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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. oh i didnt realise that about andis clippers!! i nee dto upgrade soon i might those instead
  2. i wish we could make a state or even better nation wide rule...a dog school i visited had a rule to make dogs with doggy issues visable and avoidable.. they were a red bandana so poeple know to stay clear of this dog, i would love if we could do this on our walks then if they let their dog rush urs and it gets hurt u can fairly say they had due warning to stay clear and chose not to - this doesnt solve the off lead issue but at least saves our dogs from being PTS if they defend themselves or their owners... i can dream LOL Hugs to u Megan where are u in vic?? maybe there is a place very close by which is enclosed and safe? or maybe a friend or very nice doler has a property u can go to??
  3. i would love plates one day might get my prefix or something dont know what i would out as a breed related one :S LOL
  4. my golden breeder feeds vit c everyday to all her dogs... they get as much as their bowel will tolerate which i believe is aprox 4-6000mg a day?? best to start them ona small amount then slowly build up each time u increase remain on this amount for 2 days then another increase When u reach their tollerance level they will get the runs drop it back again and this will be the daily quote if they are showing bad belly signs on and off just drop it back a lil... no worries about toxicity it is a water soluable vitamin so they will just excreate it in their urine, so monitor this as well make sure they have plenty of water as well
  5. god i love whippets!! whats not to love!! they are gorgeous to look at and then 100% personality... love them!! and love their zoomies and watching all the other breeds trying to catch them bahahaha they get this attitude like nah nah nah ull never catch me bahaha then a greyhound joins in... BAHAHHHAHA
  6. he needs to meet large dogs little dogs old dogs and young dogs same with people... just make sure they are tollerant and not too rough you could check out the dol social events threads and see if there is a meet near u? or make a post about wanting to socialise ur pup and see if people willmeet up wiht u at parks and what not
  7. i think as long as he is having his puppy vac shedule followed he is fine my view is there are more dogs pts from behaviour issues cause by lack of socialisation then pups dyeing of parvo each yr... The puppy school should be asking for vacc certs from all attending give them a call and make sure all are covered by at least one vacc... Have fun wiht the lil man!!
  8. PF - i agree my lil bitch will come to work during the day when she is older and wil run with the dogs at work out in the yards so she will ahve plenty of fun! but until she is big enough she will be inside when im out but i do plan for her to spend time outside everyday i dont want her to become to clingy and reliant on me... Huski what are u getting???!!!!
  9. i am yet to try online entries but hell if it means no more envelopes IM IN!!!
  10. X 3 fans for Gilmore Girls!! hahaha and the breeder is in NSW... I would only enter one class with the bub as mentioned u can do more but its not really worth it... costs a fortune as well and GOOD LUCK!
  11. as a bubba mine will be inside and in a pena nd crate but when she is older she will be outside with the other old man but i plan to take her to work as much as i can anyways
  12. awesome for the setters!! Thansk anyways i was waiting on facebook but seems everyone is busy busy!!
  13. basic wahl clippers would be fine u dont need the top of the range for 2 dogs being groomed every other month, u could even go with a one speed clipper if ur lab X is on the smaller size with a well kept coat, the most important thing is tha tu get them serviced as the best clippers will be stuffed if u dont look after them
  14. how is she going??? poor baby must have had a bad experience along the line to mkae her such a worry wart, at to a small puppy ina fear period lots of things are extremely scary! hope she is progressing if she seems to make progress but not a great deal i would second going to a trainer, even better ask the trainer at ur puppy school /group... if u arnt going to one take her but she will need to do this after she is used to the lead and collar being warn as a minium and carry her in...but when u book her in call and let them know ur situation adn ask them for advice in regards to wearing the collar at the group
  15. is Arch still having lunch?? can whoeverfeeds him luch refil or swap over the treats to make sure they last all day? ETA: oops i read u have already been to work bahaha
  16. There won't be a next litter for a long time. This pup had been in the planning for 12 months and if everything had been OK would have been at least another 6 months before the litter was born. There are very few litters born in Aus with the bloodlines I want :D Beautiful pups every one congrats and enjoy them I'll go back to lurking in this thread and enjoying puppy pictures. Oh bugger!! im so sorry, waiting really sucks! what is the breed u are getting?
  17. wow those setters sure cleaned up!!! WOuld love soe golen results if anyone has them
  18. hey all! So sorry Janba next litter maybe Kitteh- what breed is lil harper? Baby shep is gorgeous!! i like rebus as well!! Nadine she is a lil cutie pie!! I visited the pups today was sososo hard to leave hahaha gorgeous lil bubs are 3.5 weeks old... very cute!!
  19. OMG Huga he is soooo freaking cute!! i want a frenchie!! they are on my bucket list hehehe my list only consists of dogs to own inmy lifetime bahha
  20. squuee SG i cant wait!! its tomorrow or monday :D:) renny is soo grown up already i cznt wait to meet him!!
  21. dante has the sammy tongue poking down pat already!! too cute!!
  22. bugger trix... i sub contract its good for my situation but ihave sene it fail very badly for others... its a realt toss up I work for myself and set my own prices and what not but pay commission as room rent and advertising - kennels gets 15-20% of each groom i do to cover their costs and we are all making a packet so we are happy with the arrangement for now
  23. Bjelkier - stunning expression!! good luck with him visiting the babies this week they are 3 weeks old now :D very excited!
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