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Everything posted by kirst_goldens

  1. Panzar i didnt know ur bub ws a show baby!! cant wait to see scooter out and about!! showing is fun u will love it!!! u should ask paptacular to point u to some great breeders down this side of town and touch base see if they would like to take on a newbie and show them the ropes! im sure u will have no troubles finding someone to tag along with the pap peeps are a friendly bunch Makes it much easier to havea someone who knows it all to show u around and teach u what the hell we are all on about hahaha easier if they can help u in person i know having an interstate breeder can make it hard, but worth it for the right baby
  2. i cant come this month im working but next month ill have a baby with me :)
  3. lead and collar were from petsonthepark?? or somehting?? web site.. they were great i got heaps of toys and stuff from them as well. Turns out i have a new fav name now bahaha im torn between 2... so now she has no reg name or pet name as yet bahaha She will be my first show baby - i handle a leonberger atm but she isnt mine... i plan forthis girl to be my foundation bitch for my breeding program - all goign to plan so i have big dreams for my baby girl :) I have visited the puppies a few times and i still catn get over the fact that she is in there somewhere i just dont know who she is yet
  4. She is a golden retriever and will be a show baby So pet name is picked but it top secret for now hahah when i post her coming home pics u can see the name.. its not popular with my friends but boo to them i like it hahah Reg name i have a few im trying to pick fromm.. so will wait and see and ill post when i decide I will be picking her up the breeder lives 15 mins from my house, too easy haha I cannot wait i have been waiting for 2 yrs!! then i waited once the bitch was mated and waited through the ultrasounds and whelping... and now waiting till week 8 to see if there is a suitable bitch pup to show soo excited!
  5. 12 days for me!! all going to plan that is I have everything and then some bahaha i have a pen for her to be in outside as well as i have a 15 yr old who doesnt LOVE puppies in his face all the time so while im not home she will be outside in her pen and Beau can talk to her throught the wire I got a rogz lead set with a flat martingale collar but it wont fit her for a few weeks so she will be on whatever i have lyeing around - noose leads I need food bowl though lol cant find one i like hahahaha Need her food as well but its raw so ill do a huge bulk buy closer to the date... SO EXCITED!! i get to pick her reg name as well but im stuck between a few :S
  6. ahh ok... Hrmm ill have to wait for the book i think! Maybe it wil show something similar and i can find a way... i was thinking if i dont use a center piece and just use the braided leather i can stop braiding thread on the beads then continue braiding... but ill see how i go!
  7. saw his pics in the other thread!!! SOOO FREAKING CUTE!!
  8. OMG OMG OMG how freaking CUTE!! Paps are adorable arnt they!! and characters to match Look forward to many more pics of the lil squish!
  9. does anyone know who took the classes in grp for grp 3??
  10. i only want to make a few leads though and all in differnet colours... i contacted a few sellers but theyere werent willing to make shorter bits to sell... i will go for leather i think stronger as well which is a bonus i guess! But i may pop into spotlight and see if they have different cord that is similar to paracord but is also as stong... I was also having trouble finding the lil clamp things that go on eah end of the beads to hold them in place- if that makes sense lol so i figured leather might be easier and more fun anyways i loved making scoobies when they were all the rage so i think i may well get addicted LOL
  11. yeh i would agree with calling breed clubs and asking their opinions different breeds have different averages and what not on scoring like PF mentioned the average is about 16 so hers is higher but this doesnt mean the pup will have issues... On the same page.. the dams and sires scores could both be 00 and ur pup could get HD... u need to educate urself on the pups environment and how it can effect scores and hips... im sure being a good breeder they would supply info in ur puppy pack I would def call around before writing this breeder off sometimes breeding with a slighty higher score on one parent is worth it for gaining strength and quality in the overall dog - better to have a slighty higher score in the hips then to lack bend in stifle and correct fronts - its not a show dog i know but well conformed dogs are less prone to issues as they are balanced. IMHO i wouldnt make any harsh decisions based on what u here from us lol I would have lenghty chats with this breeder about ur concerns.. also contact other breeders - dont disscuss this issues as some will just bad mouth eachother lol but ask them about their dogs and scores and all about their puppies then u have a few to compare and see how ur breeder compares to the rest - they may well raise their pups more to ur likeing or treat their dogs better then the others... they may well turn out to be horrible as well but u wont know till u compare! Good luck and enjoy ur puppy whoever u get it from!!
  12. thanks naomi! I have a special spot for aussies as well they are real softies Ill keep everyone posted on who ends up mine Will be one of the bitches so they are pink girl yellow girl or no collar girl who is the no collar pup who is the darkest lol doesnt help much as most pics the ribbons have dissappeared into their coats hahaha
  13. thanks all!!! they are pretty freaking cute lol cant wait !!
  14. ok i couldnt get the paracord after all for a good price so i may as well try leather! but how do u put beads on a leather lead? i have ordered a book to have a look at and see how i go :D now to find coloured leather
  15. visited the babies today ill get some pics up in a second ok they are up dont know who is mine yet though only 3 weeks till one comes home with me heheh
  16. GS i know where ur coming from... Kitkat with or without the water surely there should still be more meat the MAIZE?? there is soo much filler in it and yet dogs look amazing on it and breeders rave about it?? im also confused this is the one brand that messes with me, all the others is black adn white u read the label and it looks like crap a quick search and everyone agrees- dont use it.. RC label looks like crap.. quick search people love it... bugger!!! bhahaha
  17. awesome pics guys!! I would love to come one day for pics :) Ill bring my golden girl and we can race them who can eat the fastest bahaha I spotted a pair in their i know... Mac and Taz?? i babysit them hehehe such sweet lil men those 2
  18. i looks great!! congrats!! i didnt even know their was comps on facebook!
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