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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. for a malt i am assuming it is white or mainly white so i would use a whitening shampoo like fidos white and bright and then a little bit of conditioner bio groom has a nice one as does fidos. U can also buy colognes so after the bath give the dog a little spray and the bedding after a wash give it a spray this way u can spray the dog again in between baths meaning u dont have to wash the dog as much.
  2. my boy digs in his and does circles then lays down for a bit then up again digging and circling then ok i thinks its tenderised now Beau... out like a light hehehe cutie pie he is
  3. i plan on doing therapy work with my GR girl when i get her will be fun for her and me and will be doing great things for the public Very exciting! Good luck everyone and do keep us posted!
  4. shame u dont live in Vic! i have many of those breeds in reach and like a billion pedigree cats! including burmese, maine coon, norwiegian forest cat, ragdolls and birmins devon rex... and the list goes on! Try the cat thread for some cats as i know there are a few breeders in there that might be able to help u out ??
  5. yay Luna girl is entered! look forward to seeing u and meeting more Leos! She is my bosses bitch not mine lol thought i should clarify! will be handled by John a 11yr old boy who does a fantastic job with his big girl
  6. as mentioned above there probably wont be many symptoms and will take 4-7 days to kill - we sadly had a cocker come to us and she had eaten ratsac at home whilst visiing the neighbours... came to stay at the kennels and nobody knew she had eaten it (they suspected but she didnt look sick) sadly on saturday she threw up but was ok still runnign around like her crazy self then sunday she was critical they tried to save her with transfusions but it was too late :'( I will never forget my baby girl. It was horrible my boss had to call her owners who were at a business conference in sydney they cried themselves o sleep that night... get the dog to the VET ASAP DO NOT WAIT IT WILL BE TOO LATE. ETA she hemorraged internally...
  7. wow 5 bucks delivery?! ill have to have a looksy! as mentioned above it would cost me more then that in petrol to find it!
  8. hrmm not good! this is the only brand of dry i like to recommend! fingers crossed they get their arse into gear
  9. That's what SBT x Chi's look like unfortunatly i have seen a few of these lately they are extra needy tiny staffys... i have seen some with the chi temp - doesnt suit a staffy at all
  10. i agree with steve - it would be very hard to police and would get very political if they threw off all the adds people complained about - some puppy buyers ask too much of breeders or dont understand or didnt research properly etc etc... Some breeders also dont put their litter reg papers for months after the litter has all been homed, so some of these people might have just not recieved their papers YET - and then the argument is a he said she said and we are usually only hearing on side of the story - usually the buyers - the breeders dont get to plead their case to us and so we really cant make a judgement about the issue and can only point the buyer in the right direction to sort the issue out.
  11. thisa staining is usually caused by the saliva and ph levels - the belly will be because it is licking and the eyes and mouth from the bodily fluids. As a groomer i see this alot, i ask what are u feeding ur dog? as a good diet will help this - u can try using a tear tain remover on the stained areas though u will need to put it on daily and ask ur groomer to do it after its bath as well and clip or scissor as much out each time as possible - these all will make the staining go away but really u need to work out the cause - like i mentioned earlier it is usually fix through diet. Some dogs lick compusively and this will need training and possibly and elizabethian collar, they can lick also due to rashes and itchiness or hotspots... etc... though most liekly judging from the areas u mentioned and the age of the dog i would say asses the diet hope that helps a little pm if u would like more info incase i miss ur reply post lol
  12. i am also wondering why u are using a flea rinse on ur pug?? is he known to get fleas?? if yes have u tried a spot on instead? i dont like the idea of using a flea rinse for every bath :S i would go online and get the aloveen - i love the smell as well!- and only use the flea rinse if u sight fleas, little Wugs doesnt need the extra chemicals on his skin for no reason
  13. this is strange - i know PLENTY of people and breeders included who raise pups on raw and some are sheppies, they have all grown up fine some better then ones on commercial diets... i thought there would be more people pushing for a raw diet! I certainly would say go raw but change over slowly, if you can get on the BARF premix patties then it isnt that hard?? i know a leo girl who has never eaten anything other then raw besides the odd pigs ear at a show and she is fine! each generation her breeder breeds and raises all on raw is better healthier and healthier. I would say do research before she comes and then go raw
  14. Well done Tango! he is coming along in leaps and bounds :p hugs to u all!!
  15. Yay i did it hahaha He has a great life now one that he deserved from the start :D Im really happy i decided to help out
  16. Hey hey guys!! Little Sampson had his teeth cleaned and had another vet check and all was well :D He was rehomed the very next day to a family who love oldies and always rescue - they have 3 and when one sadly passes away they get another and lucky for Sampson one of their sweet rescues had recently passed away so he has moved in! With A MAN, other DOGS, and LIVES INSIDE - so much for the owners excuses hahaha i will have to ask for a pic so i can show him off ill see what i can do And erny i dont now how to update the title :S ETA: This all happened within 3 days of the last post LOL
  17. Your poor boy im sorry I ahve never seen anything like this! i give rimadyl on a daily basis it seems - work at a kennels - and all the oldies seem to be on it these days The only bad thing i have ever heard is that prolonged use can cause kidney failure - found out from a lovely rottie girl whos dodgy hips didnt hurt anymore but her insides were not looking so good
  18. I ordered 4 and payed with paypal also quoted DOL name in the box cause i wasnt sure where to put it cause im a dunce hahaha
  19. im going to say a kelpie or a border collie - kelpies coats are easier... they are loyal and with the basics of training done will love to trek out with the boys fishing and on the motorbikes. My opinions on a few that jumped out fromt he mentioned breeds so far: Collie rough - too much hair Cockers either type - too much hair need to be with family beagle - tend to roam following scents so possible it may run away Corgies - dont know much about them but the ones i have met i think would be ok Shelties - like a collie too much hair not robust enough to handle wrestling with the boys I think if they put the work into a staffy they will be fine - these are country boys after all they can handle it, maybe the younger ones need a helping hand but if the basics are in place at a young age- they are fast learners - they will be fine I think thats it so far
  20. :S i hope u can talk them out of it! im work at a kennel and the amount of fat, hyperactive labs who haven't had a shread of training in basic manners let alone obedience is CRAZY! we socialise the dogs and sometimes we cant mix these labs because they are too over the top and piss off all the other dogs and dont get the GO AWAY msg they are being sent at all. It is really sad because im a gundog lover and have a special spot for labs and it breaks my heart how everyone thinks they are a one size fits all dog to slap in the backyard and pat when they feel like it. On the hair issue - Labs shed like CRAZY!! does she know that?? when we do wash down the hairiest runs are the labs everytime they even beat the sheppies and the goldies! HAIRY DOGS hahaha Gundogs needs to be with their pack, if they end up with a dog at this stage in their busy lives then they will only be destroying the life of a baby that deserves so much better - this dog shouldnt be disadvantaged because they would like an ornament.
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