get one for my trolley my pup seems to settle down faster with a cover and when i get sequrapens ill get covers for that as well... just easier i think!! ill buy mine though bahaha
  12. i ust got my first baby as well a golden, I was soo worried i wasnt doing it all right... i went to show training with her 3 weeks in a row one night a week and the trainer is so awesome that i had the skills to take it home with me.. i used stackers and i LOVE them great for teacher them to stand still. (our show training u can go from 8 weeks) Dallas was getting bored of training and a little fat so we downed the treats and upped the tug and she is much happier i never wanted to gt into clicker training (many reasons) but the trainer talked me into it and showed me that in 5 minutes i could teach her soo much stuff!! so now we clicker train! and the positive reinforcement has worked wonders for her, she will be in the next room and i can say ready dallas?? and she will come flying in to see what i want her to do she is funny when we free stand.. gets all serious and wont wag her tail (being a golden tail wagging is a given haha) so i am trying very hard at the moment to get her to be less seriouis and more relaxed and get that tail going hahaha not sure why she does it... so i highly recommend stackers and clicker training... and HAVE FUN!! if u are getting frustrated cause puppy wont stand still or moves that foot everytime... ask the dog for something it can do like a sit or drop and then a huge reward and finisht he training session... puppies dont understand ur frustrationa and a bad training experience on the stack can make for a sad worried puppy!!
  13. i love the idea of a printable version of a cat!! i think include a fee into the entries and post the cat the day/night before the show to be downloaded and printed... if people want to download it wihtou paying thats fine the cost is covered by those entered... and it would only be a few dollars... i know all the show shedules are saved in my iphone app ibook... so i could do the same for a catalogue and not have to print it therfore helping the environment as well!! win win!! and yes some people will get the cat and not be entered so wont pay but seriously its a few bucks i think ill get over it bahaha maybe keep a few printed at the secs office for people to buy on the day if wanted just in case??
  14. what breed? some groomers are better at certain breeds if ur after a breed clip
  15. Love this pic and had to see where she came from and I got it right - she is one of Jane's babies She has a presence about her. I wish you luck with her future - but I don't think you will need it - Beautiful puppy. She sure is one of Jane's She has attitude to boot bahahaha we havent done anything yet but her time will come she is looking really nice i will try to get some new pics as she is 4 months old now!! thanks Beth!!
  16. my first time going to the wangaratta shows! im excited!
  17. well done Beth!! i missed it completely!!
  18. woo hoo grp 5 u should have been there!!! hint hint bahahaha
  19. i will not promise anything but i would love to come before the national doesnt look great but i will really try as Dallas needs to socialise!! she was scared of Leo the poodle the other day! bahahah
  20. meant to add in these pics she is 13 weeks
  21. my rising star had her first 3 shows last weekend! At bulla she was the only one entered in her class and then was beaten in breed run offs but we tabled the pups which was nice casue she behaves so well on the table hahaha she was a trooper gaiting behind another golden bay for the first time and that was... cough... fun bahaha Second show was the golden open show she went 4th out of 6 in the class and she was second youngest so she went very well but was a bit naughty!! Then last but far from lest we entered the scottish breeds dog match, she went second in baby puppy bitch (scottie won) and that was out of about 5 or 6?? beating the goldens who beat her earlier in the day at the open show! and she looked amazing! here are some pics of my lil star Dallas! sorry maybe more then a few i cant help it bahaha
  22. OMG Sway how horrible for u! lucky ur girl is ok I have also seen a judge order an incident be offically acted on and reported... a very large breed dog attacked and bite an exhibitor - the dog is very protective of the baby in the family (human) and the man went to the sdie of the gazebo to take his down and the dog went him from behind i was on the other side of the ring and freaked out i thought wow stitches for sure! judging ceased till it was calm and sorted then the nasty dog went home and turns out this has happened before and all due to protecting the child which whilst shows a very strong bond is just dangerous nobody was hurt though thank god!!
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