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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. yeh as above they are like pig dogs... the name is the purpose- they are greys mized with anything big so they are fast as hell and tough and used to hunt roos - pig dogs are a bully breed cross used to hunt pigs. Apparently sweet dogs generally and ur girl seems to fit that bill i would watch her cats bahaha
  2. what this night like? I havent been to anything like this before but i think it would be a great way to meet new people who share and interest, but not ringside bahaha i would be a spectator only but i think i might go
  3. I am new.. soooo very new i dont have my dog yet lol she is concieved but not yet born bahaha I am well prepared for waht the show ring will bring by hanging out wiht friends who show, some who dont and my breeder, she has been the best of all by setting the example - people talk so what she is winning they can say what they like who got the ribbon?? bahaha and i have heard a line- all breeds are practice for the specialties... i like it as all the nastieness seems to come from the all breeds shows - the club show was lovely everyone helping eachother and being so so nice - im sure their are rivalries and all sorts goign on but these people know how to rise above. I know in the first few yrs things will get to me and bring me to tears but t be honest i know that the first time my baby get a fringie i will cry as well and i know which memory will stick with me the longest!! The fun and bonding wiht the dogs and friends and family outweighs the nasties by far IMO! Above the trailer tampering was mentioned, not sure if u are confused wiht the temperings at KCC in vic - these were young children playing from waht i heard and no malice meant? correct me if im wrong though
  4. hahha true! mine might come to work with me as well but we shall see
  5. the dollar is good now so it should be as bad... but it depends what u buy not only size wise but packaging wise if u buy loads of scissors they need to be packaged very well to not be damaged...and they are heavy but a grooming box isnt so heavy nor as fragile
  6. Any news?? on the level of flooding?? is there going to be anything left of the car park? i cant find any more news
  7. yeh as mentioned she si no coming till april/ may so weather not such an issue... And she will ahve to be outside i think or she will stuff her toilet trianing i think i have a plan down pat now... just need to find all the bits and pieces to put it all together :S
  8. oh no!! FAIL!! but ur right better to be safe then sorry next time!
  9. it will be under big time! But liek mentioned above its indoors so the show will be fine but parking will be crap so early arrival will be a must unfortunatly
  10. does this not make the crate a punishment place though? i seen people use crates like this and i alwasy wondered if it changed the way dogs looked at their crate?
  11. is it a specialst judge maybe? or the largest group on the day? i havent counted lol
  12. u can try petedge in america and the dollar is good at the moment so might be worth stocking up on other stuff to make the postage worth while.. Peperone- have pinkones cant remeber if they are pink though? and try woofer wares as well they often have these sorts of grooming kits.. Possibly petnetwork as well?
  13. i tried those but they didnt work?? they opened if u pushed hard and calle dthe company and they said that yeh the magnets are only so strong and wont seal shut completely and my cat is a pushy maine coon so he woudl get out
  14. thats alots puppies and peoples in one area!! early starts for many i assume! will be a tight fit, hope the rain holds off and some cant set up outside and go in to show or there will be fighting for space
  15. oh i wish i was entered! what a sleep in for a show day!! bum oh well
  16. does washing blades after a groom in kero make them smell next time u use it? i hate the blade washes on the market at the moment, they smell and are coloured and just not nice, i have seen the petrol and kero mix but i didnt like that either... but i dont want the dogs clean coats to smell like kero! I think i will use this guy for sharpening from now on he seems to know his S***! i have been VERY unhappy with everywhere in VIC for some time now!
  17. i would love to do a doggy door but i have an indoors only cat who will be out it like a flash! so until i can sort out if i can run the doggy door into the cat run and they can share or something similar she has to be out or in not both!
  18. yeh i think il get the bunnings compost bins wire pen... if she si a jumper ill put a lid on it but she should be fine for a few weeks at least... they look good and i have heard all good stories from them
  19. fligts and accomadation are fairly good... i worked out it would cost my 150-200 bucks to fly there and stay the night and fly home with a mate but didnt book as i will bringing home a lil bundle that week..
  20. WOO HOO the bitch has been confirmed and is due 28th Feb!! soo excited!
  21. oh M&M Thats horrible news! So sorry u have lost ur gorgeous girl through all u have been through this is the last thing u needed *HUGS*
  22. naw so tiny!! thats like what i was thinking of setting up but i have a sun room i could set up and section off for her and put lino on the floor
  23. are they vallies sharon or germ pins? my saxy boy isnt coming next time!!
  24. thanks for all the tips guys SHe is coming home in the first week of May most likely so should be too hot, but i wasnt planning on her staying outside all day tillshe is a big bigger, i think i will go the play pena nd crate inside for a little while - WIll it effect her toilet training if she has an accident or 2 while im out? i dont want it to become a habit as i wil probs get a ccrate pen for while we are at shows and i dont want her to use it as a toilet :S
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